Well hello friends! How have you all been doing since the last time I posted?! I hope wonderful :) Can you believe it is already the middle of Novemeber and Thanksgiving is a week from Thursday? Crazyyy!
Since I all now you are all just dying to know how I am doing, I will tell you and the answer is FANTASTIC! I know I say this all the time but I honestly can't say it enough, I have just been living and loving my life without ED. There is so much more to life than ED, and each day I am still getting stronger and stronger and I love it!
But anyways on to the eats! I have been switchin' it up a bit because (honestly I thought I would never say this) but I am kind of getting sick of yogurt messes. I mean when I was deep into my ED I would just always have them and I would say I loved having them everyday and didn't mind, but now I am just like NO! I am sick of them sometimes and want to eat something different and what I want!

Pasta e fagioli soup, salad, and a cool lookin' 6-Grain roll.
Soup, salad, and breadsticks...Olive Garden anyone?! Speaking of Olive Garden I actually went there for dinner with my roomie and her family on Saturday which was a big step because the last time I went their a little over a year ago for my mom's birthday it was a nightmare and since it used to be (and still is) my favorite restaurant I wanted to make this one a good experience and I did!

You are probably wondering what this big machine is in my dining hall. Well it is our new MooBella Ice Cream Machine we got this semester! I love my dining hall.

But nothing compares to all of my frozen yogurt I have. I am now obsessed with "froyo" ever since my roomie has it all the time and our coffee shop has yummy froyo with all different toppings as well.
My all time favorite...chocolate frozen yogurt with Reese's pieces. There is this one particular girl who works at the coffee shop that my roomie and I love because she makes the best froyo because she puts a decent amount of candies on both the bottom and top! So we always get excited when she is working...yeah we are weird and we know it but ho cares!

Gotta go get some froyo and watch Cake Boss! Night everyone :)
Oh and p.s. I forgot to tell you that I am now at a weight were my nurse practitioner is finally allowing me to start incorporating exercise back into my dialy routine!! But we have both agreed for me to wait until Thanksgiving break for me to meet with my personal trainor at home to help me get back into exercising! I am so excited and I can't wait to get started and I will be sure to post about it next time!
Love this post. You seriously have a new voice...a voice of happiness! Keep it up girl! you look great!
You look so fab, girl! I love how positive and happy these posts are!! Your project sounds absolutely wonderful. OH, and I am SO jealous of that ice cream machine!!
Good for you!! you look like you're glowing, I feel a sense of freedom for you. Stay positive, you look great! Oh and I can say I am suuuuper jealous of your dining hall! I want your dining hall in my kitchen lol
brb coming to steal that ice cream machine.
haha okay meggie! text me when you get here ;)
That project that you did looks so awesome! Well done :) As for switching up your breakfasts, I can totally relate. Sometimes I don't want oatmeal and I just want something simple like cereal or something different like pancakes mmm.
Well done for doing so well! xxx
Hi Jenna!
I currently eat Luna bars for every meal, and I actually like it. It reminds of how you felt about yogurt messes when you were deep in your ED. I hope that I can someday be like you and actually desire other foods throughout the day.
Your blog gives me so much hope. You just sounds so joyful about food, which I hope I can be someday. It seems so impossibly out of reach, but I thank you for sharing that it is possible!
Jenna, yours was one of the first blogs i ever followed and it is soo amazing and inspiring and motivating to see u doing so well!! wish my college had an icecream machine! and that twisty roll bread thing looked yum and funny :)
Jenna! I"M so happy you are doing so good! :) Of course im jealous you have the ice cream machine! i'd hit that thing up every night ahahaha
you look beautiful :)
Dana xoxo
aww well thanks girls!
Hey Jenna this is my first time commenting but i have been reading foevs and just wanted to say u r such an inspiration!
I have a question for ya, is the amount ur eating now to gain weight or will u continue eating this much to maintain normal weight too?
i was normal sized, now i lost 10 pounds through working out 3 times a week and eating healthier, but my mom wants me to gain the weight back. do u think the amount you eat now is how much a normal person should eat(with a normal metabolism) or how much a weight gainer should eat?
OMG, that ice cream machine is a-mazing! Never mind the dining hall, I'd like one installed in my bedroom. Weeee!
ahh jenna! So much so much sosoo much progress I love it :) Your seriously so amazing, and your doing such an amazing job. Your decising on these transitions based on what you kknow you want and can handle, not based on anything else. I love it. Keep on truckin, your awesome :)
<3 kimi
Hi Jenna! I love the flow of your blog! The food you've featured are really mouth-watering! Keep it up! Fantastic blog!
I don't think I've ever commented before Jenna, but you are amazing.
You are acutally so inspirational, I wish I could discuss anything and everything with you, and I am so happy that you are out there, enjoying your life like you deserve.
I hardly use my blog anymore but I always make sure I check yours.
You are truly beautiful and I wish there were another way I could contact you.
Thank you for keeping my hopes alive.
UGH! Why can't our dining hall be cool?! haha so jealous for real of that ice cream!!!
Glad you are doing well! Your poster/project sounds really inspirational! Sounds like you had a lot of great ideas on how to promote positive body image and a healthy relationship with food! Good for you!
And on another note, that ice cream machine is so cool! White chocolate raspberry sounds like a really good flavor!
AWW Thanks for your comment :) I'm glad you found me lol! I've finally had time to get on and comment. I blog a lot more often than I have recently. It's almost thanksgiving break so of course teachers are loading up on work!
SO proud of you! Girl, you're GREAT!!
You look so beuatiful !
Do you find it easier to follow a meal plan..
Yours looks so good.. and kind of like what I am supposed to be having... and yes, working my way up to...
I'm so glad you found my blog Jenna! I read a few of your posts and I'm your newest follower :)I need to practice my yogurt messes... everybody elses make me want to eat my computer screen! Anywho... Have a good day!
Heyy Jenna!
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I haven't updated in wayyy too long :( I definitely need to!
Where do you play lax?! We have very similar stories!!! :)
I LOVE that you diod youyr project on EDs. So rewarding. You have a powerful opportunity top reach out to so many as a nurse and I know you will use it.
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