Thursday, October 22, 2009

Nutrition Seminar

Nutrition Seminar

Good evening all of my blog friends! I sure hope Thrusday treated you all well. My day was quite long. I had three classes, and then recitation class and then I went to a NUTRITION SEMINAR :) My campus invited two guest speaker, both who talked about nutrition and eating disorders. How cool, right?! So of course right when I heard this was happening I immediately wrote it in my planner to attend ;)

The seminar was very interesting and talked a lot about fueling your body and proper nutrition. I had no idea they were going to talk about ED but I was glad they did! But most of the information I already knew! There was a decent amount of people there (although most were members from the XC team since it was mandatory for them). One funny part was when the dietician presented a typical meal plan for a female individual my age. Then the whole XC team told her that they eat WAY more food than that a day. One girl said "That is how much food I eat at one meal, nevermind a whole day." It was very interesting to see the questions and comments that arose from the XC team because I am always curious as to how much they run and how they fuel their bodies. The XC coach said his team runs about 60 miles per week, so they definitely need a lot of calories per day!
Anyways, so going back to this morning before my busy day started. I had a DIFFERENT breaky!

I had a yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a sliced PEAR, and the last spoonful of PB & Co. Smooth Operator pb with milk on the side. So I have to be truthfully honest with you I was NOT a big fan of the pear in my yogurt mess, I just thought it was way too sweet for me! So I don't think I will be having pear in my yogurt messes any time soon. Nothing beats BANANAS in a yogurt mess, let me just throw that out there!

What are your favorite fruits or toppings to put into yogurt messes?

Dinner was broiled chicken, mixed veggies, and a Harvest Dinner Roll with oats and milk.

Thank goodness tomorrow is finally Friday! I thought this week went by pretty fast. Don't know what I am going to do tonight, but I am pretty sure it will involve homework and relaxing! Nighty night :)


  1. so cool that your school had a nutrition seminar!!

    && i totally loving the new breakfasts! i need to work on adding more variety to mine :)

  2. so cool that your school had a nutrition seminar!!

    && i'm totally loving all the new breakfasts this week! i need to work on adding more variety to mine, you are doing a great job :)

  3. that's so awesome about the nutrition seminar!! And I totally agree about the XC comment haha.. I used to compare myself to other food bloggers and think I ate SO much but when I think about hwo much we run every week it all makes sense...

  4. I had a similar seminar last semester and loved it! Really opens your eyes to the seriousness of ED's! Hope it motivates you to continue moving forward and stay strong in your recovery love :)

  5. I love your different breakfasts! I agree with you, nothing beats a banana in a yogurt mess!

  6. That nutrition seminar sounds neat! But I think the most important thing is eating healthy intuitively. There's no right plan for anyone :) I'm so glad you noticed how low it was for some!!

    <3 jess

  7. Wow your school is amazing! That sounds so neat girly :)

    My fave yogurt toppings are fiber one cereal, strawberry Jam, and PB. yummy!

  8. Your yogurt messes are amazing and are just like mine but with the great addition of pineapple!

  9. yogurt mixes are the best. i love them with everything from apples to sultanas to pecans i love mixing and matching

  10. That seminar sounds like it would have been very interesting--cool you attended!
