Thursday, March 4, 2010

A new...

Hey everyone :)

I must say today was a successful day because I got a new...THERAPIST! I just wanted to let you all know! I met with her for the first time for a lil meet and greet and I really think we hit it off and connected. She already talked about what she wants to work on with me, which I was happy to hear. This was all stuff my old therapist did not do! She also told me she is very excited to work with me!!

Breaky this morning was a yog mess.
First I mixed Plain
Chobani and 1 cup of Kashi Go Lean together.Then topped it off with a sliced banana and PB & Co. DCD. Although my morning started off a lil rocky because my dad was still kind of mad about the new car my mom bought! So a lil parental fighting occured before he left for work.
My morning snack I had a Vanilla Boost and a Nature's Path Berry Strawberry Chewy Granola Bar!I really enjoyed this bar and it definitely lives up to its name of a CHEWY granola bar! It has the perfect amount of strawberries to it and has the perfect amount of creamy yogurt on the top!

Then I ran some errands at Target for my mom like a good lil girl and came home for some lunch. I had one of my all time favorite sandwich combinations!

I had turkey, american cheese, and apple on whole wheat bread with pretzels, the rest of the apple, and a glass of milk. Mmmm! I love this combo :)I snacked on this Clif Bar right before my appointment with my therapist.

Dinner was on the late side but good! Mom cooked up a whole white chicken. I had a nice sized portion of chicken, broccoli, and sweet potato fries with milk.

Well I am currently watching American Idol with my lil sis and dad while listening to my dad complain at how torturous it is ;) Ohhh dad! And of course I will be having a Boost later on tonight as well. Don't worry I still have my evening snack :)

Are you a fan of American Idol?!

Personally, I think it is getting kinda old since it is on it's ninth season but I still watch it anyways!



  1. Mmmm apple goes so well with savory. I dont eat meat but I love apple+cheddar together, and I bet turkey makes it awesome for ya! I'm eating a sweet potater with dinner right now - I should try fries.

    As for American Idol, honestly, I've never watched it! I saw one episode, years ago, second season, when Ruben Studdard won, but other than that..never watched. But I do love me some Kelly Clarkson!

  2. so excited that you have a new therapist you click witH! i really think that will help you a lot. mmm your grill marks alaways make me want a panini!

  3. So excited that you found a therapist that you like and connect with!! Yayyy!! :) I used to watch AI, but I haven't in so long...if I do watch it'll be the auditions at the beginning (hilarious) and the amazing people at the finals. :)

  4. Sweet potatoe fries..yum!!! The best thing ever.
    Your sandwiches always look so good girl.
    And congrats on the new therapist! Well when I say congrats I mean i'm happy that you hit it off haha
    Have a great night!

  5. Yum sweet potato fries!! Having a therapist that you connect with is sooo important and I'm so happy that you found that!!

  6. um...are we soulmates?! I was honestly, just in my head, thinking about I need to talk to someone. A therapist that is. I just have too many intense thoughts goin through my head sometimes. Please please let me know how it goes! I pray I find someone I click with, you are so lucky to have found one on your first shot!
    Sending postive vibes your way girly!


  7. yay so happy you and the new therapist connected! That will be so nice and maybe make your trips less stressful?

    Hate parenting fighting :(

  8. I am really glad that you found a NEW therapist, but remember that no matter who the therapist is, it is your responsibility to remain accountable and it looks like you are doing a great job at that!! I wish you the best with your continued road to recovery!!
    Also, when are we going to see the new car??

  9. happy to hear that things are already going well with your new therapist!

  10. I just bought that CLIF bar today. Hope it's tastaayyy!

    Best wishes for you and your new therapist! :D

    Target = love (haha)

  11. I totally need to hop on that panini bandwagon you're on! They look so good!!

  12. I would watch it if it didn't come on the same night as The Biggest Loser. Although I do agree that the few times I have watched it, it has gotten kind of old. But I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance...which is the same show but dancing not singing. Funny how I love one and am just meh about the other.

  13. That's great that you like the new therapist so far! I'm happy for you :)

    Your sandwiches always look so good, I've just got to make one soon!

  14. i have never watched american idol! i think i might be the only one... oops. i do watch the auditions sometimes, though. hilarious!

    glad you and your new therapist connected- that's the toughest and most important part.

  15. I used to be a really big AI fan..especially the past few seasons but this year I am just not into it at all! Not sure why, I thought Ellen would make me even more interested but nope!

  16. I'm glad the new therapist is working well lady!
    Not so much a fan of American Idol, I'm more about the E! variety of reality shows haha!
    Have a good weekend :)

  17. i am so proud of you - you are doing great :) keep on staying on track. you can do this <3 glad you found a great new therapist! and i agree with what u said about american idol- it is getting old

  18. Glad you found a good therapist. You apple panini looks great!

  19. that granola bar looks awesome! i will have to add it to my grocery list :)
    have you tried the maple nut clif bar? its love.

    Im not a huge AI's the same old stuff (to me at least) but i like that ellen is a judge. she cracks me up!
