Wednesday, October 21, 2009

40 minutes and it felt so good

40 minutes and it felt so good

TWSS! Right? No no, that is NOT what I am talking about. Gosh. What I am talking about though is how I went to the GYM this afternoon!! Yes, you heard me right. I did 40 minutes on the elliptical and it felt so good to finally be able to exercise. I ellipticized for 40 minutes while jammin' out to my new songs on the iPod touch!

Oh yeah and if you were wondering what I ate last night here it is. A piece of broiled chicken, BROCOLLINI, and a Harvest Wheat Roll with oats, and milk.
What can I say? I just love my veggies :)
But let me rewind to this morning because I had something different for breaky! Can you believe that? Every breakfast this week has been different and I am so proud (and so should all of you because you get to look at new foodie pics!!)

So last night I really wanted to try making overnight oats. I searched on blogs on how to make overnight oats using yogurt. I know lots of bloggers make overnight oats but most of them don't use yogurt! I finally found a recipe I liked from SnackFace! It was just what I was looking for.

Last night I mixed 1 (5.3 oz) Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, 1 banana, a little less than 1/3 cup oats, and 1/8 cup milk. I mixed it all together in a bowl and let is sit overnight in the fridge. I was super anxious to see how it was going to taste and look like in the morning. When I mixed everything together it was rather soupy and I was hesitant on adding the milk in. But I did anyways because that is what the recipe called for.
This morning came and there was really no preparation to be done except add a dollop of Naturally More peanut butter on my oats and eat it ;) I love it when the mornings are so easy.The oats soaked up all the yogurt and milk and it came out great, it wasn't soupy at all! The texture was rich and thick and was most importantly were delicious! The overnight oats got an A in my book. Next I will be sure to try overnight oats without the yogurt :)
CToday was absolutely beautiful :) The temps were in the 60's and I was able to wear just a long sleeve tank and jeans! I love nice fall weather. It has been the strangest weather out. A few days ago it was freezing and then today it was beautiful but I am sure it will not last very soon.
Lunch was a smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes with pretzels a honeycrisp apple and milk.

Then I was off to my appointment with the other Karen who I see every two weeks. It went really well and I enjoy talking to her on a regular basis.

Then I was off to the gym! I had been thinking all week on what day I should go and this afternoon I was really anxious and decided today was the day! Now I haven't been inside the gym on campus since last March! It is a brand new gorgeous facility with state of the art equipment. I am really lucky to have such a great gym on campus :) I was super nervous to tell you the truth. I opted on NOT running on the treadmill since today was my first day back at the gym. And to tell you the truth the treadmill kind of brings back bad memories from last year when I would just run and run and run. So today I decided I would just do 20 minutes on the elliptical but then it turned into 30 minutes and then 40 minutes! I felt great and I just did not want to stop. So I finally felt that 40 minutes was a sufficient amount of time in the gym considering it was my first day back exercising! I broke a decent sweat, burned lots of calories (not that I care anyways!) and had a great time! It felt so good :) I can't wait to go back soon.

Later I am going to grab some dinner, do some homework and relax!

Check out this muffin giveaway on PB&Jenny's blog :)


  1. Good job on the elliticizing, glad you got to start exercising again. When I first was diagnosed with my ED at 80 pounds and told to start gaining fast or else, I was still exericising really hard, that why I think I still struggle. Glad to see you are doing it a better way and slowly adding it back in!
    I've always wanted to try broccolini, is it just like brocoli or different taste?

  2. Yay for the elliptical! I did exactly 40 minutes on there today too! It felt nice! What giveaway did I win??

  3. the gym defnitely holds very negative memories for me -- which is why I just can't bring myself to go there. Thank goodness for yoga! but congrats on making it back! Just make sure not to overdo it honey :)

  4. good for you girl! i went to the gym today for the first time this year too - previously, i just wasn't feeling it. too much pressure and too many triggers! but, now that i'm training for a race and it's cold out, i NEED to use the treadmill - haha! we have all new equipment too - our treadmills have FANS! so sick...

    have a great night babe :)

  5. your school has broccolini?! how awesome!!

  6. Great job, today, girl!! I'm so proud of you and how hard you are working/have come. You ROCK...I love working out too!

    <3 jess

  7. Hi,
    Just found your blog and it resonates with me. I am about 10 years older, so I have been there/done that and am sooo glad you are taking care of yourself now! What does your family and friends think of your bloggin? Do they worry it's still a disordered behavior??

    I've recently started my own blog and my recent post is kinda related to something you might be familiar with?? if you don't mind checking it out??

    we are at different points in our lives - but know that I didn't really run for about 3-4 years and I am still 'searching ' for myself. So just do what you feel like doing whether that's the elliptical , a walk, or nothing. Don't set any expectations or unnecessary pressure. Just enjoy yourself.

  8. good on you for getting back. remember that you're gorgeous. your body love exercise, loves food and loves to be balanced. keep up the great work. ~M

  9. wooo congrats on doing so well at the gym! sounds like you had fun - what exercise should all be about :)
    and iv always wanted to try overnight oats. yours look really good! but then... oats and peanut butter, how wrong can you go?!


  10. i LOVE brocollini!! it is such a subtle diff from normal brocolli but IMO it has so much more flavor!!

    yay for the gym!! so very proud of you!!!

    that yog mess looks great!!

  11. It's cool your trying out different foods--I love getting meal inspiration from fellow bloggers :-)

  12. congrats on being able to work out!! That's awesome... and whhhy does your school have such good food? Mine definitely does nott haha.


  13. yayyyy so glad you made it into the gym! And that it felt wonderful! Great job on the overnight oats. I love having breakfast basically done upon waking. Have a good night girlie
