Monday, February 1, 2010

First Day Back

Happy February 1st! Not only is it the first day of February but it is also my lil sister's 13th Birthday! She is growing up so fast and I can't believe she is already a teenager. I love her so much!

I know you are probably all wondering how my day went with my transition back to school today and I will tell ya ;) But I also want to thank all of you for the sweet comments on my post yesterday.

Last night after I finally finished packing I got a good nights sleep in my comfy bed. This morning when I woke up I was both excited and nervous for the day to start. I showered and had a yogurt mess before leaving. My yougrt mess consisted of Plain Chobani, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and Crazy Richard's creamy pb with a glass of milk.

After a quick hour car ride my mom and I were back up at my school :) It was such a great feeling to finally be back on campus after being home for more than a month! We first met with Health Services to duscuss my plan for the semester which went well. Then we we were off to the bookstore to buy all my books and I walked out $350 less richer :/ I mean it wasn't that bad considering some of my nursing books are quite expensive! After moving all of my stuff back into my dorm room we got some lunch in the dining hall.

I don't have any foodie pics but for lunch but I had a turkey wrap on a whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, romaine lettuce and tomatoes, with pretzels, an apple, and milk and my mom had a chicken salad wrap with chips in case you were wondering.

Then it was time for good-byes :( After saying bye to my mom I spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking and settling back into school. She told me I will do just fine as long as I EAT! She joked with me and told me she wasn't going to come pick me up if I have to come home again this semester so I can't let her down. But most importantly I can't let myself down!

Dinner tonight was with the girls in the dining hall! It was SO good to see all of them. I missed each and every one of them! Then to start my first night back off on the right foot, a few of us went to the mall and grocery store :) What a great Monday night!

I had a great night and so far everything has been going well. I only hope for it to continue like this! Well I am off to watch the end of The Bachelor and catch up on all of your lovely blogs ;) I just wanted to give you a quick post and let you know how my day went :) Promise tomorrows post will be a bit more exciting!

How was your first Monday of February?



  1. girl Im praying for you! Keep those cals you had at home! (buy a box of cliff bars...its the only thing that gets me through the day!) I am a fan of pudding cups right now too :) and those are handy in a dorm.
    Cant wait to hear more of how the transition goes!
    Luv ya girly!
    xo- Molly

  2. I'm glad your transition back to school has been a good one! Happy birthday to your sister!!

  3. so glad the transition went smoothly!!! sounds like its going to be a great semester :)
    happy monday!

  4. Yay for being back at school! Keep up the good work! I hate how expensive textbooks are :(

  5. Ugh, textbooks are ALWAYS so expensive... :( Thats cool that you're a nursing major though- my roommate now is one too, and her classes are INTENSE! Good luck! :)

  6. I'm glad things are going so well so far. You can do it! Doesn't it suck forking over so much money for books? That's the #1 thing I *don't* miss about college -- but there are also tons of stupid expenses in the "real" world, unfortunately.

  7. for future semesters, always has incredible deals on books, even for grad students. i usually see if can snag mine used or at least get free super saver shipping! in college, i was known to check out text books from the library to save money...

  8. Yay for having a good first day back!! And I'm so glad I don't have to pay for textbooks anymore. Ugh.

  9. I hate buying books! I feel so poor afterward...and books for health care professionals are EXPENSIVE! I'm in pharmacy school and book aren't cheap!

    Glad to hear it was a smooth transition back!

  10. good luck at school!!! you can do it...make your parents and yourself proud :)

    i love your messes for bfast - i started making them too with teddie's pb!

  11. Hey glad to hear that you are back and things went well! Not too exciting? Well, that's not always a bad thing! Just taking it easy, readjusting may be just what you need! ;) Haha TOTALLY know what you mean about books=$$ ugghhhhh i know the feeling, lol.

    Have a good night..oooo can't wait to watch the bachelor myself :D

  12. I'm so glad your first day went so well! Are you going into nursing?
    <3 jess

  13. hey love! im so glad you had a great first day!! you are going to do GREAT-this is a new beggining..a new opportunity!

  14. This is my first semester not in school and it's really crazy for me! Class started this week and I feel at such a loss! I might have to pick up a class if I can't find a job...I love school. I don't miss paying out the butt for books though!

  15. you won't let yourself down, you can do this! aw so glad you're back at school girly! and happy bday to your sis :)

  16. I'm so glad things went well and you settled in ok. Good luck for today, I hope it goes well. x


    It will be great, you're going to do awesome :)

    p.s. I, too, am a fan of the bachelor.....

  18. Hi Jenna - Thanks for posting on my blog. Good luck with your recovery and being back at school. Keep in mind that it's a long road and some days will be harder than others, it seems like you are in the right mindset to get better! Hope all goes well.

  19. Happy to hear that your first day back was good! I know that going back into an environment where you used to be sick is difficult, I went through that last year. My sophomore year was spent restricting, bingeing, crying, being manic depressive, and barely surviving. When I returned for junior year this year I was afraid history would repeat itself, but I was lucky enough to break the pattern. You can too! :)

  20. one day at a time! im happy for u!!!!! btw, is carly coming back? luv ya!

  21. hey darlign! glad the transition went smoothly! where are you at school again? books are RIDIC!!!

  22. Glad things went well! I always hated buying books! So expensive!

  23. So happy for you! My first semester of nursing school books added up to $500. I had just come out of residential treatment days before school started, so no used books were left. Good luck with school. My advice would be to stay in close contact with your health services. I didn't which resulted in me being back in the hospital not long after.

  24. aw sounds like things are off to a good start YAY!

  25. it seems like you're going back to your old ways... you just got the same lunch that you always got when you had a slight relapse... do you see what you're doing to yourself?

  26. Sounds overwhelming!
    I hope you will participate in the bloggie Valentine's Day exchange I'm hosting!!
