Sunday, February 14, 2010

A goal a day

Happy Valentine's Day!

There was no better way to start my Valentine's Day morning than having some yogurt mess lovin' in a jar.

The last spoonfull of my Crazy Richard's creamy peanut butter.
I learned from the last time I made a yogurt mess in a jar not to do layers. So this time around I started by putting a lil yogurt, then cereal and banana and then repeat until you use all your ingredients. This way you make sure everything is equally distributed out in the jar.
Once everything was in the jar I gave it a big mix to make sure I got a taste of everything in each bite :)
Do I really need to tell you how it was?! I think you get the idea ;)

You are probably wondering about the title of my post...A goal a day! This is something I came up this morning while I was wide awake at 4am. These past couple of days as I have been determined to do well I haven't been sleeping well because I am so anxious and excited for the new day to start to get going on recovery :)

So I came up with the idea to come up with a new goal for myself each day and to try to challenge myself. Todays goal was actualy already met this morning during breakfast. That is how determined I am!

My goal for today was to use 1 FULL cup of Kashi Go Lean cereal in my yogurt mess since I normally only use 1/2-3/4 cup. I knew if I really wanted to succeed in recovery I need to challenge myself, and besides whats an extra couple of calories in some cereal? Plus, my body could use those extra calories. I ended up having one full cup of cereal in my yogurt mess and it wasn't all that bad!

What are your plans for Valentine's Day?



  1. Awesome idea! Love the goal a day! That yogurt in a jar looks really yummy. I will have to try that when my pb is almost gone.

  2. good for you girl! during recovery i used ATLEAST a cup.. most of the time 2 cups! that stuff is super lean! maybe you could try kashi CRUNCH?!?! I LOVE THAT CEREAL!

  3. I am so happy I found your blog. I really admire your strength and positivity! Isn't it funny how pictures of yogurt mixed with cereal and peanut butter in a nut butter jar can make you drool more than a gourmet meal at a five-star restaurant? Haha! I'll keep reading!

  4. I am very proud of you for switching up calorie content vs what type of food. While it is important to get a variety of foods, getting over stressing about calorie amounts is also important for ED recovery.

    Happy Vday!

    ps I am now a blog follower on google reader :)

  5. I love the idea of setting an achievable and visible goal for each day. Yesterday I succeeded in the goal of not weighing myself in the morning! So it appears that small goals are the way to go!
    Love the yogurt mess btw!

  6. Yay!! Love the idea of a goal. Love it. And conquering the cereal.. you go girl!! :)

  7. Hello there thanks for stopping by :-)

    Of course I'll follow...liking the sound of your goal a day plan! Hope you have a nice valentines day...

    Sarah x

  8. I love Crazy Richards Peanut Butter! I love your goal a day challenge/idea! Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Crazy Richard's is my favorite peanut butter!

  10. Great idea with the goals! If you like GoLean, you should try Good Friends...way crunchier, and there's little bits of granola in it too! Yum!

    Happy Valentine's Day girl!

  11. you are so inspirational!!! and i'm not doing anything for vday :(
    i'm going to follow your blog, thanks for finding mine!

  12. hey girl, i just realized i've seen your blog a long time ago! i think you changed it up a little? it looks amazing, as does your foood ;)

    i'll definitely follow, i'd love if you followed mine! :)

    ♥ lindsey

  13. great challenge!!! love your attitude to try new things :)

  14. The yogurt mess might not look so pretty, but it sounds great. I like the idea of crunchy cereal. I've been reading around on your blog and wanted to say you're so strong! I'm rooting for you.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  15. i like your goal a day idea! great job with the cereal, that's awesome

  16. Thanks for stopping by :)

    I agree that Go Lean Crunch is delightful! Definitely crunchy (it lives up to its name) and is a little sweeter than the regular Go Lean.

    I like your goal a day- maybe tomorrow's goal should be to sleepp a little longer ;-)

  17. how can you say that yougrt mess does not look good?!
    haha im just kiddin but it tastes even better than it looks :)

  18. Hi Jenna -
    So glad you liked my blog, and so glad you commented because otherwise I may not have found yours! It's great, can't wait to keep reading :)
    That breakfast looks delicious...I can't wait until I've got an empty nut-butter jar to do oats or yogurt in a jar. I'm new to the nut-butter craze and have never had the opportunity before! I've been sheltered, I guess ;)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog Jenna! I still don't really know what my plans are for today... Valentine's Day isn't a big deal for me I guess!

  20. Hey love! Happy V Day =)

    I think OIAJ is one of my great loves =)

  21. Hi LOVE!!! great start to your Valentine's day...I hope you have an amazing sunday! great goal! If you need any goal ideas just give us a holler! I'm so pumped about your enthusiasm to heal!! xoxo!

  22. I am so close to finishing my crazy richards! I'm jealous of your empty jar! I have actually been reading your blog for a little while now... Glad to see you are taking steps towards recovering... I think making teeny tiny steps at a time is key :)

  23. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog, yours looks great!

  24. Inspirational as usuallll... I feel like I need to challenge myself for my recovery too but I'm just freaked out. It's cool, though, I read your blog and I feel more motivated.

    Happy Valentines Day love!

  25. im proud of you hun! keep it up :) so glad you tried the panera salad and loved it.. you are going to love dark chocolate dreams peanut butter!

  26. your yogurt messes look ridiculous! ha yummmm!@# i added ya(; add me if you like! :D

  27. Looks like a fab yogurt mess!

    Thanks for stopping by x x

  28. That is such a good way to clean out a jar and have breakfast at the same time!

  29. My plans for valentine's day are going to have to take place tomorrow because we have my father-in-laws b-day today :-)

  30. Thanks for stopping by, sweetie! That is such a good idea of coming up with a little goal for yourself everyday. Every little goal you reach will make you feel so much stronger :-) DCD is where it's at! Soooo yummy!

  31. Hey Jenna-Thanks for stopping by my blog-I hope you like it. I guess we had the same thing in mind these days (oats in a empty nut butter jar). Isn't it the best?!?! Well I love your blog too and just added it to my google reader. Thanks again for stopping by and hope you will read more.

  32. I've seen Crazy Richard's at Whole Foods but I haven't ever tried it. Apparently, it's locally made. That could mean Cincinnati or just Ohio in general. Maybe I should give it a whirl!

  33. awesome goal and even better that you accomplished it! i need to start making small daily goals for my eating as well. also, your breakfast sounds like a parfait -- decadent! :)

  34. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Jenna! What a strong young woman you are to be so vigorously embracing recovery; it's truly such an exhausting road. And, also what a great idea to focus on what step you can take each day. It truly is a great way to go about recovery. Just looking at the single day ahead. It's manageable and doable. I wish someone had suggested that to me (or if I thought of it myself) during my recovery.

    Can't wait to read more of your blog!

  35. Thanks for dropping by my blog! I've actually read your's, but I just don't think I've ever commented.

    You're very courageous for sharing your jouney, both the stuggles and the victories; you really have a good thing going girl!

  36. I am so proud of you for making that big change!! I know that for most people they wouldnt think that a 1/4 cup would be a big deal, but for those of us in recovery it is a BIG deal!! I know that this part of recovery is REALLY hard, but remember that as soon as you get to your goal weight you can just stay there and start living again!! Life might be tough now, but you will be stronger for your ur future!!

  37. Hey girl - absolutely love this "Yogurt Mess" concept, I will definitely be trying it out with my next empty MaraNara almond butter jar!

    Thanks so much for checking out my blog, I will definitely add yours to my list of fabulous blogs to follow:)

    xo Jean

  38. Love your goal a day idea! KEEP IT UP GIRL.

    Your yogurt mess looks awesome! I love when I have enough left in a jar to do OIAJ...its been a long time since I have remembered to do that...


  39. Hi Jenna! Thanks for coming to my blog, I'll be sure to check yours out! I'm also studying nursing... well, pre-nursing right now as my program will (hopefully!) start in the fall. I'm excited to read about your experiences!

  40. yay! good for challenging yourself Jenna :)


  41. Happy valentines day to you girl :)

    Congratulations on taking that step and challenging yourself.

  42. Baby steps, right? Thanks for visiting my blog, too!

    I hope you have a great heart and chocolate day!

  43. That's great, Jenna! One step a day, as long as you are progressing in the right direction. Keep it up! :-)

  44. I like your goal a day idea !

  45. That's awesome! A goal a day is totally doable! And you'll do great!

  46. I think that that's a great challenge, and I'm sure you'll conquer it!
    Lovely breakfast btw, sounds delicious!

  47. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I have had a quick scan of yours and can't wait until I have the time to read some more! Love the messy jars...I'll have to give them a try! See you soon!

  48. for valentines my boyfriend and I made homemade pizzas!!! Yummmm!

  49. I swear this hole breakfast in a jar phenomenon is taking over the world. I need to get hip to it. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed it! ;)

    One day, one hour, one minute, one step, one miniscule moment at a time, you can work past anything.

  50. Mmm, your yogurt mess looks so good...!

    I love your "goal a day" idea! I will have to try that. :)

    ~ Catherine

  51. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I'm so glad you brought me to your incredible blog! Your story is so inspiring - thank you for sharing your strength and your journey with us!

    I'm especially excited to discover that you're in nursing school, as I just graduated from nursing school last March! Nurses rock! :-)

    Your "yogurt mess" looks soooo scrumptious... I love Kashi Go-Lean cereal! :-)

  52. That looks delicious! For Valentines, I just went for dinner downtown and hung out there the entire day with my boyfriend.

  53. i love your goal a day idea. i think i might try and adopt that into my lifestyle - even the littlest accomplishment brings such a sense of satisfaction. good luck!
