Friday, February 26, 2010

A special something ;)

Ya ya ya it is finally Friday which means I am officially on Spring Break :) I came home last night since my one class for today got cancelled! I am so glad I wasn't at school last night because my girls were all telling me the electricity went out for a few hours!

Yesterday afternoon my mom and I went to Trader Joe's and then I later went to the grocery store to pick up some staples.
Kashi Go Lean, Boca Burgers, Cedarlane Enchiladas, and a bunch of different Greek yogurts!! And of course some new Luna bars!I also picked up some LaraBars that I am hooked on now thanks to my gal Meg ;) I never realized how many flavors they had! I can't wait to try them all since I have only had PB & J so far. But I have heard great reviews on all the other flavors!

This morning I tried Yoplait's new Plain Greek yogurt! I have read mixed reviews on this yogurt but I really liked it, it was thick and had no liquid on top when I opened it which was a plus.

Plus some Kashi Go Lean (my staple cereal in my yogurt messes). I really wanted to try other cereals but I just don't know what other cereals go well in a yogurt mess! Any suggestions?!I tried Naturally More Organic peanut butter for the first time last Monday on top of banana oatmeal before I went back to school on the very stressful Monday!

I I really enjoyed the organic peanut butter. I was kind of hesitant trying this peanut butter because of the oil on top, but after a nice stir it was all mixed together. This peanut butter has a very thick consistency and it very chunky. The flavor is very peanut-buttery! I really enjoyed this peanut butter the first time around so that is why I had it again this morning :)
My Friday morning yogurt mess :) I am off to shower and get ready for the day, then my mom and I are going to look at something special, can ya guess what it is?!

The first winner who answers correctly will recieve a PRIZE! Let me know in a comment on this post what you think it is ;)



  1. I bet you're looking at a PUPPY!!

  2. nope! i already got my lil maltese bella :)

  3. Apartments??? or Cars????

  4. UNDIES!!! Just kidding. Haha, ummm a car?! WHOLE FOODS?!

    Love that peanut butter - it's SO GOOD! Hope you have a beautiful day - text me if ya want.

  5. Hi Love Bug!! I'm LOVING all your friday excitement! Sooooo bangin that you are on spring break! ummm are you going to go look at a new college to transfer to??...hehe, you didn't give any hints! :) I hope your weekend is amazing!! xoxo!

  6. yay! ur home! any plans for spring break?xoxo

  7. ugh for some reason blogspot own't let me comment on your blog! grrr, let's try this again:

    my guess: a car! great eats. so glad oyu're home with electricity, for blogging!

  8. a new car!!

    also, you definitely should try kashi go lean CRUNCH and kashi go lean berry crisp! SOO delicious in yogurt messes because they are crunchhyyy :)

  9. I LOVE Naturally More. SO GOOD! Try it with apple butter :) My new obsession!

  10. A cereal suggestion for your rogurt messes is shredded wheat!! Barbara's Organic makes great shredded wheat! :)

  11. Hey love!!!

    U should try Kashi Warm Cinnamon Heart to Heart or Barbaras Peanutbutter Puffins in your yogurt messes!!!!!!!!! Yummmy!!!

    Hope you have a great day!!!! Getting a car today ??


  12. Yay for spring break! I'm so jealous of all of your yogurt! I can never find so many different types of greek yogurts..... I'm going to TJ's this weekend so maybe I'll have luck there.

    a car?

  13. A car?! Even though it's already been guessed...
    And I'm with Katie, Kashi Warm Cinnamon Heart to Heart is amazing in yogurt messes. Also, Nature's Path cereals are really good too. I used to eat the Kashi Golean and I loved it. And then one day I woke up and tried to eat some and it just kinda repulsed me... I guess because I ate it every day.
    Naturally Nutty is awesome!

  14. I concur with all of the car guesses, although maybe its a new house/ you're adopting from russia? (just kidding on that last one. :)

    I like to use heart to heart in yogurt messes, but the go lean crunch is my favorite! Have a good first day of break!

  15. p.s. Kashi has AMAZING granola. Maybe try a whole new brand of cereal, something granola-like too.

  16. a car?!?
    an apartment for next year?!
    love you girlfrand!

  17. you sould definitely try some new cereals, i love all kashi cereals and also peanut butter bumpers/puffins are delicious - and i thought you were going to try 2% yogurt- you don't need fat free stuff :)

  18. MMM...Kashi's new "Crisp" cereal is SO good! Nature's Path makes some ROCKIN granola that would pump up your yogurt messes like no other! ;)

    hmm... jewelry? new computer? phone?

  19. i think any cereal will go with a yogurt mess!! Not sure what type you have over there but have a little experiment and see what you come up with. Helen x

  20. hmmm you've got to try kashi honey sunshine. that's my favorite cereal. it works really well in yogurt messes as well

    enjoy your trip with your mom. yeah, like everyone else i'm guessing it's a car ;)


  21. A pretty dress! Something girly.

  22. Good thing you got home early!! My mom has had no power alll day! Crazy outages in NH. Jealous of all your barsss!

  23. heyyy! you should totally try kashi warm cinnamon heart to heart, peanut butter puffins, kashi honey sunshine, and kashi go lean crunch. haaa i know its a list but iv had them all in greek yogurt messes and they are amazing(:

  24. are you going to look at a CAR?? that would be so exciting! i love all kashi cereals in yogurt messes, but i also like Total Blueberry Pomegranate cereal in them as well because you can really taste the blueberry! oh, and i absolutely love naturally more pb -- my favorite of all time. so glad you like it too!

  25. Lucky girl! Kitchen full of greek yogurt & larabars!


    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  26. A prom dress? Whatever it is I hope you have fun!!

    Larabars are so good! Glad you're hooked too :D

  27. I put granola in all my yogurt messes! I was a little "stressed" about the calorie/fat count.. but lets say 1 cup kashi go lean = 5,000 cals (OVB EXAGGERATING) and 1/3 cup granola= 5,000 cals.. than its an "even exchange" you see? that's how I look at it.. it all evens out in the end!!!

  28. Ok I totally thought of car when I read this, but to say something different...I guess a new fancy camera!

  29. so what happens when EVERYONE guesses a car? I get the prize, right? :] hehehe
    i love kashi go lean in my yogurt messes so i suggest stickin with that :] raisin bran is also really good too though!
    and i LOVE naturally more--they make the best almond butter! you must try it ;]

  30. My guess is a CAR! :)

    Great grocery haul!
    <3 jess

  31. I thought car but as that has already been said....
    a new computer? I don't know if you need one but hey it'd still be cool!

    Also i LOVE naturally more! I have it on my oatmeal EVERY morning (see, there's nothing wrong with a routine!)

    What ever it is, can't wait to hear what it is!

  32. Those are pretty much all my staples too :)

    I love Kashi Go Lean cereal. I could eat the whole box. I thought about that once, taking the box with me and eating it all throughout the day on campus...I mean, it provides lots of good nutrients and the whole box is about a day's worth of calories right? Lol.

    I need to try the Dannon and Yoplait greek yogurts. I've seen it at the store and it is cheaper than all the other greek yogurts.

    No idea what you guys might be going to look at so I'll be completely random and clothes because you're on a healthy gain and need new clothes :)

  33. Ah, AMAZING groceries right there. So jeallll of all that Chobz, we don't have it over here in AUS! Same with the Lunas and most Laras... we can get them, it's just a massive hassle. Consider yourself lucky :)
    Love the blog girlie! Added you to my reader, hhaha.

  34. happy spring break... oh how i MISS those days of being in college and having breaks! i wish my job had a "break" hahaha. any plans for it??

    i use to eat that same peanut butter!

  35. im glad your home safely!! your eats look awesome:)

    i bet your looking at.....i have no idea!! hahha a car?!

    have a good weekend, amy<33

  36. I want your stash of Luna and Lara Bars! So many different flavors.. my stores only have like two different kinds and they're the same ones all the time. Boo.

  37. haha I'm going to step out of the box and gues....A CAR!!! lol Whatever it is I'm sure its special! have fun hanging with your mom!

  38. A car?! I really like Naturally More but always make a mess trying to mix it up. Have you tried Kashi Crunch or their other varieties?
