BILL is coming!

Friday, August 21, 2009

BILL is coming!

Yes, Hurricane Bill is coming my way! Ahhhh! Everyone get indoors ;)

Anyways enough about the scary weather onto my eats (more important). This morning for a snack I had a Vanilla Boost with 1/4 cup of Planter's nut!

Then I did a lot of this! Sudoku and PEOPLE magazine :)

Lunch was early again today because I had a dentist appointment this afternoon! I had a turkey wrap on a La Tortilla Factory wrap with Laughing Cow Light Swiss cheese and lettuce (and a few peach slices i threw in there!) along with a serving of pretzels, the rest of the peach, and milk.

Now the peach I had today for lunch was BLAH! it tasted like mush and was yucky, so the trash barrel was where it went. then i was regretting putting peach slices in my sandwich, but it was fine i couldn't really taste the yuckiness of the peach anyways. next time i will make sure the peach is good then i will put it in my sandwich ;)
After my dentist appointment that went okay :/ I went out for a few errands and then came home to a new snacker. I had a G2 with a Nature's Path Organic Optimum Energy Bar-Pomegran Cherry!

This bar was really good! The bar had little pieces of cherry mixed in and it was very soft and moist. It would have been even better popped in the micro for a few! To me it tasted like a baked cookie and I would love to have this bar again! Overall, it was a nice lil snack with some fiber and protein.
nice lil frosting on top :)

While having my snack I finished up reading PEOPLE mag and found an interesting story in the back. It was about a girl with ANOREXIA NERVOSA!
At the age of 14, Crystal Renn started her modeling career after she was told she had to lose about a third of her total body weight. Her weight loss soon triggered a health crisis, causing her to change her eating and exercise diets. After gaining 70 pounds back she is now healthier than ever and is a U.S. size 12 and a plus-size model. Crystal now enjoys her life and career :)

This was such a great story to read and it was really inspiring. She has also written a book Hungry about her life with an eating disorder.


Dinner was a Healthy Choice Cafe Steamer I picked up at the grocery store earlier this week. I had the Grilled Whiskey Steak, pieces of steak, roasted potatoes, and vegetables all in a whiskey BBQ sauce. I actually wasn't expecting this meal to be good because it was a steak meal, and frozen steak well can sometimes be a bit iffy. But I actually enojed this meal very much! The whiskey barbeque sauce just hit the spot for me. It added a nice flavor and went well with the steak, potatoes, and veggies. I also had a dinner roll with milk for dinner.

I am off to go watch the RED SOX beat the Yankees ;) Later I will be sippin' on a Boost for dessert!


Pam (Highway to Health) said... 1

Yay Red Sox!!! I have a feeling that Bill is going to ruin the weekend..

Healthy Beach Bum said... 2

i LOVE those pomegran bars! Sooo tasty :) Have a great weekend girly!

Tay said... 3

Thanks for the bar review!! I've really wanted to try those out (especially the blueberry flax one). I'll keep my eye out now!

Carly said... 4

I love reading about success stories! It's quite insperational.

Tasty Health Food said... 5

The hurricane has been making it pour rain here. Ah, well. I've got food and cable. No need to leave the house. :D I'm going to try to pick up a copy of People to read that article, thanks for letting us know! Oh, and my peaches are going mushy too. I think it's nearing the end of their good season.

Anonymous said... 6

Hope you don't get too rained out girlie.
aww and I'm loving the model part of your post hun, I've seen that model before and she's way more attractive then the original size twos. she has the curves that woman are supposed to have.
Have a good one babygirl!

Emily said... 7

ohh I want to read that article and that book. It sounds good!

Jenna said... 8

so far so good- bill has not done much!

tay- i have also tried the blueberry flax, very good, i did a review about it as well on my blog!

for all of you wanting to read the article, it was only about 2 pages, not that long, but i really wanna read her book :)

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