Saturday, February 13, 2010

Today is a new day

Happy Saturday everyone! I want to thank all of you for the encouraging comments on my post yesterday, it means a lot to me!

My new motto as of right now is One day at a time and today is a new day.

Yesterday went very well for as far as my eating! I was very proud of myself and changed things up a bit, but you will have to continue reading to find out ;)

Last night for dinner (believe me or not!) I had spaghetti and meatballs. Yes, you heard me right. Yes, it is one of my BIG fear foods. No, I am not lying. We were at my sister's basketball game last night so we had to get dinner on the go since we wouldn't be home until later.

My mom suggested Papa Gino's for some veggie and cheese pizza. I wasn't really happy about that because it seems to me she always wants me to have pizza. She was by no means forcing me to eat pizza, she told me to get whatever I wanted. She actually told me to order the whole menu for dinner because I could afford to eat anything I wanted!

I was being brave and not letting ED get to me and decided I wanted spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I knew my body needed some carbs and protein, so that is what I got!
Although I ordered the Kids version, it was the perfect size. There was just the right amount of spaghetti with two decent sized two meatballs, it fit into my meal plan perfectly! I enjoyed every delicious bite without any regret. The strange thing was I felt fine afterwards and didn't think and analyze it at all.

When we got home last night I made a quick run to the grocery store to pick up a few things and brought home this, Vanilla Stonyfield Farm Organic Frozen yogurt!
and an 100 calorie Glenny's Peanut Butter Brownie!
Put them together and that is what I had for an evening snack!Vanilla Frozen yogurt with a crumbled brownie on top! It was sooo yummy! The brownie was so soft and moist, it tasted just like a homemade brownie and reminded me of Vitatops.

Can you believe I actually had this for a snack? Because I still can't! I was once again so proud of myself for eating this instead of drinking a Boost. Just gotta keep remembering change is good :)Although it wasn't ice cream, it was fat free frozen yogurt, it still was a step in the right direction and a great change!

This morning I woke up at 5am wide awake and anxious for the day to start! I couldn't fall back asleep so what else to do then catch up on some blog reading, right?! So that is what I did until I fell back asleep for a bit until I got up for some breaky.

This morning I had a delicious yogurt mess with Vanilla Chobani yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, and a very ripe banana with Crazy Richard's creamy peanut butter on top and a glass of milk on the side.
Yogurt mess in a jar in the near future (aka probs tomorrow!)
A perfect yogurt mess just the way I like it :)
A yogurt mess just isn't complete without mixing it up ;)

I just wanted to write a post this morning because I am anxious to keep moving forward!! Just taking it one day at a time.

Rewind to yesterday morning real quick I had a yogurt mess in a jar because I was on the last of my Teddie's smoth peanut butter!

In the peanut butter jar went Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, and a sliced banana on top with milk on the side.

All mixed up as I was getting towards the end. I didn't want it to end :(

I mean it was alright, nothing special ;)

Well I hope ya liked all the foodie pics! I will be continuing to document all of my eats throughout the day. I feel as though when I do take pictures of my food and post them it holds me more accountable. I seem to do much better when I post my eats. So when you see me not posting my eats, you should worry. Either I am very busy with other stuff or I am struggling a bit!

Have a great Saturday! It's Valentine's Day tomorrow :)



  1. Yummmmm! I'm very proud of you! You are doing so well and I know that your body is thanking you! All of you snacks/eats look SO good. My stomach is a rumblin...num nummmmm! Have a great Saturday!
    Love, Amanda

  2. Yayyy Jenna!!!!! I'm so happy to hear about your risk- wasn't it great?! It's always the anticipation that's worse I feel, then once you actually eat it- it's like- that wasn't so bad no? And it totally gets easier :)
    Have a great day!

  3. Hey. I'm so proud. I know how hard eating new foods/fear foods can be. WAY TO CONQUER ED! you can do it!

    also I'm jealous of your evening snack. It looked DELISH!

  4. Hi Jenna!
    I've been wanting to introduce myself and my new blog. I've followed yours and some others for awhile before working up the courage to start one myself. I can relate to your story a little, and struggle with some of the same things as well. My mom would have freaked if I wanted to order from the kids menu. But I actually think the portions for kids are a little more realistic, could be my disordered thinking though so who knows? Keep up with the trying new foods. I think it's important for us to not get stuck in a rut with the routines and meal plannings. Hope you have a good Valentines weekend!

  5. yup, although your snack wasn't ice cream, and the brownie was the 100 cal kind, it's still a HUGE victory so you should be proud of yourself! same goes for the spaghetti and meatballs. woohoo go jenna!

  6. So proud of your for mixin it up!! :) I've never tried Papa Gino's spaghetti...seems like it is delish! :) <3 <3 <3

  7. I'm so proud of you for the spaghetti and meatballs girl! Way to go :) I love the froyo and brownie combination, too!

  8. Aaw that jar of peanut butter is so cute. I think if I saw it I'd buy some just for the teddy bear on the front.
    That is definitely an excellent motto, and it seems to be working for you! Sometimes it can be edited to taking it one minute or one meal at a time if need be. :) It's great how brave you've been in challenging yourself, and you should be so incredibly proud!


  9. jenna i am so proud of you!!! you did aweosme yesterday. and i also love the fact that you are being so honest adn telling us to worry if u don't post your eats.. you can do this hun!!

  10. woohoo! way to go with changing things up and being in control, as opposed to ED! and i love your yogurt messes...mmmm!

  11. All those eats looked fantastic! I am so glad that you are jumping right back in this weekend! Thanks for motivating me to do the same!

  12. that spaghetti and meat balls looks amazing. Your yogurt mess looks more amazing than a mess yum!

  13. Way to take a step in the right direction! Don't stop now; keep going!!

  14. Good for you girl!!! So proud :D!!!! Changing things up and eating things you don't normally eat WITHOUT guild or analyzing it.. that's absolutely amazing! And the yogurt mess in the jar looks to die for! As does the yogurt and brownie...yum!!!

  15. yay!!! keep it up! happy valentines day!xoxo

  16. You are doing so awesome Jenna!! I am so proud of you! :)

  17. Hey glad you had a better day ;) brownie and fro yo combo looks great...where did you fiind that brownie?

  18. JENNA! girl i am so proud of you! its so great that you just went for it. the thing is- your just eating what you love and what you need, and it tastes so darn good (: your yogurt messes always make me want one. i think i will have one for a shhnnack tomorrow! have an amazing night xoxo soph

  19. Good job Jenna, but as someone said-it's one weekend, and you definitely need more support oright now to really kick this. You have the drive, no doubt. I would strongly think about taking the time NOW to go to a kick ass program, use your motivation and really get the work done-get to the core of things-, and go back to school in the Fall free and ready to live as you should. You definitely step it up in the moment, but I think you do that w/ the thought you can pull back after you "get out of danger"-thats the ed. You know? I hope you will hear what I'm saying and I hope your newer readers will support what us "oldies" are saying. You have all my support, and thensome. I can't stand watching you go through the motions I went through. I know it too well. You don't want to be in your late twenties, thirties, god forbid forties and struggling.

  20. Are you having snack at home?

  21. that 100 cal brownie looks delicious wiht froyo! great job with new eats :) you're doing so great and are so motivating to me!! by the way i got the paackage in the mail from the contest today - thanks again!!! XOXO

  22. Any thing with banana should taste good.

  23. Woooo you go girl! That's awesome! And the froyo and brownie looks delish!

    I love yogurt in a jar. <3

    have a great valentines day!

  24. Good job hun! Recovery is by no means a breeze and we're all right here for you to share your highs, lows and whatever else there may be! Congrats on eating instead of drinking Boost - that's another small victory against your captor and so I'm VERY happy for yoU! :-)) Sounds like you had a good day and I wish you the same today! Happy Valentine's Day!! :-))

  25. You had a great day of eats!! You should be so proud of having that spaghetti and having frozen yogurt + brownie instead of Boost - that is so awesome!! Keep it up...! :)

    ~ Catherine
