Saturday, February 13, 2010

And it continues...

I continue to do well on this Saturday! I have been following my meal plan to a tee :)

Someone asked in my earlier post this morning if I was still eating my snacks while at home and the answer is yes! This morning I had a Vanilla Boost with a Kashi Honey Almond Flax bar.

Lunch was a BOCA veggie burger with american cheese on Arnold's whole wheat bread paninied along with pretzels, an apple, and a glass of milk.

It was a great change instead of having yet another turkey sandwich or wrap for lunch. But don't get me wrong I still love my turkey!

Can you believe I actually had a Boca burger instead of the usual turkey for lunch?! Ya know, just switching it up a bit ;)

My afternoon snack was an unpictured Chocolate Chip Clif Bar. I really enjoy this flavor! It tastes just like a homemade chocolate chip cookie and I bet it would have been even better popped in the micro!

Then my last meal of the night was dinner at Panera Bread. I went with my mom and two sisters for a little girls night out. I have been wanting to go to Panera for a few weeks after I met with my nutritionist because we discussed what would fit well into my meal plan! I love Panera Bread and I go there a lot but I just wanted to make sure I was getting something that would fit into my meal plan as well. So we went online and looked at the Nutrition labels and decided what would be good for me!

So tonight I knew I wanted a salad but I couldn't decide between the new Mediterranean Salmon salad and the BBQ Chopped Chicken salad. They both sounded great but I ended up going with the the BBQ salad after seeing it on this girls blog! It just looked amazing. The salad along with bread fit perfectly into my meal plan: 4 carbs, 3 fats, and 3 protein!

I ate every single bite of my delicious salad along with the dressing on top! Although I did struggle with the last few bites I was able to finish it with the support of my sister!

And without further ado I present you with the new peanut butter I bought...PB & Co. Dark Chocolate Dreams!

I cannot wait to try this baby! I have no idea what to expect but I am super excited :)

That is all I have for you tonight and now I am off to have a Strawberry Boost and watch some of the Olympics!



  1. I've never had Dark Chocolate Dreams before; let me know how it goes!!

    Great work with the switch up at lunch. Continue to be adamant to try new foods; I know you can do it!

  2. I just went to Panera last night! I did the You pick Two. I might have to try that BBQ salad next time though it looks scrumptious! Congrats on following your meal plan btw, it is so cool to see you being so motivated.

  3. yay so happy that you're continuing to do well! it can be hard to switch back and forth between home and school but it sounds like you've made the transition nicely :) and good job mixing up your lunch! <3

  4. You will fall in love with DCD! Trust me, it's addiciting!

    I'm so glad you are doing so well!
    <3 jess

  5. DCD pairs with banana impeccably!

  6. ohhh i loooveee that peanut butter. i make peanut butter and banana sandwiches with it :)

  7. I share your love of Clif bars. They really can't go wrong, bug chocolate chip is probably my favorite flavor, closely followed by carrot cake and white chocolate macadamia. The seasonal ones weren't available in my area, but I SO wanted to try the pumpkin and white chocolate macadamia flavors. Have you tries them? What was your verdict?

  8. Dark Chocolate Dreams and I have an incredible relationship. He's a big flirt with me, and while I try to play hard to get, I always come crawling back. You could say it's a somewhat abusive relationship. I tend to manhandle his jar and scrap the sides. But in the end, he's the perfect match for me.

    Also, keep up the fab work! You got it girl. I really wanna see you turn this around!

  9. DCD will blow your mind. Seriously, that stuff is good!

    I'm so glad you were able to enjoy Panera - with fee wifi and delicious food, that place is awesome!

  10. Good job on the dinner! See it gets easier!
    As for the DCD, you will loveit, I'm sure! Add it to your cereal/oats/bfast tomorrow! I just had some with a pretzel and it was gooooooood :D

  11. So happy you are doing great!!

    Boca Burgers are good, its nice to switch it up!!

    U will LOVE Dark Chocolate Dreams PB, it is the best ever!!!!!

    Happy Valentines Day! xoxo

  12. Dark Chocolate Dreams is amazing! Hope you love it :)

  13. mmm I LOVE panera!
    I like their tomato soup and tomato mozz panini. SO good!
    I might just go get one today!

    Happy valentines day! :)


  14. Yayyyy! Happy Valentines Day! Panera completes my life...seriously; it's bad. HAHAHAHA. You are doing fantastic and I am so happy to hear! Have a great day my friend!

  15. Are you drinking boost at school? will you when you go back to school tomorrow?

  16. i will be honest with you i was not consistently drinking boosts while back at school :(
    i have been drinking them while at home for snacks as you can see and i DO plan on drinking them while back at school!
    as hard as it is going to be having to drink them i know it is what i have to do! even though all of my friends are drinking them i CAN'T compare myself to them. I just gotta do what is best for ME!!

  17. Congrats on being able to switch your lunch up a bit! :-)) I'm also very happy to hear you had the support of your sister nearby when you needed it - sometimes we need that extra "cheerleader" near us when either ED or Ed-inspired fear comes knowcking on our brain. hehe So yay! :-) Glad to hear your doing well hun!!

  18. I used to LOVE Panera in college. But unfortunately there isn't a Panera anywhere near me now, so I have been suffering through withdrawals these past few years.

  19. Ah I love love love panera! But there's not one where I go to school...So sad. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    That Dark chocolate peanut butter looks GOOOOD! You'll have to let us know! I love the cinnamon rasin by that company :) So I'm sure the chocolate is delish. I mean peanut butter, chocolate, what's not to love?!

  20. Your sandwich looks amazing! Something about a grilled cheese sandwich that just makes a good lunch....
