Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Day of Classes

Well even though my college started classes two weeks ago, today was MY first day of classes! I am taking 5 classes this spring semester: English, Introduction to Professional Nursing, Microbiology and Lab, Humanities Lecture & Seminar, and Approaches to God. I definitely have my work load cut out for me!

This morning I woke up early to get ready for my first day of classes, I was both excited and nervous! I started my first day of classes off right with a yogurt mess! Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and TEDDIE'S peanut butter with milk on the side. It was so nice to have Teddie back in my life ;)

Then I bundled up in my Northface and scarf since it was freezing out and was off to classes. I only had three classes today so it wasn't all that bad. I am meeting with most of my professors so I can get all caught up with my work I missed these past two weeks.

I have SO much to do and I was already getting overwhelmed just thinking about everything I had to do! So of course to solve that problem I knew exactly what to do...make a TO DO LIST! I am such a list kind of girl and I love to make a list of everything I have to do and check it off as I complete them.

My list of everything I need to do just for today nevermind for the week!

Then I took a much needed lunch break. It was so nice to get my mind off of everything and sit down for some food! I had a turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, romaine lettuce, and tomatoes with pretzels, an apple, and milk.

But not soon after I had an appointment with a professor until I walked all the way up to her office in the cold and found a note on her door saying she had to leave early :/ Boo. So off the the library I was to get some reading done for English. I got not time to waste since I got two weeks worth of work to catch up on :/ These next few weeks are gonna be busy busy. I have to stay focused and on top of everything without getting stressed out and letting ED interfere. Bear with me on my posting this week as they might not be that exciting since I will be busy with work, but I will try my best ;)

Well I am off to do some more reading and then watch The Biggest Loser tonight! I am planning on doing a post on my dorm room later this week to show you my room and dorm food :)

Are you a list kind of person?! If not, what works for you?!



  1. Yep I love lists too- I like to be structured and they help me feel less anxious about everything I need to do- plus crossing stuff off a list is just so satisfying :) Good luck!

  2. Way to hit the ground running Jenna! You can do it! I'm such a list person to. I made about thirty lists of things I need to do/buy/pack before I left for Italy in september :)

  3. girl it WILL be hard not letting ED interfere while things get hard.. but YOU CAN DO IT!! please email me if u feel like you are struggling! i will be praying for you girlfrand. i am SUCH a list girl!

  4. I'm definitely a list person! I do all my online though on www.todoist.com. Once you get the hang of it, it is such a lifesaver!! I'm addicted!! :)

  5. thanks so much for reminding me the biggest loser was on tonight :)
    lists are so helpful in keeping stuff in order. i think its tough to get back into the swing of things but you can do it, things always work out.
    happy tuesday!

  6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE making lists! I actually make one before bed every night with a list of things I need to get done the next day.. it helps me not forget little things!

  7. Oh, I am SUCH a list person! I love lists! Sometimes, I got a little overboard, into OCD realm, but I don't think I could NOT list. It makes me feel structured and organized and in control (a healthy substitute for anorexia behaviors, I'd say).

  8. Good luck! Just try to keep the stress down. I know how you feel. I'm in college right now too and my workload is insane. Sometimes I just want to quit haha but it'll be worth it in the end. I make lists too. There's something super gratifying about crossing something off :)

  9. I am a TOTAL list person. Love themmmmm! :) Good luck catching up with your work! It'll all be okay!

    <3 jess

  10. I am definitely a list person. haha It's so gratifying to be able to check stuff off!

  11. i know what you mean with lists- they are life savers! good luck with everything jenna and you cannott let ed get in the way because you deserve to have a great life!!

  12. I love making lists! I get easily overwhelmed too, and writing it all down helps. Sometimes, I even add things to the list that I've already done so that I can cross them off and feel accomplished, lol!

  13. too bad about the prof! yay i'm glad you started up classes again, hope this semester will treat you well :)

  14. TOTALLY a list kind of person! I love checking things off lol! :D

  15. I LOVE lists. They definitely help me get my life in order! Have a great week and stay sane with all that work!

  16. Lists, lists, lists...I actually posted the same question for people in my blog hehe...I make lists all the time and for everything--trouble is, plans seldom actually go "as planned" hehe...And that usually stressed me out cause I'm a pretty big control freak what with ED and all..ehh..So thats something I'm working on is not getting worked up about plans not going as planned. Hey, that's life, right? Unpredictable, spontaneous etc etc...We just have to learn to deal. :-)


  17. Hey sweetie! thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I am an ED survivor as well (although I don't write about it) for about two years now. Even though I "recovered" during my senior year of college, it was only during the summer after that I really felt like a normal person. I still have trip-ups at times but I definitely feel like I've gotten to some kind of stability. If I can do it, you definitely can!

    Good luck with your first week of classes...getting back int eh swing of thigns is always rough. Can't wait to see your dorm food and read along with you as you conquer this!

  18. I am definitely a list person. In fact, i'm making one now at my desk at work!! I love your 'to-do' list, it's so colourful. Making a list is a great way to get on top of things.

  19. I'm taking Microbiology + Lab this semester too. My school doesn't start class until next week (really late) so I don't know what to expect... other than pain and agony. ;-P

    I am also a big list person. I think that a great way to help keep ED away during these busy weeks could be making a To-Do list every day and making sure that you have your meals and snacks in your list. That way you have to check them off.

    Good luck with everything :)

  20. Total list person. It keeps me organized - and it makes me feel like I've accomplished something when everything is crossed out :)

    Great job hun, keep it up!!!

    p.s. looking forward to seeing your dorm!

  21. I am a HUGE list maker! It totally keeps me grounded!

  22. i live with lists... but my to do lists are post it notes. and sometimes they are misplaced. I just found a note to pay my rent... good call karma! lol
