Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy 4th :)

Happy 4th of July weekend :) I hope you all have a great weekend filled with fun, family, friends, and food!

Recovery wise I have been doing real well lately and I couldn't be any happier with myself. I had my weekly weigh-in this past Thursday which went well and I just hope to continue on this path. Although I do know that recovery will not always be easy and go this well. I know there will be hard times but I am ready for those times and will take care of them when they arrive. There is no need to worry about the future now!

This morning for breakfast I tried Fage 2% with Strawberry!
To. Die. For.I made some YOATGURT with oatmeal and Fage yogurt topped with sliced bananas, strawberry, and peanut butter. This was by far one of the best breakfasts I have had because it was full of all different flavors which I loved! You will be seeing this again in the near future. Perhaps tomorrow?! Hah.

The other morning I tried Siggi's Vanilla yogurt for the first time ever and let me just tell you it was the THICKEST yogurt I have ever had by far. I swear I could have held the container upside down and the yogurt would have stayed put. No lie.
Siggi's yogurt mixed up with Cascadian Farms Purely O's, banana, and Justin's maple almond butter. It was quite the yogurt mess.I forgot how good these babies are and I just had to bring them back into my life. The Cinnamon Roll Larabar: dates, walnuts, almonds, raisins, cashews, and cinnamon. The ingredient list was short and sweet and the way I like it ;)

Nannying these days has just been so hard laying out by the pool...
I kid I kid! Don't get me wrong I do a lot of running around like driving to swim, school, camp, playing, arts & crafts, and preparing meals & snacks. But in all honestly I really do love my summer job!

Lunches have been pretty simple and my go to meals since I have been nannying during the day. So there has been lots of turkey & cheese sandwiches. But I am lovin' the new turkey my mom just bought, Boar's Head Salsalito Turkey! So good and has a nice lil kick to it.
I have been having many Clif Bars as my afternoon snacks. These are the perfect bars for me an afternoon snack because they fit my meal plan accordingly and there are soo many flavors to choose from and plus there tasty.Cool Mint Chocolate aka Girl Scouts Thin Mint Cookie! Next time I must heat this in the micro as I couldn't this time since I was in Home Depot with my mom and grammy looking at ceiling fans for well over an hour. But alas my grammy FINALLY decided on a fan and bought it. At least that shopping trip is over!Ok so the other afternoon after nannying I came home to a box of these......and six boxes of these! You may ask where they all came from? Well so did I! My mom ordered them all on-line just because she is awesome like that! Gotta love her :)So of course I had to try my newest addiction of Tuna Mac & cheese last night! Sooo good! Dinners have been going well and tasty if I do say so myself!Cheeseburger, wacky mac pasta salad and barbeque popchips.BBQ grilled chicken, broccoli, potatoes, and a roll with butter.The other night the fam and I went out to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner and I ordered the same salad as I did last time just a few weeks ago because it was that good, Asian Salmon Spinach Salad. I knew I probably should have ordered something else to challenge myself but I didn't but perhaps next time I will try something new on the menu.

Well I am off to get ready for this weekend because I got a cookout to go to later today! Happy 4th :)



  1. Wow look like you are doing so much better! good for you girl...keep it up!!! :) I just wanted to stop by and say hi..I just started a blog of my own-but I have been reading yours for a while now!

    have a great weekend!!!

  2. Hi Jenna,

    I am so glad that you feel proud of yourself because you totally should! You have definitely been mixing up your eats, which inspires me to do the same.

    It looks like you're having a lot of fun with nannying! I know that my eats are better when I'm doing things that I enjoy and that I feel confident about. You're totally fabulous, Jenna!


  3. The maple nut clifs are my fave! I need to try the choco mint soon. Glad you're doing so well :)

  4. but although it was thick, did you like it? the yogurt i mean...

  5. maple nut clifs are my fave too. also, you guys are lucky you get all that yogurt variety. here in canada our selection is nil!

    Tia @ Dietcolagirl

  6. I always keep a stash of cliff bars for my fiancé and I. When we first met he would only eat the chocolate chip ones. Slowly but surely I've opened his eyes to the endless possibilities.

  7. Hey :) I LOVEEE Your blog!
    do you have any other blogs youd recommend that are like yours? i relate soo much

  8. I stinking adore Clif bars! Maple nut has to be my favorite, but White Chocolate Macadamia is a close second. That's a great one to pop into the micro...just like a warm fresh cookie!

  9. What a great blog! It's great to hear you are doing well healthwise- it is always nice to hear that from others!
    I love Annie's products!!
    Swing by my blog to check out the giveaway I am hosting! :-)

  10. Glad to hear you're doing so well in recovery! I still haven't done mac and cheese - need to find those Annie's singles!

  11. Happy 4th beautiful!!!

    Clif bars are awesome aren't they? I love the oatmeal raisin one but the macadamia white chocolate is the best, promise!!!

  12. I'm glad you're doing well. I'm sure it's a hard road.
    Maple nut is my fav Cliff bar, totally love them! The crunchy PB is pretty good too!

  13. Oh snap Annie's is the best! Her bunnies..whether they be cheddar, whole wheat, or grahams..are like crack. Yum!

  14. Hi Jenna I have missed your posts so much :) You seem to be eating really really well and i love love love your cliff bar munchies. The cool mint chocolate is one of my favorites!

  15. hey jenna, what kinda of bread is that in that one picture of the turkey sandwich? its the first picture, not second..i think the same bread is used in the burger picture with the pasta salad..
    i went out to eat yesterday and i'm pretty sure they used the same bread! and now i'd like to buy some! haha
