Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Autumn-y colors

Autumn-y colors

Happy Humpday everyone! Today has been nothing but RAIN. It hasn't stopped all day. So after my two morning classes today was spent doing lots of homework on this rainy day. But I can't complain because I did get a lot of work done, so I was happy ;)
Lunch was a roasted turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes with pretzels, a Red Delicious and milk.All I could think of when I looked at my dinner was the color there was. It just reminded me of autumn-y colors! There is lots of browns with reds and yellows just like leaves. Anyone else with me?!

I have all my food groups in my dinner... protein, grain, and veggies. Check check and check! I have noticed my blogs have become quite shorter and boring recently but I just have been soo busy with school and such. Soooo to change this PROBLEMO, my goal for this upcoming week is to spice up mahh blog! Everyone else with me? Good :)

Do you try to have all your major food groups in each meal of the day?


  1. Ah life is busy eh? Some days I don't post..just too overwhelming lol. Your lunch and dinner look yummy! Love the fall colors. I don't really try to get all food groups in..I prolly should! :P

  2. I definitely see the autumn-y colors. That dinner roll looks sooo good. Yum!

  3. lets pray for sunshine tomorrow!

  4. I try my best to get all my food groups in throughout the day, but not always at every meal.

  5. I definitely try my best to get in all the food groups. But I think that for me veggies though will always and forever be the most difficult to get the most of!

  6. i think i have all food groups in every meal....well at breakies and lunch at least dinner is just missing some dairy

  7. hey girly! Nice dinner! Yes, I aim for hitting up all major groups except during breakfast.....I always seem to slack on one of them there! Usually cause I'm on the grab and go before work! Have a good day- I hope you have a relaxing weekend planned after the craziness of this week!!

  8. It is rainy and dreary here as well!! Boo!!

    I don't stress too much if I don't get every food group into each meal, just as long as I get my daily quota during the whole day.

  9. hey girl! just checking in to see if you got the giveaway package yet..

    I mailed it out a couple weeks ago so I hope you got it and are enjoying the goods :)

  10. helllooo my dear!

    my google reader is not updating my posts! I am so super upset, but i am updating so stop by!

    your lunch and dinner look great! ahhh the beautious autumn colors!!

  11. Hi Jenna,

    I love your blog! I was wondering what brand of whole wheat wrap you used. It looks really good!


  12. julie i am pretty sure i did receive your package! my mom keeps tabs on them for me at home! i sent you my home address but i am at school now, so the next time i go home (which will be soon) i can't wait to dig into the goodies!!

  13. heyy!
    thanks for visiting my blog. i actually have no idea what wraps they are since i get all of my food from the caf.
    but i must say my all time fav. wraps are la tortilla factory :)
    hope that helps!

  14. I am going to go check out the granola site. Love the look!
