Sunday, October 10, 2010

My weekend at home!

Hello and Happy Tuesday! Well I must start off by saying my Columbus Day weekend at home was wonderful and could not have gone any better! I spent my time with my family and it was definitely an ED-free weekend. As I said in my last post, I was very nervous as to how my transition back home was going to go since last year when I went home for the first time I did not do too well. But let me tell you this past weekend was just the opposite.

I WANTED this past weekend to go well at home and so I made sure it happened and I DID. I am very proud of myself for doing so well. I proved to myself I could do it as well as to my family. My mom came and picked me up from school Friday afternoon and this was the first time she saw me since she dropped me off at school in late August. I mean I talk to her on the phone everyday and my dad and one of my sisters came up to visit me but I hadn't seen my mom and other sister since leaving for school. So it was very nice to finally see her and give her a big hug :) She said I looked great and I was excited to show her myself and prove to her I was really doing well at school this year.

This past weekend I spent time with the fam and went to 2 of my sister's field hockey games, apple picking, and went to my cousin's family party! It was great to see my grammy, aunts, uncles, and all of my cousins. I love when we all get together. I was glad to see everyone sicne I haven't seem them in quite some time. They all commented on how good I looked and for the first time ever in my recovery I was finally HAPPY to hear that! I was actually hoping and looking forward to all the compliments. I wanted to show them I was doing well and I can recover!

Now let's get onto the food I have been eating lately...
Breakfast all weekend was the usual yogurt messes!Morning snackies.I had Subway for lunch on Saturday and I was so disappointed. I mean don't get me wrong I love Subway, but I have to admit I am so spoiled here at school with the dining hall! Nothing can compare to the deli here.Mom's homemade lasagna with bread and butter. I specifically told her that she was making this while I was home and of course she happily agreed to make it for me ;) Oh the things she will do for me!Veggie Pizza at my cousin's birthday party. Pretty boring veggie pizza I must say and definitely not the best I've ever had.BBQ Chopped Chicken Salad. Love me some Panera!Asian Sesame Chicken Salad. Now I haven't had Panera in weeks and then all of a sudden I have it twice in one weekend. Go figure! I went out tonight with my girl Carly for dinner once I got back to school to catch up on our weekends since I did not see her for like FOUR days straight!I was also craving a burrito this I got one last night for dinner!Moe's Burrito get in my belly. Demolished it! I look back to just last year when you couldn't even pay me to eat a burrito and now look at me. Now I have no anxiety whatsoever eating it at all. It is so weird how things change for the better in just one year and it can be done!Hazelnut Chicken, Fruit & Mesculin Salad. I went out to lunch with my mom and grammy late this afternoon to an Irish pub before my sister's field hockey game. I also had a warm homemade roll as well.

Now for an evening snack I only had a Boost one night. Can ya believe it? But no need to worry, I did in fact have an evening snack every single night!
One night I had this new frozen yogurt parfait topped with trail mix and it was delicious! It was a nice change from the usual Boosts every night.
The two other nights I had real ICE CREAM! None of this low fat, no fat, fat free stuff...I am talking about the real good ice cream! I am so happy I finally had ice cream this past summer to get rid of that dreaded fear of thinking ice cream is evil... now that was just non sense! These lil containers of ice cream are the perfect evening snack and a good change!Of course my mom and I did a lil grocery shopping while at home so I picked up some bars for well as this beauty that I haven't had in wayyy to long! Dark Chocolate Dreams :)The oldest and youngest granddaughters on my mom's side :)
Me and my sister before apple picking wearing matching sweatshirts ;)

I am off to shower and watch the Teen Mom finale with my roomie before snuggling into bed and starting classes tomorrow! But yeah for only a 3 day school week!


  1. You eat that burrito girl!! So glad you're doing well! And cookie dough ice cream sounds awesome :)

  2. Looks like so much fun!!
    I can't believe school gives you Monday AND Tuesday off. Can you believe we don't even get Columbus Day off?? I make my own holiday though....don't you worry!!

  3. Jenna- your face is glowing health, i know you still got some ways to go but oh my gosh you are so beautiful. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! keep it up!! life is better over here FO SHO!!! love you!

  4. aww thanks katie! it means a lot to me and i am finally learing that life on the other side is SOO much better :)

  5. and yes laura, we do in fact get monday and tuesday off!
    i can't believe you don't even get monday off...bummer. but i am glad you made it your own holiday :)

  6. Hey Jenna!
    I love reading your blog, its SO SO SO inspiring! :] I was just wondering where you are going to college at. I see on blogs where everyone is real life friends and I would love to have friends like you who can understand what I'm going through. Good job with all you've accomplished it must be really exciting to be in such a good place :]

  7. you are so inspiring jenna. this reminds me why i must keep treking!i luv u a whole lot xoxo

  8. I am sooo glad. Reading your blog for so long, I'll admit it was soo frustrating to see you stagnant for so long. It seems like something just clicked and YOU want to get better which is the most important factor. Keep going! You are looking so much better, and just think of how great and healthy you will look and feel once you reach your goal weight!

  9. you are so cute.
    and you look like you have an awesome family.,

  10. I'm so glad you enjoy burritos again. They just make life better, don't they? ;)

  11. You look so happy...and like other comments have already said, GLOWING:)

    Keep kicking ED's ass, girl!

  12. you're right, so much CAN change in a year. you look great! you should be super proud of yourself jenna!!

  13. I am so happy to read your weekend went so well & you are proving to yourself over & over again, that you are strong. I continue to send you good vibes and the hope that each day gets a little easier.

    I think there are many females in the food blogging world you can learn from your journey.

    Continue to take care of yourself.

  14. aww thanks so much that you say many females in the blogging world can learn from me, it really means a lot :)

  15. I am loving all the olives on that pizza!!!!!

  16. Way to go Jenna! You've made so much progress congrats!!! keep being your incredible self and inspiring other bloggers :)

  17. Jenna you don't know me, but I stumbled upon your blog some time ago. It's been about 6 months since I looked at your blog and I am amazed at the difference! You look amazing and you seem to be doing great. I just wanted to let you know that I think you are amazing! I know how hard that battle against ED can be and you are winning and that is awesome!

  18. thanks so much anon 17! i have definitely changed for the better since the last 6 months and i hope you continue reading!

  19. love your blog, you're so positive and upbeat. i'm glad you're doing well xx

  20. I am SO happy for you, Jenna, but you know that.

    Keep kicking ass, woman.

  21. hey gorgeous girlie!
    what an awesome weekend at home!
    you are doing amazingly, so so so proud of you chica!
    I hope you have a great week ahead of you!

  22. You are my idol! Seriously.... I hope I get to a point in recovery soon where I can eat things without the anxiety. My normal meal plan and normal food is pretty free of anxious feelings... but anything "new" is still pretty scary.

    I took a big long break from blogging.... I am back though! And I decided to take some time slacking from studying to catch up on some blogs i like!
    Hope the last few months have been good!! xoxo

  23. Hey Jenna,

    THanks for stopping by my blog. I'm so happy you did. You are adorable and I'm so excited to read more about you! :)

    Take care and please keep in touch love.

  24. Lovely blog!

    LOL about you loving the dining hall food compared to Subway! - most people hate dining hall!

    LOVE veggie pizza...actually love any pizza (highlight often on my blog ;) ).

    Great read - very upbeat vibe here :)

  25. Hey Jenna! Just found your blog and i love it! i love your attitude, you are such an inspiration-I'm definitely going to keep checking in!
