Saturday, March 27, 2010

My camera ate my dinner :(

Happy Saturday! I hope you had a nice day so far and a great last weekend to March:) My morning started with a yogurt mess of Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, 1 cup Kashi Go Lean, sliced banana, and some PB & Co. Mighty Maple peanut butter on top with milk on the side. There was no debating which peanut butter to have this morning because I was obviously having Mighty Maple again ;) The second time around is always better, right?! (TWSS)

I was kinda tired from going out last night with the girls so after breaky I snuggled up back in bed for a few hours. A college girls gotta catch up on her sleep!
Morning snack was a lil something different, I had cocolate milk with a 1/4 cup of trail mix! My dining hall here at school sells all kinds of trail mixes and candies so the other day I bought some for myself. This trail mix had peanuts, M & M's, raisins, and peanut butter chip pieces! Yup you heard me right...M & M's AND peanut butter chips! I used to avoid all trail mixes that had any chocolate in them because ED told me not to eat anything chocolate because it was bad, but clearly he knows nothing! So I would only eat the ones with nuts and NO chocolate. But now things have changed and I showed ED who is boss! I was proud I challenged myself with the trail mix :)

I acutally got some work done today and started my English essay.Then after awhile I got some lunch because ya know typing works up a big appetite ;) Lunch was kind of on the late side but anyways I had a turkey wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes along with a bag of pretzels, yet another pear, and milk.

This afternoon I made a quick trip to no better place then TARGET to pick up a few goods.
Before I left I snacked on a Cool Mint Chocolate Clif Bar, one of my favorites! Aka Girls Scout Thin Mint Cookie. Need I say more?!

Okay now I am really upset because my dinner was epic and my camera ate it :( That's how good it was! I had a chicken sandwich on Oatmeal Molasses bread with a huge serving of SWEET POTATO fries and milk. I was so excited when I saw they were serving sweet potato fries tonight because I didn't know they even served them, but now I do! But anyways my camera ate my pics from dinner and I am bummin' you can't see some sweet potato lovin' :(

But we can always pretend and this was what my dinner looked like...

Grilled Chicken sandwich with some yummy sweet potato fries on the side :) Reminded me of a great BBQ dinner in the summer!

I am off to shower and get ready for the night! Have a fun night :)

Stay tuned for a GIVEAWAY soon!



  1. Yumm I love sweet potato fries!!! They're the best!! Have a fun night tonight!!

  2. Sweet potato fries are the best! Have a great weekend girl!


  3. Clif bars are awesome! And your sweet potato fries look so yummy. My husband had some yesterday and they were served with a pineapple sauce. It was amazing.

  4. I get that trail mix too! I buy it at the bulk bins at my grocery store. It's called Monster Mix :)

    I have to control myself though because I could seriously eat a whole cup of it. And I have before. Ugh...

    Regarding your last post, glad you got the sauce on your pasta this time. Good job girl!

  5. I hate when my camera does that too!! Hope you had a great night!!

  6. Hah, take that ED ;) Who says you can not enjoy chocolate no matter what time of the day it is?
    It made me so happy to see that you went for the mix with chocolate in as well, I remember the first time I ate milk chocolate after three years with 70% chocolate. Ah. Oh. One word : Heaven.
    I know very many prefer the really dark chocolate, but there is just something about milk chocolate and M&Ms that is so comforting and satisfying.

  7. Mmm dinner sounds delicious.
