Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mix My Granola

Mix My Granola
Yeah Friday is tomorrow and Halloween is Saturday! Oh so close to the weekend :) I hope your day was well today.
This morning I woke up, showered and ate breakfast while checking my e-mails, blog, facebook, etc, the usual ;) Good thing I did check my e-mail because my sociology professor sent us an e-mail earlier this morning letting us know she cancelled class because her son got sick last night...score! I mean I hope her soon feels better but I was happy to hear I didn't have an 8:30 class.
My yogurt mess had Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, and a lil bit of Teddie's pb all mixed together :)

After my two classes I checked my mail (like I do everyday) because I love getting packages and letters! Today I had a package but I knew what it was, but I was still exctied about it!

A few weeks back I won the giveaway from Nutricious is Delicious, and I finally got around to ordering some!

I received a $10 giftcard for winning the giveaway. I picked the low fat cranberry granola with almonds, cranberries, and a hint of coconut.

Jenna's Granola Mix...creative name, right?! It took me so long to come up with.
Ingredients: Low-Fat Granola and Lots of LOVE <3

Lunch was a different kind of turkey today, it was very dry and much different from the usual smoked turkey I get each day. Although it was very good I had no problem with it. I had a turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes with pretzels and a juicy pear with milk. I really enjoy pears and I miss eating them, so you might be seeing more of them on the blog ;) The last time I had a pear was in my yogurt mess a few weeks back, but today I got to enjoy each juicy bite.

This afternoon I ran a few errands with my friend Carly and then met with my tutor for my Biochemistry class. It is not that I am doing poor in the class but I just want to keep on top of everything so I can be very successful in the class!
Before dinner I decided to go work out at the gym. I busted out 40 minutes on the elliptical and it felt great. After working out I quickly showered and then ate my delicious dinner that was waiting for me, broiled chicken, green beans & carrots, and a dinner roll. The caf guy didn't skimp on the veggies at all. I am now getting to know which caf servers to go to ;)
Since today was a very busy day I am going to take it easy tonight and watch Grey's!!
Has anyone tried Mix My Granola?!


  1. omg i love pears so much! yum yum :)

    so i am going to sound like a totally freak but--yes i have tried mix my granola i ordered it for myself one night when i was feeling a bit on the drunk side...yes i am a freak :)

  2. mmm I love mix my granola :) I put animal crackers in mineeee... tehehe. can't wait to see how you like hers! I think a granola yogurt mess is in your future ;)

  3. I have seen others try Mix my granola, I have not tried it! Look forward in seeing how you like yours. Love the name : )

  4. I love MixMyGranola, I had almost the same mix as you but also had dried kiwis. I hope to buy some more soon, it goes by too fast!

  5. my mix granola is suicha great idea!! the idea that you can customize granola just screams FOODIE!!

    i want to try it soon!!!

  6. I have been wanting to try Mix My Granola--I love the whole create your own trend :-)Yours sounds like a great way to start the day!

  7. i want to try mix my granola!! hopefully you like it :)


  8. I really want to try MIx My Granola. :) Hey, do you buy most of your food at the caf or do you go to the grocery store? The thought of college is freaking me out. :O What university do you go to? I think I remember you saying something about California, right?

  9. I have got to try Mix My Granola!! :) Your mix sounds great! Yum, yum :)

    <3 jess
