What a week it has been

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What a week it has been! This past weekend was HALLOWEEKEND and it was one of the best weekends I have had in awhile!! Friday night my sister came up to visit me as well as my roomie's lil sis and we had a great night :) I was glad my sister finally was able to visit me since she has a crazy schedule. I was an 80's workout girl Friday night.Then on Saturday I was "risky business" and I went to visit my best friend at her school for the night and had a blast! I am defs going to visit her soon ;) Now this was the friend I mentioned before and we definitely had a hard time during my ED but now I must say things are right where I want them just like they were before!And they have a Dunkin's on campus...how cool Nothin' sounded better the next morning than a blueberry iced coffee with an egg & cheese on an english muffin with a banana. I was happy because I didn't bring any food with me and just went with the flow and ate what was available to me. I was missin' my AM milk, but I made sure to just have it later on at dinner, no biggie!Snackies.I have come to the conclusion I am addicted to hummus...it's official.Big ole salad topped with lettuce, maccaroni salad, green peppers, 3 bean salad, cucumbers, toasted corn, and wasabi peas with grilled chicken and a dinner roll. Filled my tummy up quite well!Chocolate Frozen Yogurt with Reese's peanut butter cups.
I have been switching up my evening snacks rather than having Boosts every night. I am also trying to wean myself off of the Boosts soon and eat real food rather than having to rely on Boosts. Just tryin' on some of my 'fits now that I don't look emaciated in them and look somewhat decent ;) Sooo as I mentioned in my previous post I said how I did not have my weigh-in last week and I got the week off. Now this was a huge step because I have never gone a week without my weekly weigh-in appointment, and last week was the first! So I had my appointment this past Wednesday and things went fabulous!! My weight increased and I am finally at a weight were I am going to be able to start incorporating exercise back again, just a little at a time! I have not started yet but we are going to see how I do next week and then go from there. I mean I have yet to drop any weight at ALL since being back at school as I have only going up so I don't think next week will be any different!

Have a great weekend and I will keep you updated :)

Well I am off to bed and it is FRIDAY tomorrow and I am just lovin' my new healthy life!! I can honestly say I AM LIVING MY LIFE :)



Alexia said...

jenna, you are looking gorgeous! i love that you're posting photos of yourself now.
wishing you well.


Anonymous said...

jenna :) its great 2 hear from u, u sound to be having a great time with life, and thats dur to ur hard work and motivation,ur an inspiration to peeps like me to keep going. thanks. fi xxx

Anonymous said...

your halloween costumes are so cute! you really look amazing, don't ever let ED pop in to tell you otherwise. andddd CONGRATS on reaching a weight you can exercise at! i'm new to wordpress but i've been reading your blog for a while and you've come SO far, it gives me so much hope for my recovery :) keep on living your life girl!

Unknown said...

oh so great to hear and you look fabulous! By the way, I am addicted to hummus too. I could eat a tub a day!

itsawrap said...

Risky Business outfit?! Simple and genius! Good for you for living your life. You are doing so wonderful :)

Food and Other Things said...

I love your costumes! So glad to hear things are going well!

Unknown said...

so so proud of you.

filling out an outfit is a BEAUTIFUL thing.

enjoy the weekend!!! <3

Jenna said...

thanks for all of the positive comments on my recovery :)

Meg said...

Get it girrrrl! I know ya'll keep each other accountable at school, you have such beautiful friends, Jenna, and they are blessed to have you as well.

Anonymous said...

Wow Jenna, you're doing so amazing i'm so proud of you!! You're eats look delicious (as usual) and I am so proud of you for adding those new foods! Also I LOVEEE the cookies n cream luna bar it's my favorite!!!

I am so glad that you're living your life to the fullest :) and you look absolutely gorgeous in that picture! Keep fighting girl :)

Anonymous said...

Jenna! Keep going, but you look so much healthier and more importantly, you look HAPPY! Keep going! Imagine how good you will feel when you meet your goal :) You are doing so amazing. Something really clicked this year. Keep the momentum going and you are gonna be even better than you are right now. Those eats look delicious too, by the way. Amen for going with the flow, not panicking over something unplanned. That's what life is all about, rolling with the punches. :)

Caroline said...

Jenna you have come so far! I've followed your blog for awhile and it really makes me happy to see all that you are doing! it's not easy; but to see you doing it is really inspiring.
If you have a time I'd love it if you could check out my blog; tho it's not as exciting as yours!

Anonymous said...

I'm SO happy for you, girl!
You look so happy!
I'm really glad you're doing so well... Wonderful pics, btw :D

Jess said...

I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!! You look like you're loving life :)

Missy said...

Sounds like you had a weekend truly free of ED. AMAZING!
You go girl (0:

Sarah said...

Hey girl - your blog, your life is AMAZING. I follow your blog and it inspired me to start my own (feel free to follow!) and you just give me so so much hope! I am in grad school and I can relate to a lot of your story/background. Keep it up -- your life is beautiful and so are you!! :)

Jenna said...

aww thanks sarah! your blog looks great by the way :)

Cherine said...

soooo sooo happy for u! :))

Anonymous said...

You look like you had so much fun, and that risky business outfit is absolutely priceless, loveee it! Keep on truckin, you are doing such an amazing job and really fighting. Keep on going, you are such an inspiration and I really do admire you and look up to you. Keep smiling :)
- Kimi

Desperately Seeking Me said...

Jenna, i am new to commenting on your posts but i just wanted to say that you look wonderful and it is inspiring to read your journey to recovery. I wish you the best.

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