Last Week of Summer

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last Week of Summer
Good Morning! I hope you all had a relaxing weekend, I know I did! This week is officially the last week of summer for me :( I move into school next Sunday and school starts the following Monday for me. I am really excited but also nervous. I have been out of school since March because of my ED so that is why I am a bit nervous to go back to school. I know it is going to be very challenging for me to adjust back into college but I know I can do it! It can be done and it will be done!
Last night I was debating whether or not to make the breakfast cookie the REAL way but I decided I would give it a try sometime later this week. So this morning I made a yogurt mess!

I had Vanilla Chobani yogurt, 3/4 cup Kashi Go Lean, 1 sliced banana, and a drizzle of 1 tbsp. PB & Co. Smooth Operator pb with a glass of milk. This is the perfect morning breakfast and I love it!

I also microwaved the peanut butter for a minute to get it nice and soft then I drizzled it over my yogurt mess :) It added a nice touch!

I really am obssesed with yogurt messes every since I made one for the first time last week! They are super quick to make and wicked yummy ;)

I am off to run some errands at BJ's this morning with my mom! Before we go I will have a Nature Valley Fruit & Nut Bar with a Boost.


Jenny said...

hey girlie -- just responding to your question on my post this morning! my mom actually doesn't mind at all that i buy "childesh foods" in fact, she thinks it's cute :) why is your mom bothered by it?

p.s. try to stay positive about school girl! it's a huge change but embrace it -- it will be a great way to distract your way from ED thoughts!!

Tra said...

hey hey! how do you microwave your pb? that yogurt mess looks delish!

Jenna said...

haha yah it was my first time experimenting with microwaving pb! i just measure one tbsp into a measuring cup and put it in the micro for about 10 seconds just to get it a bit soft. do not put it in for a very long time or it will dry up and harden and it will not be peanut butter anymore and you don't want that to happen! so just for a few seconds to get it a bit softer!
it worked! but idk if i would do it again, i think i will just use creamy pb instead!

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