Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mideast Feast!

Hey hey hey! Is it hot enough outside for ya? It sure is here! The past week has been such summer weather and today we actually hit 100 degrees! Cra crayyy! But I wasn't too worried because I was nannying all day which meant hanging out by the pool and inside with the AC ;)

I also met with my therapist today which went well. I can't say it enough but I am truly glad and blessed I finally found a therapist that I am satisfied with :) We talked a lot about how I need to be in control of ED and not let ED control me. It is important I be active rather than passive in recovery. I need to want to recover rather than just sitting around hoping and wishing to recover and the only person who can do this is ME!

Moving onto my eats lately!
More yoatgurt! I love the combination of hot oatmeal and cold yogurt together, especially topped with banana and peanut butter.Can't forget about the yogurt messes obvs.

I have been having lots of Larabars as a morning snack.
The new Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Larabar that just came out!I thought this bar was very good. I mean let's be real how could anything with peanut butter and chocolate not be good! Although this bar was very crumbly and did not hold together well.Apple Pie LarabarKashi Chocolate Turtle Roll! This bar was chewy and delish filled with chocolate, caramel, pecans, crisps, and whole grains.

So I guess you can say I am lovin' Annie's Cheddar Bunnies ;)
Subway for lunch two days in a row! But hey whose counting?!Turkey & swiss with lettuce and tomatoes.Dinner last night was the Panera Strawberry & Poppyseed Salad with freshly baked bread. This is such a nice and refreshing salad for the summertime!

This afternoon I went to Trader Joe's with my mom and I picked up this gem along with some sushi, salad, yogurt, and Clif Bars.
This would be Trader Joe's Mideast Feast! For the past two times I shopped at TJ's I have been eyeing this meal but this afternoon I actually bought it! I have seen a lot of bloggers eat and rave about Meditteranean food and it looks great and I just really wanted to try it out myself...so that is what I did!

This was a big step for buying this meal because ED kind of freaked out since I have never really had a Mediterranean meal before and he kept telling me I shouldn't buy it because it was a mixed meal rather than having separate proteins, carbs, fats, etc. If that makes any sense to you?!

ED also was telling me I wasn't sure of how many calories, carbs, fat, protein, etc it had in it and if it fit into my meal plan and blah blah blah and all in all it actually fit my meal plan pretty well ;) ED was just totally making me freak out for no reason at all! So in the end I just bought it and ate it for dinner tonight :) Take that ED!
This meal had a pita, falafel balls, hummus, tabbouli, and tahini sauce. This was my first time ever trying falafel balls and they were great and I really liked them. I decided not to make a pita sandwich but rather dip the pitas into the hummus and then eat everything else separatly to truly see what I did and didn not like. Although I was NOT a big fan of the tabbouli at all...yuck! So overall I love this meal and can't wait to have Mediterranean food again in the future and now I know what I like and do not like. You never know until you try it, right?!

Have a great night and keep cool!



  1. yay for trying new thingggs!

  2. your eats look so good! Im so glad you're do well! Love ya girl!

  3. I LOVE Mediterranean food! It's my absolute favorite. Tabbouleh is quite tricky. It's usually hit or miss. I love falafel balls, pitas and hummus soooo much. I'm glad you liked it! Keep it up!

  4. I love love love Mediterranean food. My boyfriend and I both come from Middle Eastern cultures so we're all into the pita/falafel/hummus shebang! Pluuuus one of my best friends is Greek so that just adds to the mix ;) Haha I pretty much love anything Mediterranean.

    So glad you like your new therapist! I'm in the process of finding a new one and I'm nervous...I've definitely had some icky experiences in the past :(

  5. omgsh falafel is one of my favorite foods its soo good! and mixed with hummus and pita?! yummm. So glad that you were able to challenge yourself to this and enjoyed! Also, awesome that you have found a therapist you click with! That is so important in recovery.

  6. ooooh jenna, you should definitely try more Mediterranean food. the flavors are sooo good!! glad you liked this one.

    and honestly i could eat subway everyday.

  7. hey!! i love mediteranean food!!! and that meal looks yum, I know what u mean about having meals seperated and co-ordinated so to speak! :) so well done with breaking out of that, once you do break out its easy to see how its ok to do it and how weird ed is with trying to make meals so organised! i think falafells and pitta etc.. will be my next challenge xxxxx

  8. Hi Jenna!

    I was so excited to see your Kashi GO LEAN Roll bar because I just had that for the first time today! Great minds think alike! I highly recommend the Chocolate Peanut flavor too.

    I agree with you and your therapist about being aggressive in recovery instead of passive. I occasionally find myself settling into my current stage of recovery instead of pushing myself further, and I try to catch myself when I get lazy in recovery. I'm glad you keep pushing yourself with awesome eats like the TJ meal!

    Take care!


  9. Subway is never bad. I really like the mid East feast! Neat!

  10. Mediterranean is an absolute FAV of mine!! I just tried falafel about a month ago and I'm totally hocked on hummus. Way to own Ed!! So proud you were able to figure out how he was trying to hold you back and didn't let him hold you back.
    Therapists are so awesome for recovery! I'm glad you found one you like. Keep pushing girl, being active is tough but it's worth it.
    I hate to bring this up, but I read some of the comments from earlier posts, from anonymous readers and such about accusing you of lying. I just wanted to say that you never came across as a fake to me. Good luck, and keep pushing yourself, even if it's just babysteps.

  11. You're doing so well recovery-wise! Your eats look great as always. Keep up the good work! xoxo

  12. Way to go, Jenna!
    That middle east feast looks delish!! I've seen it at TJs but haven't tried it yet!! Did you try/like the tahini?! I love middle eastern food--especially humus, but I agree, I'm not too much a fan of tabouli either! I bet it woul dbe even better if you had heated the falafels. You'll ahve to try s'more of the pre-packed Tjs dinners and let us know what you think! I love that store and always have great new finds! They used to carry eggplant parm frozen but they discontinued it. Bummer, I loved it!! :*(

  13. Nuh uh jaclyn! I just had the eggplant parm from TJs like last month- my store still carries it but I know what ya mean- I hate how they discontinue stuff all the time! Bummer!!

  14. Keep up your good progress! I wish I could be as strong as you in my recovery! Stay strong and happy!

  15. Good job on kicking ED with that medditarinian dish. It looks really good, I've never tried that kind of food. And your sammies look good too. Seriously your blog always makes me crave one. lol

  16. Awww..... that mideast feast sounds awesome!! I LOVE hummus and pita and all those things. Renfrew did NOT have good hummus.... it was salty adn I couldn't bring myself to eat it. Totally ruined hummus for me for a while. OK... that was a totally random sidebar there! YAY for trying new things though!! You're amazing!

  17. YAY for trying new things!!
    I love hummus! Although Renfrew has really gross hummus... its salty. Totally ruined it for me for a while there! haha

  18. That is one tasty mid east feast! I wish I could have one of those right now mmm mmm! :) Congratulations on taking a plunge and trying something new!

  19. girl nice job!!! i hate going out to eat and not being able to guess the calorie counts on stuff, because im really clueless about the food.. but, you handled it SO awesomely (is that a word??)
    umm, pb&choco chip?! where did you find that!?

  20. I practically grew up on Annie's Cheddar bunnies. They are SO delicious! Like goldfish but way better!

    That Kashi turtle roll looked amazing. I may just have to try one.


  21. Trader Joe's meals are always a winner. So happy for ya Jenna. You sound like you're really pushing yourself. You know you can text me anytime girl! Hope you're enjoying your summer SO much, and not letting your eating disorder try to take that joy away from you.

    Those Kashi Rolls used to be my absolute favorite bars before I was diagnosed with Celiac. Grab an extra few for me at the store, haah!

  22. My mom got me that new larabar!! I'm SO excited to try it.
    <3 jess

  23. left you an award on my blog, jenna!
