Friday, October 30, 2009

Not so good oats

Not so good oats
I must admit I am have not master making oats yet :( So I need all the suggestions I can get. I have only made oatmeal once before and it was kind of an experimental trial, they tasted alright but were just a little bland.
But this morning when I made oatmeal I didn't even want to finish it, that's how bad it was :( I was very disappointed! I mixed a packet of Original Quaker oats, 2/3 cup water with 1 sliced Granny smith apple.
I put it into the microwave for a minute and a half and it came out like this...very soupy and not how I expected.I added a little Teddie's peanut butter to give it some more flavor but it was still very bland and had NO yummy taste whatsoever. This was the worst breakfast I have had in a long time. I think tomorrow I will be sticking to my yogurt mess which I know will be yummy. But I am still very willing to try more oatmeal mixes. So if you have any yummy recipes for oatmeal, send 'em on over to me ;)

But to make up for my yucky breakfast I only had one class this morning and then went out with my girlfriends to finally get Halloween costumes. Yeah I know I told you the other day we were gonna be robbers but I don't think we are doing that anymore, maybe tomorrow night. But tonight I am going to be a CAT!

Lunch this afternoon was a smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, with pretzels and a Red pear!I am officially on a pear-kick if you can't tell! I tried a RED pear today and I couldn't really tell you the difference between that and a green pear. But they are both juicy yummy
Dinner was broiled chicken, veggie blend, and an artisan roll. Look at all the veggies, I love it!

Well since tonight is Halloween Eve I am off to celebrate! Hope you all have a great Friday!

Are you celebrating Halloween both nights this weekend like me?


  1. If you want thicker oats (which I like) and I'm guessing you might like since you were so let down by them this morning, try a little less water in your oats. This will make them less soupy, and much better :)

    I love oats, so I hope you find a way to make them so you love them too!

  2. Aw, I remember the first time I made oats, it was so chunky and thick, completely the opposite of yours. :) Oh, well. Live and learn. I still haven't gotten a Halloween costume and it's OCTOBER 30! Geez. This is the latest I've ever been.

  3. microwave a banana; i like stovetop oatbran but the banana is a lot sweeter, try adding a pinch of salt (actually makes it sweeter) and a little bit of vanilla if you have it (:

  4. My oat suggestions:

    -less water
    -try making them with milk--super creamy!)
    -add banana
    -try another kind of quaker oats--apples and cinnamon is very good!
    -cinnamon/spice=fabulous in oats

    Hope you figure out what works for you! :)

    <3 jess

  5. you need to add the flavor! you barely added anything, which is why they were so bland! try some brown sugar, granola, almond butter, banana, nuts, cinnamon, ect. i swear, you won't EVER want another breakfast again!

    my fave combo - cinnamon, banana, walnuts, almond butter. OMG, delish.

  6. I said it before: please PLEASE use milk instead of water! So much better:)

    And a question: how do you feel about maybe changing your routine for lunch and diner? You're having a lot of turkey/cheese wraps and chicken with bread rolls, maybe nice to experiment a bit with other things? Pasta? Sandwiches? Baked potatoes?
    I'm just saying it because I did the same thing when I was really into my ED and I'm so glad I'm able to enjoy pretty much everything now. For me, that's a big part of an ED mindset. Just see how you feel about it?

    Enjoy your Halloween!

  7. Yes, oats do take awhile to master. I am not a big fan of bowls of oats, but I love using them for baking.

    Make sure to take a pic of your cat costume--happy Halloween!

  8. Oats are wayy better made out of the big container instead of the little packets...go for the blue and red Quaker tub. Then use 1/2 cup oats and add 1/2 cup almond/soy/skim milk, heat it up for about a minute, mix in your toppings and heat it up for another minute. SO YUMMY! Best toppings (to me at least) are PB, bananas, apples, pumpkin butter, cranberries and flax :)

    Have fun tonight! I went to a party last night and I'll be partying again tonight too!

  9. Dont buy the individual packets! they are so processed! Buy the big canister. for ever 1/2 cup of oats use a cup of water. I usually microwave it for 2-3 minutes, and let it sit for a couple (it thickens up over time) I add at TBSP of peanut butter, cinnamon, and i crumble a vitamuffin, or a kashi cereal bar on top.

  10. I recommend adding some spice -- some cinnamon, a packet of sweetener, steeping a tea bag -- or adding some of your boost in place of water! also, cut back on the water if you want thicker oats :)

  11. perfect oats: 1 pack oatmeal, 1/2 cup milk, very thinly sliced banana and pinch of cinnamon. Microwave for 1-2 mins :)

  12. Looks like you need some more oats in your oats! hehe Or you could mash up a banana for flavor:)

    Happy Halloween!

  13. You know those yogurt messes you love? Make the same thing, except using oatmeal as the base instead of yogurt.
