Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween
Good evening everyone! I hope you have had a great Halloween day thus far and it only continues to get better tonight! I just realized that this is my first holiday blogging since I started my blog this summer. Yeah :)

This is my lil dog Bella! Isn't she so cute dressed up in her Halloween costume and bow?! She says HAPPY HALLOWEEN :)

To start off my Halloween morning I had a yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, and a sliced banana! I know it is not very Halloween spiritied but I don't really have any Pumpkin foods in my dorm room.

My dad came up to visit me this afternoon and to watch the football game! It was nice to see him and spent time together :) He brought me up a bag of stuff (like my CAMERA!!!) and slipt me some mulah ;) Love when he visits. Yes, I finally have my OWN camera back and I can now give my friend's camera back to her. I am so thankful to have such nice friends and I am so excited I have my camera back! Even though my college team was winning the whole entire game...they ended up losing :( But it was a good game!Dinner tonight was broiled chicken, mixed viggies, and an artisan dinner roll.

Well I am off to get ready for Halloween festivities round two! Tonight I will be rockin' the black cat again because I absolutely love my costume! My friends are all being different colored M & M's, I could be one with them tonight since they got me a shirt but I love by cat, it is so cute!

What is everyone being for Halloween? I wanna know :)


  1. Happy Halloween, girl! I hope you had a great end to your Saturday :)

    Love that yogurt mess!
    <3 jess

  2. i was Tinkerbell for Halloween, i just love her, she is too cute
