Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Windy Wednesday

Humpday is already here! That means half way through this week :) Ya! I hope you all had a fab day. My day has been pretty good although it was very windy out! To start my day off I had the usual yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Heart to Heart Toasted Oats, sliced banana, and PB & Co. DCD peanut butter with milk on the side.

Then I was off to Nursing class and handed in my essay. This morning I also found out my Microbiology grade since he posted them this morning and I got an 80! Whoo :)
Mid-morning snack was chocolate milk (since I ran outta Boost!) with a Nut Delight Kind Bar.For lunch I had a veggie burger with swiss cheese on toasted wheat bread with pretzels, a pear, and milk.

Then I was off to my weekly appointment with Karen. To tell you the truth I wasn't as nervous as I have been in previous weeks. Suprisingly for some reason I was pretty calm! I mean I really should not be nervous because if I have been doing what I am supposed to be doing (which I have been) then there is nothing to worry about. But anyways it went very well and I did gain since last week! I need to make sure NOT to listen to ED and cut back. I must keep doing what I have been doing so I can continue to go in the right direction in my recovery!

This afternoon I texted my lovely girls Katie, Meg, and Shelley. They are all truly amazing girls and so inspiring! They all have helped me soo much already. It is great to have such supportive blog friends that have been through the same thing!
This afternoon I had one of my favorite Clif Bars, Oatmeal Raisin Walnut. Then I was off to Girls Inc. to do some service learning for a few hours. I can't wait until tomorrow because they are coming over to my college for dinner!Since I got back kinda late and the girls already ate I grabbed it to go. I got the shells with tomato & spinach and topped it with a piece of broiled chicken. I also had a dinner roll with a little bit of BUTTER and milk!

I finally don't have anything that is due tomorrow so I am going to relax for the night and maybe get a head start on some work, but probs not ;)

Oh yeah and I forgot to ask for those of you who use Blogger...Have you been having a problem with moderating your comments?! Because recently it will say I have 2 comments and then I click on it I will have like 10 new comments! So weird. Idk if it is just me but it has been acting up on me lately. But I finally think it is fixed, at least I hope so!

Have a nice rest of your Humpday!



  1. mmm that pasta looks yummy!! This week is flying by it feels like! I don't mind it one bit, hello weekend!

  2. Have you ever thought about having a pb sandwich for lunch? That should fit into your meal plan, and it's SOOO good! Especially on Fridays when you can't eat meat!!

    You're doing so well...and I'm proud of you. Keep it up!! (btw we have dr appts on the same day. Woohoo Wednesday checkups!)

  3. Haha- gotta love Wednesday appts!

  4. I'm glad to hear your appointment went well- looks like you're on the right path! And kudos for the butter with the roll at dinner, definitely makes it taste better, yes?

  5. I have the same printer as you hehe.
    And I use blogger and havent been having any problems.
    The pasta dins looks yummmy!

  6. Seems like you're doing so well Jenna :) Great job girlie!

  7. Completely random--I'm so glad you volunteer with Girls Inc, it is am amazing group. I did an internship with a group near me to create some materials for them! I wish I could work more with them--they don't have a chapter in the town my school is in.

  8. I meant to ask you this before. Does your therapist know about your food blog? i've been debating telling mine about my blog but I wasnt sure how she would react.....thanks!

  9. Meg- I think my comments are working again! Haha.

  10. what is girl inc?

  11. Katie- Yes I finally did tell my therapist about my blog. I was very hesitant at first because i thought she would think it is weird but she said it was totally fine as long as it was helping me in my recovery. So once you feel comfortable with you therapist I think you should tell her, but only if you want!

  12. Girls Incorporated is where I do my service learning every Wednesday. It is a national nonprofit youth organization dedicated to inspiring all girls to be strong, smart, and bold!

  13. How great that you decided to take some butter on the bread, and that pasta... do they really serve that delicious- looking food at school?
    Ahhh, Norway has so much to learn ;P

    I do agree with coffeandhope- challenge yourself and try a pb sandwich for lunch. I have just overcome my fear of that little piece of heaven, highly recommended ;D

  14. great work on the pasta! you go girl :) You are a star

  15. aww thanks so much for the shoutout lovely!!! you are awesome and keep it up!

  16. no problem chica ;) you are truly inspiring!
