Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Hello everyone :) Hope y'all had a fab Tuesday. Since I know you were all dying to know how my day went, well I would have to say it was bueno.

Okay so before I tell you about my eats today I must tell you why I am so famous ;) Well yesterday Caitlin from HTP and Operation Beautiful posted my note up on the website, so I really think you should all go check it out.! I feel so honored to be a part of a great cause. Plus, if you all didn't know aready but this week is FAT TALK FREE WEEK.

So last night I decided to make a breakfast cookie for myself for this morning! I mixed little less than 1/3 cup Oats, a banana, 1 tbsp. PB & Co. Smooth Operator, and a splash of milk last night. I didn't measure the milk I just poured some into the bowl, but I would say 1/8 cup. I smooshed the daylight savings out of it to get it to look like this:

I then poured the mix into a flat bowl and put in the fridge overnight!This is what it looked like last night......and this is my breakfast cookie this morning topped with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt!'Twas a very yummy breaky and I am so glad I made it! This was my first time making the breakfast cookie since I am at school. It was missed very much.

Tuesdays are my long days where I have 3 classes in a row. So when lunch time came around I was starving! I had smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, with pretzels and a strange apple with milk

I have no idea what kind of apple I had today for lunch. It wasn't a Fuji, Gala, Red Delicious, Honey crisp, or any other apple I know of! I dunno what kind it was, all I know is that it was good :) The little sticker on the apple usually has the name of the apple but on this apple it said eve, Luvya, and New Zealand? I don't recall any of those names being an apple?! But I may be wrong, let me know if I am.

Tonight I am off to do some homework, relax, and watch my Tuesday night t.v. line up ;) Be jealous, I know!

Check out this rockin' giveaway at TROPICAL EATS :)


  1. Bfast cookie looks yummers, I need to try one! And congrats on the note- Operation Beautiful is such a great cause :) Have a good night! xo

  2. Love the breakfast cookie! Seriously, Jenna, anyone who doesn't think you can eat healthfully while living in a dorm at college needs to make their way here. Your eats are awesome!!!

  3. oooh your breakfast cookie looks awesome :) I am glad you enjoyed it! I need to make one soon , im thinking!

    AWESOME OB note :D so great of you!


  4. Those oats look AMAZING girly!!! I just came across your site and the background is way too cute.

    PS i have a huuuge giveaway going on my site right now and I'd love it if you entered! I have about 250 larabars to give away, yum yum!

    All you need to do is submit a recipe, It can even be like your favorite sandwich wrap! <3 Have a great day tomorrow chica! Congrats on Operation Beautiful :)

  5. haha shannon! love your blog as well! i just entered your giveaway. i really hope i win :)

  6. that is so awesome about operation beautiful. I will have to go check it out. have a good evening.

  7. Hey girlie! Thanks for checking out my blog, yours is such a cutie, I particularly love the layout! Congrats on getting your Operation Beautiful note posted:)

  8. Bfast cookies are so on my list of to-make things!! And congrats on the Operation B showing, I love the whole thing..so encouraging!! Do you put notes up around campus??

  9. I still have yet to try the infamous breakfast cookie!! That needs to change!

    Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday :)

  10. brown cow yogurt is soooo good! its one of my faves!

  11. Your breakfast cookie looks so good! I need to make one soon!

  12. nice job getting back to the exercise! take it slow though. ease you body back into it!
