Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nut Lovin'

Is anyone out there? Do I still have any readers? Well I sure hope so! I know I have been kind of MIA for the past week or so but I just really have been busy and truth be told I just haven't had anything important or fun to share so I really didn't want to just blog to blog and bore you. I have been nannying every weekday and this week I was dealing with some personal family issues but now everything seems to be well and now I am here ready to blog :)

The other day I made a quick lil trip to TJ's :)Got some naners, 2 frozen meals, eggplant parm, and ALMOND BUTTER!Yup that's right I bought myself some Trader Joe's Almond Butter. I have seen all over the blog world (especially this lovely lady) and heard great reviews about it and I cannot wait to give it a try!!
I also went to the grocery store with my mom that same night and grabbed a few essentials.
PB & Co. WHITE CHOCOLATE WONDERFUL! I was so happy when I found this beauty on the shelf because I haven't been able to find it but alas Stop & Shop had it :) So of course ya know me I just had to buy it! I can't wait to try this as well!

It was kind of funny because that same morning I was reading this lovely girl's blog and she mentioned how she couldn't find WCW peanut butter anywhere and then I commented how I couldn't either but then I later found it that day. Yeah, I know I'm weird ;) Just bear with me!

Some eats lately...Kashi Mighty Bites. Let's just say I have been consuming many yog messes lately since of the hot weather recently! But hey, I am so not complaining about the summer weather or my yogurt mess consumption ;)Yoplait Greek yogurt, Kashi Mighty Bites, banana, and Creamy Natural Skippy peant butter.Trader Joe's Os! Taste just like Cheerios but more light and air-y.
Enough pics of yogurt messes to bore you with? I think so!Yogurt Mess in a JarYoplait Greek yogurt, Honey Nut Cheerios, banana, and the rest of the pb in a jar. Love me some YMIAJ ;)
Yesterday I went out to lunch with my mom and grammy at a cute lil Irish pub :)For my meal I ordered the Baked Haddock with a side of rice pilaf and a house salad with Italian dressing. This piece of fish was awesome, lightly topped with bread crumbs and was perfectly baked!

I tried this Kashi Frozen dinner meal for the first time, Lemongrass Cocounut Chicken.Chicken with broccoli florets, carrots, sugar snap peas served over whole grains and sesame with red quinoa pilaf topped with a lemongrass coconut sauce and coconut flakes.Let me tell you this meal did not disappoint. Which I should have expected nothing less anyways since pretty much all Kashi products are delish! This meal was very good and will definitely purchase in the future!Chicken Kabobs with rice pilaf and grilled veggies. Delicious melt in my mouth cheeseburger with lettuce and tomatoes in a toasted bun. I must say my mom has been on a grilling kick lately which I don't mind at all because after all it is summertime and time for barbeques!

What a post that was! I am really going to try harder to post more and include more of my eats. Perhaps a post tomorrow? We shall see ;) I seem to be "gung ho" on my breaky meals and not so much on lunch, dinners, or snacks :O So I am hoping to change that as well!

Off to get ready for the day :) Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Do you have any fun plans?!



  1. Those yog messes look great, Jenna - and I love all the nut butters goin on in this post!

  2. TJ's almond butter is life-changing. I love it smeared on a banana. :)

    I'm moving this weekend so that's my "fun" activity haha.

  3. you know what is important? that you gain weight. stop lying to everyone and acting like your fine- i guarentee your bmi is still below 17 and that is NOTHING to take lightly. im praying for you... but think you need mroe htan that at this point

  4. Dear above Anonymous: So, basically, what you're saying is, you have a problem and reading Jenna's blog triggers you so you feel like you have to attack her. Go away and go deal with your own issues instead of taking it out on someone else.

  5. I just saw that our WALMART carries the white chocolate wonderful. crazy! I resisted the urge to buy it, I'm seriously afraid I would join the masses of addicted bloggers :)

  6. I love your yogurt messes and also love all Kashi products and Skippy Natural Peanut butter (especially the super chunky one). Have a good Memorial Day Weekend. Unfortunately I have no plans, but will keep up with my exercise and clean eating too.

  7. i will have to try chuncky skippy pb as i am more of a creamy kind of girl :)

  8. Hey chica! I am yet to see that Kashi Cereal, I have to look for it.

    Yums TJ's Almond Butter is so good!

  9. I love Kashi's frozen dinners! And I have yet to try WCW but I love DCD soo it is probably in my future :)

  10. ilana, i respect you but i don't think you really know Jenna.

  11. Almond butter is a favorite in our house! I eat it with everything. Wish we had a trader joes! But we do have the whole foods head quarters, so can't complain. hehe! Happy Memorial Day weeekend!

  12. I don't know Jenna but I do know what it is to deal with serious mental illness and there's certainly nooooo point in anonymous comments on her blog. What are you trying to accomplish?
    Sorry Jenna. Don't wanna cause drama in your comments section lol. Recovery is about trying until you are actually there, no matter how many lies you have to tell to yourself and everyone else before you can start to admit the truth.

  13. kashi entrees are soo good!! my favorite is the southwest style chicken!!

    but i hope your doing good. i would love to hear about how recovery is going and your appts. and stuff..

  14. White chocolate wonderful?! DELICIOUS.
    <3 jess

  15. Yes Jess it is delicious ;) tried it this morninggg!!

  16. Kristyn- thanks for reminding me... I totally forgot to talk about my appts and how my recovery is going! Next post for sureee :)

  17. Anon- What gives you the right to tell people they don't really know me?! And you certainly do not know me! The only person who knows the real me is myself :)

  18. i LOVE that almond butter. the sea salt really makes it fantastic! and i may be throwing a party hehe mom is gone for the weekend! woohooo

  19. Hi Jenna,

    I always love the photos of your foods.

    I hope you don't take anon's comment personally. Let's hope that he or she genuinely cares about you? I have an eating disorder too (binge and compulsive eating) so I know how hard everything is. On my own blog I don't mind readers offering constructive criticism, but their comments lose any value when they are unkind.

    Be well, Jenna.

  20. i LOVE almond butter. it's so delicious and wonderful-- i hope youre not disappointed

    have a FABULOUS weekend, you deserve it <3

  21. Bah, I'm so jealous of your TJ's! There's not one (or anything like it) anywhere near me... just chain grocery stores that don't offer a lot of the items I want! Like Kashi Mighty Bites. I've wanted to try it for so long, but I've never seen it in stores! The selection of PB & Co products and Greek yogurt is always lacking. Even ab can be hard to find... I was out of it for a few days, but finally saw it again and snatched it up...

  22. I love your cereal concoctions--I'll have to steal them :) Looking for more exciting cereal!

  23. yogurt messes are the best! I'll be visiting with family, hope your weekend is fun!!

  24. All your eats look amazing, and you better believe I'm still here, reading!!
    Love you, you're amazing.


  25. I can see you are at TJ's am I!!! You also bought two of my favs..Oikos and White Chocolate Wonderful!! Yummmm. I don't really have much planned for memorial day, just going to work on some stuff for my summer school class and maybe go to a friends bbq later. Anyways love your bloggie. I am now a follower =)

  26. Jenna,
    I know that none of us really "know" you, but we do know "you" in the sense that we are familiar with the personality you project on your blog. We root for you because we all know where you are coming from. Nobody here on your blog blames you one tiny bit for having an ED, or getting stuck in ED thoughts. All that we ask is that you maybe acknowledge that you are indeed struggling very much. I like to consider myself as recovering, not fully recovered, as I think most people here would. For the most part, I change up my meals every day or so, and really push myself to meet my caloric goals everyday. However, lately, I sometimes struggle with wanting to restrict, and I'm going to have to be brutally honest, I visited your blog to see what you were eating to get an "idea" of a nice low calorie day. I'm not proud of myself for wanting to restrict, but my overall point is that your blog features diet food, not weight gain food. We all have our moments of fear, as I just explained mine, but honey, you have got to just do it already! JUST DO IT! Repeat that to yourself before every meal if need be. JUST DO IT! Honestly, tomorrow never comes for those in eating disorders. We are always looking for the perpetual tomorrow to recover, but you just have to decide once and for all to just do it! Kick EDs butt! I know you can do it if we all could! So get that competitive spirit I know you have inside you, and bring every damn thing you have! JUST DO IT!!!!!!

  27. I second Abby and the Anons. And as someone who has read your blog for a long time, and has commented, and tried to support you through your blog, and other channels I see the same, same pattern. Hopefully you can use this summer to get some more intense support-perhaps a good partial program or something. No one is putting you down for struggling, hell we've all been there but don't be so dismissive. Or, well do whatever you want.
    Yes I'm posting as an anon because I'm just tired of saying the same thing over and over. I checked back to see how you were doing after a period of not reading your blog and I just hope you get the help you so need. Abby is right, tomorrow never comes for those in eating disorders-and for many, today could be the last tomorrow...ever. Best of luck girl.

  28. haha your foods up top are so kid-like and joyful i smile as i go through. love your attitude toward it, a lot of energy. then the yummy savories at the end...i LOVE ME a BIG cheesy burger...not much i can think of beats that! but i also do love me kabobs!! mine are overloaded with steak and onions!

  29. I am all for yogurt messes and grilling. Bring on the heat summer!

  30. I havent tried white chocolate wonderful, do you like it? I've tried all their other flavors pretty much. I like the mighty maple the best! oh my gosh, so good :)

    That burger looks so good, gahh I havent had one in so long!

    Dana xx

  31. I have yet to try a PB&Co flavor- grocery stores in Colorado don't seem to carry them at all! White chocolate would be amazing, I can tell.

  32. Hey girl!!! Thanks so much for your sweet comments :) Sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been out of the blog loop for awhile but once summer starts I'll be posting more regularly!

    I absolutely love your blog!!! White Choco Wonderful is the BEST PB in my opinion! I know you will thoroughly enjoy :) And I love yogurt messes, they're the best!

    Cant wait to read more from you :) Have a fabulous day!!

  33. LOVE your yogurt mess in a PB jar! Never thought of that...YUMM!!! :-P

  34. I love your blog! Just randomly found it!

    White Chocolate Wonderful peanut butter is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!!mmmmm

  35. wow all your food looks so good! The larabars! *swoon!* :D I had the carrot cake one, but haven't found the others yet! Trader Joe's almond butter is SO good! i Am in love. I have not had pb&co in almost a year, you make it look so yum! I love how your eats have a fun-quality to them! :) any ways, yummy eats girl! :) keep it up girly, dont listen to the anon comment, ONLY you know you! SO true Jenna.

    And about your question on my post u asked..well, iced coffee plain, like black has little or no calories(5 at Starbucks and for some reason like 20 at dunkin-donuts.) but i usually put a dash of skim milk or nothing in ice coffee, and on my blog, that was a photo of a Iced skim Latte, which they add milk for you, and it has more calories, like 60-90? i think! But Its SO good, and you deserve to treat yourself to something as simple as iced coffee, its just coffee with ice ;P hehe..although iced lattes are amazing! but it's not like a frappuchino with whip, u know? lol...iced coffee is a great summer drink! I know those silly ed rules or fears they make no sense but i can relate ALOT! Oh, and Yup Starbucks is my favorite!

    lots of love!
