Wednesday, February 3, 2010

First Nursing Class

Humpday is here already this week! Whooo.

So this morning I woke up to snow! I totally did not know it was supposed to snow, although it was only some flurries so it was no biggie.

But forget about the snow and onto my eats ;) I was a hungry chica this morning for some reason so I got ready for the day and then made myself a yogurt mess, Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and Teddie's smooth peanut butter with milk on the side. I love the smooth texture of Teddie's peanut butter and love it even more when I get a yummy spoonfull of pb ;)

Then I was off to my FIRST official Nursing Class of my college career. I was super excited, probably more than I should have been! But hey what can I say I was excited to be accepted into the program and start learning! I absolutely love my professor (who is pregnant btw, but not due until June, so she will be here all semester!). She is an E.R. nurse and is so funny and wicked energetic. Can't wait until next class with her.

And another reason why I love this class...

Yes, it is oragami and yes we made it in my Nursing Class! It is so cool :)

After class I was off to the coffee shop to meet with my English professor to go over work I missed. As I waited for over an hour for her to get there, I continued reading our first required text for the class, On The Road by Jack Kerouc.

Anyone ever read this book before?!

Since it was about 10 am on this Wednesday morning in the coffee shop, I was pretty sure I was the only person under the age of 60.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Yeah ya know me just snappin some iPhone pics while I should have been reading! They were all so cute, drinking their coffee, eating their muffins, reading their newspapers, and chit chatting to one another!

So anyways onto the rest of my day. It was pretty uneventful, well kinda. I had two more classes and then ate some lunch before heading to my appointment at HEALTH SERVICES! I was nervous for how it was going to go and I don't know why! I met with Karen the nurse practitioner who weighs me and checks my blood pressure and pulse. She was glad to see me back at school and we talked for the whole half hour. It was good to meet with her to ask her any questions I had for her and go over everything. My appointment went well this week and I will see her again next Wednesday. I just hope the rest of my appointments for this semester will go just as well as todays :)

I am now hitting Publish on this post and then going to get some more work done on this Wednesday afternoon. Have a great Humpday :)



  1. Haha--candid coffee shop pics. :-)) Yeah--cafes have this cute air about them--people with their steaming cups and papers and muffins hehe...Ahhh...I wish I was in nursing school right now--can't waitt!! Have a lovely day!! :-)



  2. Hey, glad to see you're enjoying being back:) Just a check: do you still have your snacks between meals? Didn't see you mentioning them, just want you to be OK:)

    x Julia (Taste of Living)

  3. Hooray for awesome professors!! I am always totally jealous of the retirees,etc. who get to lounge in coffee shops with their buddies and chat everyone up. I want that!! haha

  4. Jenna! great post! i'm so glad our appointment went well and that you got to go to your first nursing class =) so exciting!

  5. YESS julia! i am having my snacks! it is just kinda hard to do a full days recap of eats while at school! and sorry for not mentioning them!

  6. Haha I love the candids! Glad to hear that your appointment went well- continue the great work! It sounds like you have similar breakfasts every day- have you ever thought of switching it up a little bit? Like using a different cereal or granola or breakfast bread (I LOVE zucchini bread with my yoghurt/PB/berries) instead or perhaps switch around the fruit or nut butter or maybe have waffles? I used to eat the same thing every morning since I LOVED it so much, but then I branched out a little these past few months and have found some other favourites to alternate with :)

  7. Ha! I love taking "undercover" photos with my iphone! When it is on silent, no one knows. Glad class went well. That is always a huge plus!

  8. I think old people are adorable too! Being retired kinda looks fun :) Glad to hear you're starting off well!

  9. Hey sarah! I never really get sick of yogurt messes! Hah.
    I just feel comfortable having the same thing each day for breakfast because i know it is working in my recovery and I just don't wanna mess with it for now if it is working for me- ya know?! But I have switched it up before like over night oats, oats, vita muffins, cereal- I love bananas in the morning and I switch up my nut butters as well- but ya I am stuck on kashi go lean right now- I have had puffins before! Hah. What are your fav cereals to use?! Any suggestions will be helpful :)

  10. And those old people actually work at my school! They are like maintenance workers, janitors, and custodial staff! But they are so cute!

  11. i've read on the road! had to do a whole comparative lit project on it in high school, i liked it actually. OMG how exciting that you've started your nursing classes, is it offered as a major at your school? that's awesome! i actually want to become a nurse practitioner once i'm done with my bachelor's degree i'm going to (hopefully) do a direct entry master's program! yayy!

  12. Hey Jenna!
    I'm just wondering- do you eat your meals with people? It seems like you eat in your dorm a lot and that is also probably not the best for you. Maybe you could go eat with friends for at least lunch and dinner? Just a thought!
    <3 Laura

  13. Hahaha I am cracking up at your picture taking! Props for having the guts to take pictures! Old people are the best!! Glad you had a good day! Enjoy the rest of the week!!

  14. Wow, glad you love your prof :) And I have indeed read "on the road". Its AWESOME, hope you enjoy it :)

  15. YA YA YA to beginning Nursing classes!!! I remember being soooo excited for my 1st class! ughhh the E.R. is intense! I try to avoid it, but sometimes my babies come in from emergency so I have to run down the halls to get their gurney! although HOT paramedics are one plus to working the floor of the E.R. ;) !!! sorry to ramble! If you need ANY help with Nursing or ANYTHING feel free to ask me, I'm sucha nerd I love chatting about the medical world! enjoy your classes this semester!!! xoxo!

  16. good luck wiht everything- don't give up! glad you are enjoying nursing class :)


  17. Hey girl! I found your blog through Shelley's. I can definitely relate to you in so many ways. I've had a hard recovery from my ED as well.

    Glad that you are enjoying school!

  18. So glad you had a good day! And that's funny about the coffee shop. Old people are so funny sometimes :)(and i totally mean that in a good way)

  19. It snowed last night, this gorgeous fluffy snow, but only a few inches, which turned into slushy mush by this morning. Of course, by the afternoon, it all melted away so I shouldn't have

    I love Kerouac! And all the Beats, really. I've spent a lot of my English education devoted to them. They are the stepping stones for much of today's literature, I think. On The Road is great.

    Love the candid coffee shop shots..I always feel like such a creeper but I can't help take pictures of places around me.

  20. I hope you have had a great first week back!
    The older people in the cafe thing made me chuckle- i've seen that numerous times!


  21. BA HA - I'm totally going to be one of those retirees that sits in a coffe shop all morening chatting to other retirees :)

    Sounds like you had a wicked awesome day!!!

  22. Hahahaha I love the older crowd. They must love you!! :-P
    School sounds great, I'm so happy for you!

  23. oh gosh i love all those old people, well i just love old people in general. I always try to secretly take creeper picture on my phone.. if only I had an iPhone that would make it a little easier I think!

    Thank you for finding my blog! Yours is so cute I cannot wait to read more!!

    I am with the others that just cannot wait to sit in a coffee shop when I age as well!
