Saturday, October 17, 2009

Still Here

Still Here
So I am still here...with no camera and sick :( Could not get any worse! I haven't been feeling well for the past couple of days and today it got worse. My throat is sore and it hurts very much to swallow. I have been resting and trying to drink lots of fluids.
Breaky this morning was a yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi H2H, sliced banana and a dollop of Naturally More pb with a glass of milk. Can you tell the Naturally More peanut butter has really grown on me, and I love it? And that I also love the word dollop ;)
This morning was the alumni lacrosse game. We totally schooled the alumni although it was very fun to see the graduated seniors from last year. Props to me for scoring 1 goal and having 1 assist ;) I was exctied to play again today. Even though my playing time is not much for right now considering I need to start off slow I am extremely happy to be playing again and scorng onw goal and having one assist is great for the amount of playing time I got. So overall I was happy :)
I came home and took a nice long shower and then put on some sweats and got some homework done before getting some lunch.
Lunch was a roasted turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, with pretzels, an apple, and milk. Then a much needed nap was taken! Although after I woke up I still felt icky :(
Dinner was a piece of broiled chicken, vegetable blend, a piece of wheat bread with milk. Boring I know but that's all I was really up for since I am not feeling well.
Tonight even though I feel wicked loisy I am going out with my friends for a bit. I am a trooper I know ;) I am probably not going to stay out very long tonight since I am not feeling well. My plans are to go out for a bit then come back to the dorm and snuggle to watch a movie! Hope it works out.
I may or may not have a lil trick up my sleeve, I hope it works and I will let you all know :) Have a nice Saturday night!


  1. aw poor thing -- get better soon! and that alumni game sounds so fun.. I love watching old people running around like they know what they're doing :)

    what's this trick you speak of?! spill!

  2. Hope you feel better soon! Congrats on the goal! Always LOVE your yogurt mess for breakfast, it's my fave too!

  3. Awh man, getting sick is SO not fun! I was sick for almost a week with a flu/cold bug and now 2 cases of Swine flu were confirmed on campus--gotta keep the hand sanitizer going!

    Hope you feel better and rest up this weekend!
