Without any regret

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hey hey hey everyone! Happy Tuesday! Today was a good day and I am glad to end it with The Biggest Loser tonight :)

It started off with a yogurt mess with Plain Chobani yogurt, 1 cup Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and PB & Co. DCD pb along with a glass of milk on the side.Love me some DCD <3My morning snack was a Butter Pecan Boost with a Kashi Trail Mix bar.Then around noon my mom and I were off to the RMV to registe the new car we bought last Friday. Now I don't know what the RMV is like where you go to, but the one I go to is absolute chaos!

We got our number around 12:30 and it said a 39 minute wait...yeah right! We didn't get called on until 2:15. Yes, that would be an hour and 45 minute wait thank you very much!

Luckily I didn't have to wait there the whole entire time! I think I would have run out of things to do. There is only so mch to do on blogs, e-mails, facebook, and twitter before I get bored! I actually went back home to re-print something for my mom while she waited there. Then I grabbed lunch for the both of us from
Subway, which killed a lot of time.

So when I returned we only had about 5 more numbers to call, which really didn't mean anything because it could have meant five or fifty more minutes. So anyways, I whipped out my lunch in front of everyone since I was hungry. Okay well I really didn't because that would have been rude, but I did however go to a bench were there wasn't that many people!
I had turkey and swiss cheese on 9-Grain Wheat bread. Sorry but I took a few bites before I snapped the pic ;) I also had pretzels and apple I packed from home and a milk I bought from Subway. It was a perfect lunch on the run!

The afternoon my mom and I ran a few errands and I munched on this Clif Bar. One of my favorites, Oatmeal Raisin Walnut!Now for all of you haters/anon commentors out there who don't believe I eat dinner or whatever you think...I would like to tell you I do obviously eat dinner even if I don't post it every single night!

Tonight on the menu for dinner was SPAGHETTI & MEATBALLS! Before ED I used to love spaghetti, meatballs, lasagna, chicken parmigana, and all the other Italian yummy foods, since I am Italian! I would have it all the time at pasta parties before all of my sporting events in high school! But ever since I have had ED, he has always told me to stay far far away from Italian dishes because they are just filled with carbs, carbs, and more carbs. So it has been one of my fear foods for awhile and I always get so nervous before eating it, calculating all the calories and carbs etc. But now I have realized in my recovery...WHO CARES?! My body needs all of these carbs and I should eat them without feeling any regret. That is just what I did tonight! I had a good sized portion of spaghetti with spinach tomato sauce and one huge meatball along with a glass of milk. I remember around this time last year I would cry at the kitchen table and refuse to eat spaghetti and meatballs. But that certainly was NOT the case tonight. I enjoyed every single delicious bite without any regret!

Well there ya have it, a full days recap of my eats! I am now off to watch The Biggest Loser. I feel like it hasn't been on in soo long because of the Olympics!

Have a great night everyone :)



Anonymous said...

yay for spaghetti and NOT crying! so happy that you enjoyed it, you deserve to love every single meal you eat. screw da hatersss lol. is the RMV the same as the DMV? i hate that place with a passion

Angela @ A Healthy Fit said...

I got some DCD. AH-MAZ-ING!!!!

Can't wait to catch up on biggest loser as well, but I've got to wait a night before it comes on to Hulu.

Anonymous said...

What a great day of eats!! That spaghetti and giant meatball looks delicious! RMVs always take foo-evaaa...glad you kept yourself busy AND got Subway YUM!

Anonymous said...

GOOD FOR YOU JENNA!! it feels sooo good to challenge yourself, right? and you know what? you are STILL the same jenna! The more ou do this, the more comfortable you will feel eating things out of your comfort zone! im proud of you. keep it up girl!

Mari said...

I am so proud of you! it's those little things that count...you have come so far =)

Anonymous said...

I have to post as Anon because I don't have a website but my name is Sarah. I have been reading your blog for a while (I'm a lurker) and I have a question about your yogurt messes. When you mix it up, does the peanut butter get completely combined or does it stay in a glob? Because mine always stay in a glob. Hope that made sense :P Have a great day!

A@ Please Don't Eat Me! said...

yay girlie!!! spags and meatballs rocks!
oh man, mass rmvs suck big time!!! i would have killed someone, i have no internet on my phone, you are SO lucky you have it!!! (unless you took you latop with you?! lol)
holy dark chocolate dreams.. yummmmmy!

Anonymous said...

I bet you're thinking.......
"great, another anonymous threatening comment"
I just wanted to tell you that you are amazing for battling this recovery! This blog should be your outlet to talk about what's on your mind or whatever YOU feel like
Don't ever feel succombed to abide by all the anonymous reader's demands! This is YOUR blog and you can post whatever you feel like! This is not your recovery food diary.

Jenna said...

sarah- thanks for reading my blog and i totally understand what you are talking about in regards to the pb in my yogurt messes!
it really depends on the pb i use...for instance when i use naturally more which is very thick and chunky it always stays together in a big clump and i have to use my spoon to try and separate it out so i don't get all the pb in one full spoonful (although that would be awesome but i wanna have pb in my other spoonfuls as well). but when i use teddie's, pb & co., or barney butter which is a lot creamier and smoother, the pb tends to separate out in my yogurt messes! so there ya have it :)
i just try to make sure the pb gets spread out evenly as much as possible so i can get a little bit of yumminess in each bite!

Anonymous said...

what a tasty day of eats! and what a breakthru, even in meatball form :)

Anonymous said...

Ironically, though I've never liked pasta (even pre-ED), it is now a fear food irregardless; so it is awesome to see you gain another point for jenna against ed! I'm definitely going to have to try DCD after my White Chocolate Wonder runs out. You should show us what your new ride looks like!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the brutal wait at the RMV- I never go without a good book!!!

I love the DCD! I actually just got a knew kind that I hadn't yet tried- The Bees Knees- pretty good!

~Christie http://rollerkoesterrun.wordpress.com/

Jenna said...

i have yet to try the bees knees, it seems kinda strange to me...spicy pb?! but i am sure it is good :)
and omg i really wanna try WCW so bad! how is it?!

Anonymous said...

Bee's knees isn't spicy!! It's a honey PB.
The Heat is On is spicy!!

Anonymous said...

Bees Knees isn't spicy, it has honey in it. The spicy one is "The Heat is On".

I have to say it's interesting how you are honest that you are struggling, yet you write about how you are "so hungry" and "love..." x food. from a person who has been in the trenches and in recovery, the phase you are in right now isn't all sunshine and roses and maybe that is what people are trying to say to you. Be genuine, though this seems to be a trend with your blog -you are in the same cycle and for whatever reason you are getting a lot of comments and ignoring them, which is fine but it's also why I don't comment anymore and if I do it is anon and just to give you info about things like well about the peanut butter. Like I said, Bees Knees is honey and the spicy one is "The Heat is On".

Peanut Butter and Co's biggest fan

Sara said...

aww, good for you jenna! i banned spaghetti as well...how stupid now that I look back..


Nutritious is Delicious said...

SPAGGG! Love it! :D I had something similar for lunch! yum yum Happy Hump Day (almost!).

Anonymous said...

i'm really proud of you Jenna!! the spaghetti and meatballs look so good & i am so glad you are following your meal plan- keep it up girl :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenna,
Good for you for having the spaghetti, but seriously please quit it with the kashi go lean!! You don't need to "go lean" if you know what I mean!

Kristen Scioli White said...

Ah yes, the MA RMV around lunchtime; absoute worst time to go (but for most of us working stiffs, the only time one CAN go). Anyhow, congrats on your blog and sharing your story. Good for you for facing so many fears EdD tried to cement in your head. Thinking rationally without the self-abusing voice in your head is a different experience, no? Keep up the great work!!!

Anonymous said...

I had "spaghetti" tonight too, but with spaghetti squash! No meatballs for me though :(

Alyson @ Nourished Fitness said...

Oh your Yogurt Messes always make me drool :p And congrats, that's a wonderful step!

sophia said...

HA! I remember the first time I ate pasta since my ED...it was SO relieving!! I had it out, and it was a creamy pasta with 4 cheeses, too! Take that, you stupid ED!

Anonymous said...

One meatball for dinner? Just something to think about...

Anonymous said...

OK, Seriously this is Jenna's blog and she can write or do as she pleases! If you arent satisfied with what you are reading then stop. Yes, recovery is beyond hard but everyone is different. If Jenna is struggling but doesnt want the whole world to know than so be it. If she is stuck and cant overcome ED's voice which may be the case than hopefully her parents will step in and take her to IP or whatever they think is best. Point is, as much as we want to make Jenna realize that she needs to seek help and get better before its too late, SHE/JENNA has to want it!! Keep fighting Jenna, dont give up and so proud of you for eating one of your fear foods!!
Posting under Anon because I dont have a blog but my name is Katie and have been reading for a while.

Tori said...

Love spaghetti! And that's a huge meatball might I add Haha :)

Anonymous said...

Eeeew I hate long waits like that! Oh well at least you had some things to keep you busy! Oatmeal Raisin Clif Bars are my favorite too :)

jaclyn said...

Wow, good eats today. The spaghetti looks great, and good job for conquering that fear!!

DMV places can be such a hassle but at least you got it done!
Have fun during the rest of your break!


Anonymous said...

RMV? We call it DMV in california- but sounds like you got some errands done in that time :)
Congrats on the spaghetti and meatballs, good stuff isn't it :)

Bravewings said...

You should feel really GREAT for eating that pasta, star!
I know how hard it can be to overcome all these irrational fears for food, and what a relief it is when you experience you can actually enjoy it. So happy for you :)
It seemed like you ate very well today, add some nuts and keep it up ;) Fingers crossed for you.


Jenna said...

Yes anon, I had one meatball with my spaghetti last night- do you have a problem with that? Lemme know-

Jessica @ The Process of Healing said...

So happy for you girl that you are getting over your fear foods!! Life without spaghetti (and all things Italian).. well that's not something I would like to be a part of lol Pasta was a fear food for me too.. it's sad how your ed can stop you from enjoying something that you love so much!!

Kathleen said...

WOOO good for you. Pasta is kindaaaaaa AMAZINGGG :)

Christina said...

your spaghetti made me drool!! that meatball. ah! haha. :)

Christina said...

seriously, did someone just tell you how you peanut butter tasted to you? are they inside your tongue? KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK! JENNA!

Anonymous said...

yum, spaghetti. it's my favorite, but for some reason i don't make it that often.

also, kashi golean is one of my alltime FAVORITE cereals, though when i first started eating it i called it "go-le-an," unironically. oops.

Missy said...

Great job with the spaghetti and meatballs! I know how hard it can be to eat white pasta. This was a step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the spaghetti, Jenna!
I´m proud :D
Such yummy day of eats!
Keep them coming, girl!
Have a nice day!
Brazilian XOXO´s,

Anonymous said...

how much pasta did you eat? did you measure? jw. pasta is always a fear for me too u show em' jenna!!

Anonymous said...

yes I do have a problem with one meatball.
I eat two meatballs and I'm a perfectly healthy weight.
stop being so friking sassy and just eat some food.
do you want to end up in the hospital?

Anonymous said...

I think it's amazing that you were able to eat the dinner you had tonight! All of these anon's (the negative ones, anyway) should mind their own business. Take all the time you need to work these foods back into your diet regularly, and know that we're all here supporting you.

Jenna said...

anon- i honestly really don't care how many meatballs you eat! good for you on eating two.

why does it matter if i have one huge meatball rather than two smaller ones that you have? oh yeah that's right...it doesn't matter.

have a good night and go try to find another problem you have with me since that is all you do :)

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