Friday, June 4, 2010

It's summertime!

Hollah atchya and Happy FRIDAY! I hope you have been enjoying summer thus far because I know I have! I have been busy working, relaxing, and taking day trips, I think that is what summer is all about! Oh yes and of course I have been eatin' good food as well ;)

Breakfast has of course been lots of yog messes! Since I nanny in the AM I tend to bring my breakfast meals with me and yogurt messes are perfect and easy to pack up.
Yesterday morning I broke open my new jar of Trader Joe's Almond Butter!Holy yum! This almond butter was very creamy which I love because I was able to drizzle it all over my yog mess and it tasted exactly like I was eating almonds!Why haven't I tried this AB before is beyond me! So I just had to have it again this morning ;)

I have been taking a lot of day trips recently which have been super fun! Last week I went to SIX FLAGS with my aunt, uncle, cousins, and sister. I knew it was going to be a very hot and long day filled with tons of walking so I made sure to pack snacks for the day. I had to keep myself fueled throughout the day.
pretzels, pear, almonds, Kashi Chocolate Caramel Crunchy! bar.Lunch at the park was a turkey sandwich with a sweet granny smith apple and unpictured pretzels.

Yesterday afternoon I went to the Red Sox game with my dad :) Even though they lost it was a great game and it was a beautiful day to spend in the ballpark!
Yawkey Way! Fenway Park is by far the greatest ballpark there is, hands down!view from our seatsLunch at the ballpark was a huge turkey wrap with cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes along with a bag of Miss.Vickie's chips.The other day I got a lil something something from Larabar! Even though the NEW flavors don't come out until July they were kind enough to send me some early!! So excited to try them...Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Chip Brownie, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and Carrot Cake. Thank you so much Larabar :)

Since it is summertime you know what that means...lots and lots of barbeques. The past 3 weekends I have gone to different bbqs but I ain't complainin'. After all it is sweet summertime :)

barbeque chicken wing, fruit salad, pasta salad, and a bun.I tried this Eggplant Parmesan from Trader Joe's.I have never had eggplant parmesan before but it was good and I loved all of the cheesey goodness on top.I also had yet another Trader Joe's frozen meal. I think I am becoming quite addicted to TJ's ;) I forget what exactly this meal was called but it is a winner in my book. It is brown noodles mixed with tons of veggies and has a nice spicy kick to it. It's back...yes the Lemon Poppyseed & Chicken salad at Panera Bread. This salad just screams SUMMERTIME to me and I just knew I had to have it along with a fresh baguette.

I know a lot of you have been wondering how I am doing recovery wise. I will be honest with you and I am just doing OK. I have been meetin with my therapist weekly and my nutritionist every other week and I am working well with both of them which I am happy about! I can't afford to keep living my life with ED. It is so NOT worth it and I hate the feeling of depriving myself, not recovering, and not being able to live my life :) As my dad's favorite motto to me lately has been "JUST DO IT!" and that is what I have been trying to do :)

I am off to get ready for the day and then I am going out to eat with my mom and Grammy yet again and then nannying later this afternoon!

Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend!



  1. I keep meaning to try Larabars because the flavors all sound so delicious but they're kind of pricy! Maybe I'll "splurge" this weekend. ;)

  2. i have a couple of questions!....what does your mp look like? are you gaining? what about the boots? and how is your family treating you? are you still looking into IP?
    i hope you really can kick ed in the butt

  3. hey jenna! glad to hear from ya! awesome eats and you really deserve more credit!! I think your doing awesome and i'm so inspired by you and your dedication! you look like your on an awesome path. everyday brings a new challenge and obstacle but know your not alone! happy weekend!! :)

  4. jennnaaaaaaaa! your back! im so glad! uve been missed.:-)
    katie anne

  5. ahh jelous of your laras! what have you trieD???

  6. OMG so so jealous of the Larabars! Ever since I heard about them, I have been DYING to try them, especially carrot cake - my favorite! Def let us know how they are!

  7. Hey Jenna!! Just wanted to stop in and thank you for your blog. I'm recovering from excercise addiction/ED and you've helped me feel more comfortable with my weight gain plain.
    Amazing journey girl! keep it up!!

  8. I LOVE trader joe's frozen dinners! Their baked ziti is THE BEST! Also- their frozen pizzas (in a tanish box...) is REALLY good too! I'm jealous of your lara's like everybody else! how do u get all this free stuff?

  9. omgsh those new flavors of larabars look divine!!! I have always wanted to go to Fenway, but I unfortunately live very far away from there :/

    Have a great day!

  10. aha i love Larabar, such a kind company.
    hang in their girlie <3

  11. That eggplant dish looks delicious!!! YUM!!!
    And wow am I jealous of those Larabars..

  12. it looks like you have been having a lot of fun!!

    i saw that eggplant parm at TJ's but i couldnt see the inside so i decided not to get it. i might have to get it next time now!

    hope you are well! even if you are OKAY, at least you are not giving in to ED. i see lots of nut butters, cheese and good protein in there :)

  13. omg you MUST tell me how those larabars are! especially that cookie dough one ;]
    stay strong<3 glad your having a good summer!

  14. I LOVE that salad at Panera! When I first saw it, I was kind of like, hmmm interesting combination--but FANTASTIC!

  15. Super excited about those new Larabar flavors! I'm totally addicted to TJ's, too, especially the 3-layer hummus.

  16. yummy barbecue:)

  17. Glad you had a good time at Six Flags and the Red Sox game!

    I am glad you are meeting with your therapist and nutritionist and working towards recovery! Kick that ED in the butt! You deserve a good relationship with food!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

  18. jenna! yes im thinking about it... idont know ive been reading but just taking some time off. im really getting furthur and furthur away from my eating disorder and i dont want blogging to bring me back to it. but i miss you all so much to be completely honest. you understand what having an ED is really like! i love reading your blog girl, so keep it up:)

  19. wow love your blog! i love seeing all the food you've tried :)

  20. Ohh wow I had no idea they were getting new flavors of Larabars! That's awesome! Okay, you're gonna think I'm absolutely crazy but...I've never had a Larabar before!!!! Yikes! And to think I call myself a blogger...

  21. I'm glad you are having a good summer so far and eating a lot of yummy food! I love your blog and look forward to every post.

    I'm so jealous you got all of those wonderful Luara Bars. I can't believe they are coming out with a cookie dough flavor. All I have to say is YUM! I can't wait until July when I can get my hands on one of these babies!

  22. Totally spelt larabar wrong in the last pos...haha

  23. Hey girl..I totally know how you feel..recovery isn't easy (from ANY form of eating disorder) but you are taking the right steps by meeting with your councellors and getting enough yummy food in your life! I am jealous of the new larabar flavs you are tryin out. Yummy! Let us know how they are :))

  24. Hi Jenna!! thank you very much for your comment on my blog :D I like your blog too, all your food pics look yummy!I've been eating a lot of cheerios and apple oh's too, with chopped apple and cinnamon :)
    thanks for sharing your story with us as well. Have a nice week :)

  25. So sad that you probably will just let those Larabars go to waste.

  26. Chocolate Coated RunnerTuesday, June 08, 2010

    Looks like yummy stuff ;) I eat Kashi crunchy bars too! (same flavor) I am reading about so many bloggers getting free bars from Larabars! Do u know how that is??

  27. I'm so excited for the new Larabars! Have you tried them yet?

  28. i love your blog! i'm in recovery from ED and this is inspiration to me. I wish i could excited about food like you do. I love your posts about Panera, i actually work there. The BBQ salad is really amazing. have you had the cobb salad? that's very good too. i hope you will read my blog too, and my journey with recovery.

  29. Those larabars sound AMAZING. Gahh, cannot wait for them :D

    Great looking yog. messes!
    <3 jess

  30. hey jenna!
    enjoy those larabars and make sure you tell me how they are! I am loving my samples as well =)
    oh I love poppyseed dressing! It goes really well with spinach and strawbs and is so summery!
    I'm glad you're enjoying your summer and keep up the good eatin'!

  31. thanks for the comment on my blog :) Sorry it took me so long to get back to you!

    I loooove Six Flags. And eggplant parmesan - it's definitely up there with my favorite foods!

  32. love summer! baseball season is the best!

  33. JENNA im going crazy over the variety of larabars u have!! those are new right? they look new to me. well especially the polka dotted one hehe.

    omg love ur breakfast so much!

    have a gorgeous weekend girl <3

  34. Oh gosh you've made me so excited to move to Boston!!! I promised my bf to take him to a baseball game at Fenway park. :) It looks like so much fun!!!

    Great to know about TJ's almond butter!!! I have only tried Barney Butter, but it doesn't really drizzle!! It's too sticky and gloopy, so I'm totally gonna hit up TJ's for some.

  35. i haven't tried any of the larabars yet but i will be soon :)

  36. Hey Girl! Just found your blog and love it. I give you props for sharing your ED story and the goal of moving forward. You have a great attitude and I am excited to watch you succeed!! Keep it up!

  37. I'm a serious TJ's addict too! I just cant stay away! I'm so excited to see the new flavors of Larabar, I hadnt even noticed they didn't have carrots n' cake! I really liked your blog, I cant wait to keep reading

  38. Oh my God. My heart just bounced out of my chest. NEW LARABARS!? Those flavors look incredible!
    You know what else is incredible? The fact that you and I have some similarities at the moment.
    I went to Six Flags last week as well and I also agree that yogurt messes are the easiest thing to pack up and take to-go in the A.M.!
    We are twins. It is official, right? :P

    hahaha, take care!

  39. How awesome to get Lara bar samples! Totally jealous!
    The banana looks good, i haven't had one in months. I have one packed today. :)

  40. Awww I miss Boston SO MUCH!!!!

    Stay strong girl, you are beautiful and deserve nothing less!


  41. Hey, LOVIN' the yog. messes-- I do those ALL. THE. TIME. No joke :) My fav combination is plain greek yogurt, PB or AB, cinnamon, and a PB cookie larabar. SOOOO good :)

    Hey, check out my blog there's not much to it, but I need more viewers, so check it out :)

  42. Hey Jenna!!! So I was looking at your old posts, and I ran across one where you left for school.. I saw all your stuff packed up.. I'm in the process of getting ready for my freshman year of college, and I was wondering what types of things you recommend for living in the dorm??
