Friday, February 5, 2010

Superbowl Weekend

Well lovies! Friday is finally here and that means it is the weekend time!

This weekend is super exciting because it is Superbowl Sunday :) Even though the Patriots didn't make it in this year (boo!) I will obvs be watching the game at my cousin's annual Superbowl party which is always so much fun! My favorite part of the Superbowl is the pool, ya know where you pay a $1 for a square and write your initials and then at the end of each quarter you check the score and match the last digit of each team's final score with the grid to decide the winner! Even though I NEVER win it is fun to play!

What is your favorite part of the Superbowl?

I appreciate all of your comments yesterday on whether I should stay at school or go home for the weekend. Well I will tell you I am doing both! Tonight I am staying up at school and then tomorrow my mom is coming to get me. I just don't want to miss the Superbowl Party Sunday night ;)

Although tonight is Friday and it is my first weekend back at school, I am staying in tonight!
Since I just returned to school this past Monday, I am two weeks behind in all 5 of my classes which means I have to catch up on all my work I missed. As much as I really want to go out with my girlfirends tonight I got to get my priorites in line. So tonight I am getting some work done before going home tomorrow. We all know if I were to go home tonight and brought work home, it wouldn't even get touched. So I think I made a smart decision to stay up at school tonight to get some work done. So far I am getting a lot done which is a good thing.

But I am not gonna spend my whole night with my head in the books because I really wanna relax a bit too and catch up on your blogs ;)

Have a fun Friday night and please tell me your plans are a tad more exciting than mine ;)



  1. Favorite part of the superbowl... superbowl parties!! Unless my philly eagles make it.. then i spend the whole weekend cheering my head off for them!

  2. It's good to have your priorities in order -- I don't understand how some people used to go out four nights a week (Thurs-Mon) and still pass classes. Eek!

    My plans unfortunately were all canceled because of the snow. Instead it's movies and laziness for meee. :)

  3. bummer that you have to catch up on your schoolwork but iknow you can do it! have a good time this weekend, don't study TOO hard :)

  4. Well--at least the catching up is only a temporary thing and then once you'll all caught up you can kick back and have some fun! :-) PLus it'll be outta your way and off your mind which is always a good thing. ;-)

  5. Hey girl! NEver played that superbowl game but sounds fun! :D
    Have a great wekeend.... don't worry i'm in tonight with homework *cough blogs, cough* too lol. oh well, balance right?! Have a good one! ;)

  6. I hate spending Friday night in, but going home is definitely worth it. Have a great weekend girl!

  7. glad that you are getting work done :) have a great weekend!

  8. Good luck! Hope you have a fabulous weekend my dear :)

  9. I hope you have an awesome Superbowl Sunday!!!

  10. Good decision--I NEVER get work done when I'm at home hahaa...everthing gets done in the library :)

    yeah, I didn't even know it was superbowl weekend...shows you how much I'm into sports, doesn't it ;)?


  11. hey jenna! blogspot is finallyy leting me comment lol but your superbowl party sounds so fun!! im glad your not missing out. my favorite thing about the superbowl def is that my favorite team (the colts) it playing!!!! i hope they winnnn:) have a great weekendd girl!

  12. heyy girll!
    thanks so much for the commentt- i really like your blogg(:
    im actually not a big sports fan- but im totally bummed about the patriots not being in it too. :/
    anywayss i didnt have plans last night eitherr- but tonight im going to see dear john! (cant wait)
    hope you have a good weekend and a good time at home!

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading more over here! Have a great weekend!

    Oh, and for the superbowl...the commercials! Unless the Bears are playing (bahahaha!)

  14. Good idea to split time between home and school :)

  15. Honestly my favorite part about the superbowl is when its over! I really never got into the whole football thing (even though i really did try!) but i just find its so boring. :)
