Friday, October 16, 2009

It's Snowing?

It's Snowing?
Yes! Apparently this morning it was snowing at my school this morning! But I wouldn't know because I was still sound asleep since I didn't have class til 10:30. I mean it was not by any means a snowstorm, it was just a few flakes. But sill...snow in October?! Crazy.
Breaky this morning was a yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi H2H, a sliced banana with a dollop of Naturally More peanut butter and milk.
Two classes down this morning and my weekend was here. Lunch was smoked turkey on a whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, with pretzels, an apple, and milk.
Then I was off to practice in the freezing cold. But you know your girl dressed for the wheather, all bundled up in my Under Armour. I hate being cold!! Practice was short and sweet since we have an ALUMNI GAME tomorrow morning! Should be lots of fun schoolin' the old alumni ;) This afternoon was our last day of fall ball, I am both happy and sad at the same time. The real season does not start until the spring and we don't start practicing again until after Christmas Break! So I have a few months without lax!
Tonight I am off to hang out with the girls! Perhaps a movie night?! I am not sure but I will fill ya in on the details tomorrow.
To let you all know that camera is on its way up to me!!! Hang in there blog readers, I know you must be super bored reading all this with no pics. I know I would. I am sorry :/
Check out this giveaway :)


  1. ah it snowed here too!!
    kashi H2H with some yogurt sounds like perfection in a bowl to me!

  2. I am not bored reading your blog!! :) YAY for snow. I really hope we get some this year!!!
    <3 jess

  3. I hate being cold too! Hope your camera gets to you soon! Us foodies with no should be a crime! haha Lunch sounds simply delish, btw!

  4. Crazy weather, right?! We've already gotten about 2 inches :-(
