Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ready to go home!

Hey hey everyone! So I am currently in my room anxiously awaiting for my mom to come pick me up to go HOME! This will be my first time going home since school started in late August, so I haven't been home in quite some time. I am excited and happy to go home and spend time with my family and relax but I am also nervous as to how I am going to do recover wise. I remember this time last year when I went home for the long weekend for the first time last year. I was doing well all the way up to the point until I went home. I am not quit sure what exactly caused me not to do well at home, but I pretty much think it was the change (as I am terrible with change!) But it is definitely something I have been improving on :) I just hope I will continue to do what I have been doing here up at school while at home for the long weekend. Just take it DAY BY DAY ;)

I want to make it a stress free and ED free weekend with my family. I want to prove to them I really have been doing well while at school. I think being at home will go well. Plus, I already asked my mom to make her homemade lasagna tomorrow night! Now that is saying something ;) As she was super excited and of course agreed to make!
AHHHHH! So I finally got a chance to try these babies :) I got the chocolate and caramel, but have only tried the caramel and it was delicious to say the least. I wish it could last forever. It was seriously like having dessert for breakfast. The one thing I didn't like about it was how small it was :( Boo. Can't wait to try the chocolateeee soon!I have been having copious amount of yogurt messes each morning.Snacks, snacks, and more snacks.Lunches have been the usual turkey & cheese wrap with pretzels and an apple.I know I have said this in my previous post, but the salad bar at my school seriously ROCKS!I had this salad beast last night and it was awesome. I filled it with romaine lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, baby tomatoes, thai pasta salad, chickpeas, sunflower seeds, craisins, almond slices,sesame sticks, and dressing along with a wheat pita!
Mexican Salad! This one was hot and spicy with romaine lettuce, avocado salad, salsa, beans, carrots, peppers, and dressing with a sunflower roll.White Fish topped with peppers and onions, apple squash, and mixed veggies with a roll and milk.Well girls, some BIG things have been happening in my life! And can ya guess what I got the other day?! ;) Welcome back into my life mother nature! It's been too long, way too long!

And of course I have been ending my long days with a frozen Boost, the only way to drink it is cold & slushy!

Well girls, that is all I have for you before my mom gets here! I am hoping to take foodie pics while at home since I am hoping to be eating a mix and different foods than up here at school. So be ready for a foodie filled post next time!

Have a great Colombus Day weekend :)



  1. That is so awesome! I'm so very happy for you! I can't imagine how excited I'll be when I finally get my period back. It's a true testament to how far you've come and how hard you've been working to get healthier!

    Have a good break at home!

  2. I'm really proud of you Jenna. Truly. =)

  3. Yeah, Jenna! I am so glad that you are getting your monthly visits from aunt flo! When I got mine back, I felt so womanly. Your body is thanking you for treating it so well. Cheers to lifelong health!


  4. You have been doing so amazingly well Jenna and I know that you will continue to at home! You have so much motivation and there's nothing stopping you! Keep it up :) Imma miss yaaaa:( <3

  5. i agreee boost has GOT to be cold ( i've only had it a couple times but from what i've learned!) and your doing so awesome! SO HAPPY "its" back if ya know wat i mean!! that is an awesome sign :)

    oh mother nature!


  6. sounds like our food tastes are very similar. caramel and vanilla are my faves and the vanilla boost is the only one I can stomach. enjoy your time @ home!
    Tia @ dietcolagirl

  7. i wish you a very very happy weekend, sans ED!

  8. YAY for getting your "girl thang" back. That's definately a good sign!! Isn't Mom's lasagne the best?! I don't know about your mom's though hehe.

  9. have a great weekeend! keep up the good work . you'll family will be proud and you will be too!xoxo
    katie anne

  10. I am so happy your caf offers good food...such a God-Send!

    Go you and your little booste-slushie self!
    Have a great time at home.


  11. That is awesome! Congrats, Jenna! See this as a sign that you are making huge leaps, but remember, you are not done yet!!! don't let your ed tell you that this means you can restrict! I am sooo proud! enjoy that lasagna too! :)

  12. Jenna, so happy for you! Have a great weekend at home!

  13. so happy for you Jen :)

    enjoy the long weekend!

  14. i was SO happy to finally get my period back!
    it was actually a wicked exciting day! haha.

  15. Ah - so happy for you!!! so glad that things are going well!!

  16. JENNA! i'm soo happy for you. you've come such a long way =)
    I've been following you for about a year now, you're pretty much my inspiration. I still haven't gotten mine back, but seeing you getting yours just makes me wanna try harder! thank you, and keep doing what you're doing girly!

  17. Hi! I saw your comment and started to read, love your blog too! Okay I did NOT think anyone did the frozen boost thing, I do that too! So thats awesome :) I look foward to reading more
    <3 kimi

  18. CONGRATS!! I love that brand ;)

    Love Oikos yogurt.


  19. I don't know if i've ever been happier for someone to get thier period! it really shows how far you've come! Congrats : )

    I can't wait to try the Caramel Oikos! I've tried the chocolate and really wasn't a big fan : / hopefully the caramel makes my taste buds happy : ) Have a good trip home!!

    haha i love that we share (among many readers i see) the same feminine hygiene brand ;) Yea most women would dread that time of the month, but clearly you know that when ur period dissapears, its so reassuring to have it back!!

    My motto is going to be "one day at a time" in terms of school this week too. i agree- thats probably the best way to handle it, especially when the weekends dont really feel much like weekends lol

    xoxo <3

  21. Wow, sounds like you are doing amazing!!! congrats on your period, you must be so happy :)

    Dana xo
