Sunday, January 31, 2010

Back at it...

TOMORROW! Yes that is right, tomorrow I will be back at college! Can you believe it?! Well neither can I! I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to return back to school this semester at all because of stupid ED. So now I am able to go back I am super excited :) I guess I just worked really hard these past 2 weeks to prove I do want to get better and I can do this!

I have a lot of things going for me now and I knew I couldn't afford to let ED get in the way of things and ruin my life. I just got accepted into the Nursing Program at school and it means A LOT to me, and I didn't want to blow it.

I am all nervous, anxious, and scared about returning back to school. But I will be sure to let you know how it goes tomorrow! I am going back with my mom tomorrow morning and we have to meet with Health Services, buy all my books, and move back into my dorm room and all that fun stuff. I am sure my roomie loved having the room to herself for awhile but I am sure she missed me tons as well ;)

I was barely home at all today. I left the house at 10:30 this morning and just got back around 7pm. But to start my busy day off I had a yogurt mess with Plain Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and a dollop of Crazy Richard's creamy pb with milk on the side.
I just can't get enough. You can't tell me that doesn't look good? But it is even better all mixed up like the way a yogurt MESS should be ;)

I was out all day at my lil sister's basketball game and then to both of my sister's field hockey tourney, which they tied for first place!

I am now home and blogging obvs. But I now have to pack everything up and get ready to go back to school!! Packing shouldn't be that least I hope not!

Do enjoy packing and getting everything ready?!



  1. sometimes getting ready to go back to school can be fun, but bittersweet too! enjoy your first week back!

  2. sometimes! depends where im going lol and good luck at school! (:

  3. Yay for going back to school! You can do this girl- stay strong! Congrats on the nursing program :)

  4. GOOD LUCK!!!! it will be great :)

  5. Good luck with college! I'm sure everything will go smoothly.
    <3 jess

  6. hope the move back in goes well tomorrow! you can do this, i have no doubt!

  7. Congrats on going back to school! Good luck!

  8. good luck at school!!!


  9. Jenna! Thank you for your sweet comment! You absolutely made my day! I have been poking around on your blog and love it. Congratulations to you for getting healthy :) and for getting accepted to nursing school. I am a dental student (so I did 4 years of undergrad and am almost 2 years into my 4 year grad program) -- that to say I UNDERSTAND how crazy your life will be! In a good way. Its great to get to pursue your dreams, for sure. Have a great day back!

  10. Good luck on your first week back!!!

  11. Good luck tomorrow!! I hope you continue to be honest on here about how you're doing =)

  12. Hey girl, congrats on going back to school tomorrow...I know that' s HUGE! :D I know you'll rock it. Take care!

  13. prayers your way girl!

  14. yay girly!! so happy for you, that's exciting! i know you can continue to do great with your recovery at school! ew i hate packing to go to school, i always wait till like 3 am the day that i'm leaving lol

  15. Thanks for reading my blog. Your is fabulous, so honest about everything. Good Luck with school. Keep strong and you'll be fine. Remember we are all here for you.
    I hate packing and often start a few days before I leave to make sure I have everything prepared! x

  16. I'm sorry if I am reiterating what everyone else has already said but that is FANTASTIC that you are going back to school! Congrats! And go you for not letting your ED stand in the way of your dreams. That is amazing girl, truly amazing.
    I <3 yogurt messes!!!
    And thank you for stopping by my blog as well! I only saw your comment today.. for someone reason, Wordpress thought your comment was SPAM. Odd. Have a great day!

  17. Congrats on making the nursing program!! Thats amazing! I'm actually getting my pre-reqs outta the way right now in order to hopefully get into SF State's nursing program, or at least on in SF..But I hear it very hard! How'd you get in--was it grades alone? An essay? Volunteering? I'm really curious. Also--the yogurt mess does look DElish!! And love, we CAN beat our ED's--as long as we all stick to recovery no matter what our brains tell us sometimes! ;-) I'm here with you!



  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Im having a little flick through yours and I cant wait to get to know you better, you seem like a lovely girl :-)
    Good luck with your first day back, got my fingers crossed for you!

  19. Gah, I am the worst at packing - I always put it off until the last minute!

    Good luck at school tomorrow!!!

  20. Glad you're back to it!

    I bought some Krema peanut butter (what Crazy Richard's is called where I live) and you're right -- it IS super creamy!!!

  21. Ya!IT'd is the same yummy peanut butter but just under different names. In the Midwest it is called krema and in the east coast it is called crazy richard's- and I told you I wasn't lying when I said it was creamy :)

  22. sometimes i like packing and some days I don't.
    what a delicious yogurt mess!!!

    the PB looks sensational! I have yet to find a blogger who doesnt like PB!

  23. Congrats on going back to school and good luck! Love your yogurt mess of course!

  24. CONGRATULATIONS, Jenna! I'm so proud of you. You can do this!

    I'm a terrible packer... I always take everything I own!

  25. OMG you got into a nursing program??? That's so exciting! Congratulations girlie:) I seriously have an infinite admiration for nurses, their work is so difficult yet so important in this world.

  26. Good Luck with your first day back! I'm sure you will rock it :) And congrats on the nursing program acceptance!

  27. FINALLY!!! no anon comments! :) congrats jenna, i'm so happy for you :)

  28. Good luck moving in!! It might be scary going back, but it's exciting to know that you're doing so well! :)

    Personally, I hate packing but I love moving into a new place.

  29. Good Luck moving in! I just stumbled across your blog and can't wait to read more. Best of luck to you on your journey.
