Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dinner date

Hey lovies! Hope you all had a fab Humpday :) I woke up this morning to snow. Yesterday the temp was around 50 and today it's snowing...go figure! Gotta love New England weather!

Well I must say I got a good nights sleep last night unlike the night before when I was wide awake for two whole hours :/ I hate when that happens.

After a good nights sleep nothing was better than starting my Hump Day with a yog mess topped with this beauty ;)

This morning I did something a lil different, I first mixed Plain Chobani yogurt and Kashi Go Lean cereal together then topped it with a sliced banana and a dollop of DCD.

It was a lot easier to mix the yog and cereal together first and then with the banana and pb rather than trying to mix everyting together at the end. Idk?! It was just something different I tried.

Then I mixed everything together!

Before my nutritionist appointment this morning, I had a Vanilla Boost and a Kashi TLC Trail Mix bar. My appointment with my nutritionist went well. We discussed my current meal plan and made sure I am getting in the right amount of carbs, proteins, and fats each day. I really enjoy meeting with her because she is so nice and knows a lot about eating disorders and nutrition!I wasn't really feeling a turkey sandwich today so I decided to have a Boca veggie burger instead!For lunch I had a veggie burger with american cheese on whole wheat bread with pretzels, an apple, and a glass of milk.This afternoon I snacked on this Blueberry Crisp Clif Bar. Right when I opened the bar all I could smell was blueberries! Mmmm.

Then dinner tonight was at PANERA!! My mom had a lacrosse meeting there tonight so my lil sis and I decided to tag along and have a lil dinner date :) I got nothing other than the BBQ Chopped Chicken Salad with a fresh baguette! I was debating on getting this again or to try the new Mediterranean Salmon salad since I haven't tried it yet. But since the BBQ salad was that good the first time I tried it, I just had to order it again ;) And of course it did not disappoint, I actually thought it was even better tonight!
Then my lil sis got a toasted Plain bagel with cream cheese and a Frozen Mocha drink! Gotta love her ;)

Well I am currently watching the girls semi-finalists perform on American Idol, so peace out :)

Do you have a favorite at Panera Bread?!



  1. I love your sisters dinner! And your salad looks great too! I'm happy you had a good sleep last night, bad sleeps are the worst!!

  2. hahah i used to work at panera but no i don't have a fave! the downside of being anorexic and working at a food place, i never let myself try anything! and we don't have panera where we live now. do you like those bocas? they're the only boca product i'm not a fan of! yummm DCD!

  3. Any day started with DCD Peanutbutter is an amazing day in my book!!!!! YUM!!!!

    Hope you have a great night!!

    Panera rocks!! I love their chicken and wildrice soup!!!

  4. Oh, that salad sounds aweeeesome. Shows how long it's been since I've been to a Panera - I'd never seen that one before!! YUM! I have to say -- first and foremost, their cheddar broccoli soup is just to.die.for. So creamy and comforting. YUMMM! Love the DCD in the yogurt messes!! and glad your appointment went well!!

  5. these are actually the only burgers i have tried from boca but they all sound great!
    do you have a fav brand? i wanna try them out :)

  6. I LOVE panera's tomato mozz. panini. It is to-die-for. I gotta try that salad soon, it looks awesome!

    Have a good night girly!


  7. I don't know how you can control yourself with the DCD! :P So amazing! <3 xoxoxo Have a great night!!

  8. I love Morningstar burgers when I do the faux meat thing. I am vegetarian but do not do the faux meat thing all that much. In those I love black bean burgers and the Thai ones. You should try them!

    I love Panera I always get the you pick 2: Mediterranean veggie sandwich & either black bean soup or garden vegetable with a wheat baguette. LOVE IT

  9. That salad looks so yummy! Also I'm jealous you're on spring break!

    And I love soup in a bread bowl!!!! so good!

  10. Please just tell me who is advising you to eat Kashi Go Lean. Seriously!! It MUST be hindering your recovery.

  11. Oh I miss Panera so.. always loved their French Onion soup.. and the Chicken Apple Salad, yum!

  12. Oh Panera... I missed a chance to go tonight because I opted for an early dinner before my friend called. Wish I could have gone!!! :( LOVE every other thing on the menu!

  13. That salad looks awesome girl!!!
    The blueberry Cliff bars are out of this world good... those and the carrot cake. And the white chocolate macademia nut.. can you tell I love Cliff bars?!
    How old is your little sis? That sounds just like something my 13 year old cousin would order hehe

    I loooove their cinnamon bagels.. yum!

  14. Anon!! Glad you found yet another flaw on my blog- good job :) can't wait for another one you find!
    I am also glad you now know more than my nutritionist too! You are so smart!!
    You just know allll the right answers :)

  15. Jess- that is too funny because my lil sis is 13 as well! Haha

  16. hahah, anonymous- jw- why do you think go lean is so bad? it actually is more calorically dense than other cereals and i don't think it is at the root of jenna's problems- it doesn't really matter where the calories come from, as long as she is getting enough. Go lean is great for her probably because there are a lot of nutrients and when you are gaining you should be eating foods that are nutrient-dense. I'm not saying Jenna's recovery is GREAT or anything (jenna, hun u know we talk about the issues) but i reallllly don't think the go lean cereal is a problem LOL. that is honestly kind of comical to me.. it is all about cals anon- not the kinds of food.

  17. that looks yummy! I'll have to try it next time I go to Panera. I usually get the fuji apple salad should try it, so good!!!


  18. I am also in recovery from anorexia. I find that personally when I chose "diet" type foods like Kashi Go Lean and 70 calorie boca burgers, it made it a lot easier for my ED to stay in control. The more variety you have and the more challenges you take, the easier recovery will get. Stay strong!

  19. Hi Jenna,
    First off I want to say my name is Jenna too, just so I lose that anonymous name.
    Second, I am a certified nutritionist so I would like to say I am semi-smart. :)
    Third, please don't get all defensive on me. I am just trying to help.
    I have been reading your blog for quite some time and you always eat kashi go lean. I, as a nutritonist, would NEVER, EVER advise any girl with anorexia to eat kashi go lean. I really just want you to know that if anyone is telling you it is OKAY to eat that, that you should be seeking a different nutrionist.
    I am just trying ot help. That is all. Anorexia is a deadly disease.

  20. Oh and to the girl that asked why it is so bad. It is bad because it has a ridiculous amount of fiber in it and it is also low calorie. For someone that is struggling with an ED, you want to keep the calories in, not flush them right out.

  21. You had some of my favorites yesterday - the blueberry crisp is my favorite flavor of clif bar, and of course I LOVE panera! I haven't been in ages, but at home (Massachusetts) in the summer they used to have a salad with strawberries and blueberries with a poppyseed dressing. So good!

    I'm not sure why anon is so concerned about kashi golean, like someone said above it is a great cereal and also has a lot of protein for a cereal. I also like golean crunch when you get bored of the plain kind!

  22. Hey girl. I know you love your Kashi - but I swear if you try one of their granolas you'll be HOOKED! Just a suggestion! Switch it up! You won't regret it ;) Or, maybe try mixing half of your "usual" cereal and half granola?! That'll make it a lot less stress for ya.

  23. Your panera salad looks great! I need to go there one of these days! Love your sister's meal. I am craving that now haha.

  24. I've been wanting to try that Dark Chocolate Dreams PB. Looks amazing! Mmmm...

  25. do u still drink ur nightly boost. just making sure! ;-) not trying to be annoying

  26. never been the biggest panera girl - their bagels were always in my sorority house, so i think i OD'd on them. oops!

  27. Hi Jenna, I drink Boost as well for weight gaining purposes and I recently went to Walmart and bought their Equate brand. It tastes the same as Boost to me. It's about $3.00 less for a six pack compared to Boost. Just thought I'd share my bargain shopping abilities with ya :)

  28. Hey love!!
    AHH PANERA!! i LOVE Their paninis! i get something diffeerent everytime i go! whoo!!
    YES i LOVE veggie burgers in omelets!! and CHEESE IS A MUST!! you MUST put enough cheese! makes all the difference :)
    put 1 egg and some egg beaters/egg whites in the pan (OR ANOTHER EGG-i would do this if i had more eggs!) and cook it until its flat and cooked all the way through-to do this u have to make holes in it and then fill it with uncooked parts..u know what im saying? THEN add ur veggie burger and cheese one one side, then flip the other side and let it cook a lil longer!

  29. Confession:Eaten at panera once in my life. No clue what bread I even had!!!!

    Your eats look great!!! love the dk choc dreams...yumm
