Sunday, March 28, 2010

A visit from a friend

Hey blog readers! Hope ya had a great weekend! Mine was fun :)

All my foodie pics today are from the fabulous iPhone because my camera is charging. But I actually think it sometimes takes better pictures than my camera!
Breaky this morning was a yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Honey Sunshine, banana, and PB & Co. Mightly Maple pb with milk on the side. I know I already said it but the combination of honey cereal and maple pb is amazinggg!Snack was Chocolate milk with peanuts. Then I got ready for the day because I was getting a visit from a special someone ;) My friend Carly came to visit me and the girls here at school!We all grabbed some lunch at the dining hall. I got the usual, turkey & swiss wrap, bag of pretzels, a Red Delicious, and milk.

I was glad she came to visit again (even though she came a few weeks ago) because sometimes a day is just all that better when you get a visit from a friend :) After she left a few of us girls went on a joy ride around town because we were that bored and we just wanted to get off campus for a bit! Ya know, it's what do!

Then I came back to get some work done and snacked on a Chocolate Chip Clif Bar. Then it was already dinner time. I had grilled chicken, summer squash tarragon, roasted red skinned potatoes, a roll with butter, and milk.

Now I am currently watching The Diary of Justin Beiber on MTV as I type this post. I really need to get a life and stop watching this and write my English paper!

Sorry these posts lately have been kinda boring but don't worry I am going home in 3 days for Easter Break so stay tuned for some new eats and food pics!

Peace out lovies :)



  1. Jealous that you get an Easter Break/long weekend!! :) And you're right sometimes all you need is a visit from a friend and everything suddenly starts looking up!

  2. haha yes! that is why i love going to a catholic college because we get a full week of for easter break ;)

  3. hahah oh goodness -- the diary of justin bieber. your eats look yummylicious :] glad you had a good weekend!!

  4. Im glad you had a good time with your friend!!! Seems like things are going well for ya, and Im very happy about it!!!
    ps be expecting more comments from yours baaack ;)

  5. i wish i wasnt saying this but i watched it too! lolxoxoxoxooxox

  6. yeah i am glad you are back tara :)

  7. no shame no shame at all katie anne :) haha.

  8. That's so nice that you get an entire week! so relaxing!

  9. YAY for an entire week off. That's fabulous!

    Awesome dinner!
    <3 jess

  10. I love your posts, their so cute and upbeat!. I have a q for you though, youre sooooooooooooo consistent, how do you do it?i am so bad at consistency with eating, your just so good at it, how so you motivate urself to do it? hope u have a nice easter break! Fi xxxxx

  11. Hi Jenna,
    Is your sandwich on one of those low calorie lavash wraps? Just wondering!

  12. ssounds like you are doing well- keep it up. & you should def get higher cal bread for your wraps :)

  13. Fi- it is definitely not easy! I was very inconsistent before!
    But I just push myself each day because I know this is what my body needs!
    It is fuel for my body :)

  14. Hey girly, glad Carly was able to come see you!

    Happy Monday..make the best of it! And NO MORE lavash wraps girlfrannn, they aren't good for you right now and you know it!
