Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's on its way

It's on its way
Yes you heard me right! My camera is on its way :) My mom is sending it up to me today so I hopefully will get in Saturday but then again the mail center here on campus is NOT open on the weekends so therefore I might not get it until Monday. Ahhh! I dunno how I am gonna do this...a food blog with NO pictures! To me that is not possible but then again here I am posting without any foodie pics. Boring right? I know! But please hang in there for these couple of torcherous days without any pics. I promise the good old Jenna's blog will be back to normal soon :)
Since I have no camera I AM NOT going to try any new foods without capturing them with my cam. So for the next couple of days I am going to eat the same old foods so you all won't miss out ;) Sounds good, right?!
So once I finally get my camera be ready for some rockin' foodie pics. Can't wait! I have so many new foods to try, I am really excited :) I honestly just can't believe I forgot my camera. That was the ONE thing I did not want to forget and of course I forgot it. Just my luck!
Last night I did not sleep very well for some reason. I kept waking up and could not fall back asleep quickly. My alarm went off this morning but I did not want to get out of bed, I just wanted to lay in my cozy bed all day. I usually have no problem getting out of bed in the morning but today was just one of those days. My throat was kind of sore and my nose was stuffy, so that was why I did not want to get out of bed.
But after taking a nice hot shower, eating breakfast, and taking some DayQuil Tylenol I was starting to feel a little better. It was freezing out this morning! Brrrr. Apparently it is snowing in CT! That is crazy.
Morning breakfast was a yogurt mess (you have all seen me eat plenty of yog messes) so you weren't missing much. I had Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Heart to Heart, a banana, and a dollop of Pb & Co. Smooth Operator pb with milk. Haven't had my PB & Co. pb in awhile since I have been trying other brands. It was very nice to be reunited and it is almost gone so you know what that means...yog mess in a jar or oatmeal in a jar perhaps?!
Today's classes were good. I got my Sociology test and Biochemistry test back and also took a Sociology, Biblical Theology, and Biochemistry test all day. Phew! I am glad today is over.
Lunch was roasted turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, with pretzels, a Red Delicious apple and milk.
Since I didn't get the best nights sleep last night and I am not feeling all that great, I think I see a nap in the near future! So that is exactly what I am gonna do. Talk to you all later lovies!


  1. Hey girl! Hope you feel better, a nap will definitely help out. This weather stinks, it's cold and dreary here. Enjoy your day!


  2. heyyy!!!!!! i was jw, are u having snacks and stuff? any new yummy ones?
    katie anne

  3. I always do the same thing -- I forget the things I need/want most even AFTER telling myself a 100 times not to forget it. haha :) Hope you feel a better soon!

    - Jil

  4. No worries about the food pics, I sometimes forget to take a pic and I have a camera. Hope you feel better...ya the bad weather doesn't help.

  5. Thanks for the shout ;) SO glad you're getting your camera back. I think I would feel lost without mine too. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better- I think its just that time of day

  6. Woohoo for your camera coming! Can't wait to see what you have.

    Hang in there with all that schoolwork, and I hope you sleep better tonight!

  7. Yay for the camera coming soon! I feel lost without mine!

    Happy weekend :)

  8. ugh I hate when I can't sleep, so frustrating! Hope you catch some z's tonight :)
