Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 29th is MY BIRTHDAY and today I am turning the BIG 20!

20 years old. Wow! I can't believe it now that I am no longer in my teenager. Where has my life gone?

Let's just say this past year has been a rough one for me with a lot of ups and downs. But in the past year I have also learned a great deal about myself and each day I am becoming a more stronger and happier person. I remember a year ago today on my birthday that I didn't even get to have a piece of cake. What was I thinking? It was the one day out of the year when I am supposed to have fun, indulge, and enjoy myself and I was doing the exact opposite. But needless to say I am not going to let ED rob me of yet another birthday. It is just not gonna happen this year and I am going to make this birthday a great one :)



Anonymous said...

happy birthday chica!! have a spectacular day :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!! I hope this year is an amazing one!! You have grown so much and I can only see good things for you! I hope you have amazing day!! Now, go get yourself an epic piece of birfffday cake. :-P Love ya, girl!

Anonymous said...

Yayyy! Happy Birthday girl! You deserve the best and all that life has to offer you! Please allow yourself to enjoy everything about today-including LOTS AND LOTS of goodies. Happy Birthday once again! You rock!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!! It's also my dad's birthday! Wooooo

Mari said...

Happy Birthday Honey!!!! I hope you have a fabulous day!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Hope it's amazing! :)

maya said...

Happy birthday Jenna!!!! a new decade :) its like a fresh start! and ED wont be invited, i know it! ur a star, have a blast on ur special day!! <3 I will be 20 in 2 months! ;) i know, where has our lives gone, teenage years are over! :)


Tia said...

Way to go! STart off the next year with a positive attitude. Happy Birthday!!!

Erin (Travel, Eat, Repeat) said...

Happy Birthday! I think you have an amazing year ahead of you.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jenna :)

Anon said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy and celebrate and indulge :) you deserve happiness!

Mo Diva said...

happy Birthday! If I could go back to my 20th birthday, i would in a second! ENJOY YOUR DAY! AND ALL OF YOUR 20's!

Anonymous said...


Megan D said...

Good for you Jenna! I hope you enjoy every bite of your cake!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday again Jenna :)
You are an amazing person, and have unique experiences. Find strength and wisdom in what you have been through, remain confident in that you can kick this shit out of you, the Real Jenna.
Enjoy your day, and give yourself a big birthday hug from me :)

A@ Please Don't Eat Me! said...

happy birthday!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Jenna!
Wish you an AMAZING day - have a BLAST, girl!
Brazilian XOXO´s,

Anonymous said...


Tricia said...

happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!
or as in korea, they say

Saeng il Chook ha Hap ni da :)

Life of a girl called hawaiianpunchelsea said...


Nutritious is Delicious said...

Happy Birthday! Live it up! :D

Anonymous said...

happy birthday girl! looks like youll be starting this next decade of years off well!

dont call you last year up/down or bad... everything happens for a reason. you are SO MUCH stronger and and stable now than you were last year this time. you should be darn PROUD of yourself for you accomplishments!!!

Jenna said...

thanks for all the birthday wishes!!

Jenna xo

lizzy said...

I hope is was as amazing as you are! LOVEEES to you pretty lady!

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoyed your Birthday and had a nice time with loved ones!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!! ENJOY

Anonymous said...

Woo! Happy birthday, girl! I hope it was a lovely day. Best wishes for a year of health, happiness, and freedom! xoxo

janetha said...

happy (late) birthday! i have been MIA so sorry to be late!

Meg said...

happy birthday! welcome to the "20" club!

Jaclyn said...

Happy Birthday girl, I hope you had a great weekend!
My birthday was in February, and I totally get what you mean. It was a crazy year full of ups and downs for me too. I feel like 20 is kind of a monumentous number of a bday because it's like no longer a teenager, and somehow feels more "adult," ya know?

Shannon, Tropical Eats said...

happy bday my dear :) glad you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

happy happy birthday :)

Unknown said...

Happy (belated) birthday!!!!

Michal said...

happy belated birthday girl!! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday! Better late than never right?

That's my mom's birthday too!

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