Saturday, February 6, 2010

3 packages!

Happy Saturday night :) I am currently home for the night and verything is pretty much the same here at home since I was just here 5 days ago!

What is the best part about being home? Well besides seeing my family and sleeping in my own bed...PACKAGES! I had 3 packages waiting for me in my room when I got home. My mom usually tells me when I receive packages but she forgot to, so it was a nice surprise when I got home!
The first package came from the lovely people at Artisana Nut Butters. They sent me 7 different flavors to try! Aren't they so cute?!Cacao Bliss, Walnut, and Macadamia Butter.Tahini, Cashew, Almond, and Cocunut Butter.

They all look so great I don't know which flavor to try first! Although I am thinking the cacao bliss and macademia nut ;)
I also recieved some Virgin Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions. Sounds pretty cool, right?!

And last but not least I also received some POP CHIPS!
I have never had Pop Chips before so I am very excited to try them! I have seen them all over the blog world and have heard nothing but great reviews about them. I think they will be a great change with my lunch sandwiches instead of having pretzels all the time. Change is good!
I am most excited to try the barbeque potato!
Well folks thats all I got for you tonight, hope ya liked it!

I am off to get some more work done tonight. Boo! I have to read a few chapters for my English class and study for my first Nursing Quiz for Monday. Since the Superbowl is tomorrow night and I want to go to my lil sister's basketball game tomorrow morning I must utilize my time wisely, which means no reading blogs till I am finished ;) Hope I can do it!

Have you ever tried any of these products before?
Lemme know what you think of them :)



  1. OH MY GOD you scored big time! i am especially jealous of your artisana nut butters, drool! i really want to try those babies. pop chips are amazing, i had a phase where i ate them every day lol

  2. You lucky girl!! Very jealous of all your artisana products!! ENJOY!! :)

  3. popchips are GREAT! I especially love the barbecue!!!!!

  4. Good luck with the homework! Kudos to you for working on a sat night...
    Packages are awesome. Especially packages of nut butters :) MAJOR jealousy. I've been wanting to try those and pop chips so I'm super excited to hear how they are.

  5. Hi, Jenna! Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I admit that I am kookoo for popped chips, although I like the Trader Joe's brand (cheaper!).

    Have a wonderful weekend. --EE

  6. Wow! I love getting packages -- totally makes the day better. :)

    Never tried that nut butter but it looks heavenly. Might have to scope out that company and see if I can track it down. Whole Foods?

  7. So jealous of the great Artisana products! I've only heard great things about the Cacao Bliss.
    The Coconut Butter is fabulous! Off the spoon, in oatmeal, on toast! I'm sure there's many many other great uses for it!

  8. Hey Jenna! YUM those samples of nut butter look amazing!

    Thanks for the comment on my blog...I've actually been reading your blog for quite some time and try and comment when I get the chance! I'm glad you've found mine too!

    have a good weekend girl!


  9. hey jenna! wow you are so lucky! these are all such great products. i love the nut butters, so yummy. and POPCHIPS OH MY DROOOLING GOSH. i suggest the honey bbq :) so good! have a great day girlie xoxo soph

  10. Definitely not anonSaturday, February 06, 2010

    Just wanted to say that I notice in the past when you stopped talking about your eats, is when you were "lapsing"/"relapsing"-I know being back at school is a challenge and you should know it is ok to be honest about how you are doing. None of us think you can go from being told you can't return to school/have to go inpatient (I'm sad you didn't), to working hard at home for 2 weeks, to now being back where you're alone and where you're honestly comfortable w/ your ed. It's ok-just be honest, so you can get the support. And, hopefully you are being honest w/ your mom and team. I think you went back to school too soon but who knows. I just read this post and, honey I know you are excited about those products but terrified to eat them-I'm just being honest. And it is ok to be scared. I noticed the eats you mentioned since you went back to school were the same as before where when you were home you had changed things up. I hope for you, for you LIFE for your FUTURE, you will think about taking the time now-you don't want to be facing this when you are 25, or 30, or 40...and it is possible.
    Just take a step back and think about what you really need, talk to people in your life who can relate. Lots of love and support.

  11. Loooove Artisana stuff! Looks awesome!

  12. Just the pop chips! THey are good...but I want to try the other products too! :P How did you get all that sent to you?

  13. I love that "Snacker's Creed!" I think I may have to get some of those just for what is on the back. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a good Sunday :)

  14. 3 whole packages?? Lucky girl!! :-) How does everyone manage to snag deals like this where companys ship deelish looking PBs to them to try??I want to get me a piece of that too. hehe The nut butters look :-0' (thats me drooling lol)And I haven't tried either product but my best friend has pop chips constantly so I'm assuming they must be good if she resorts to them during snack time again and again. :-)

  15. Yay for all of the packages girl!!! I'm sad to say that I haven't tried any of those due to the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere !!!

    Enjoy them!!

  16. Whoa, share the Artisana love! I've been wanting to try them out but they're so FREAKING expensive here. Enjoy for me :)

  17. Girl you are one lucky ducky! I havent been able to try any of Artisanas products yet because i havent been able to find them anywhere boo :(

  18. Hey girl! Thanks for checking out my blog! Yours is awesome, and I'm totally jealous of your Artisana package! Those nut butters look amazingggg!

  19. Lots of great treats there! I would love to try walnut butter. The other day at my store I saw brazil nut butter..interesting!

  20. Omg I'm so jealous of your packages! I've tried coconut oil before and it's amazing- especially on toast with cinnamon.

    Enjoy your Sunday :)

    Oh and those nutbutters! Nice you lucky lady :)

  22. Hey Jenna, thanks for stopping by my blog :-D

    Lucky you!! so many nutbutter!!! I am a big fan of AB and PB, can't wait to read your ratings of these cute jars :-D
    Have a great Sunday!

  23. Holy Artisana products batman!

  24. I have never tried any of those products and would LOVE to! There are so many things I would love to try, but with our budget I can't justify buying a lot of them unless I know I would love them. :(

  25. Send me a little nut butter!:)

  26. I love popchips! Holy awesome nut butters. Delicious!! Love your packages.
    <3 jess

  27. Oh My goodness... So jealous of your packages! Where do you register to try new products like that?!?!

    can't wait to see your reviews :)

  28. Lucky girl! I've never tried the popchips but I absolutely LOVE the Artisana nut butters... The coconut butter and cacao bliss are divine!

  29. Oh I am so jealous of your packages! I hope you enjoy everything =)

  30. Great packages! Popchips are my favorite! The Artisana nut butters are good too! The cocoa is amazing.

  31. OOO GIRLFRAND great packages!!
    i LOVE the sour cream and onion popchips! SO FREAKING GOOD! try them and let me know what you think! i love the salt and vinegar ones too!!

  32. Those nut butters look oh so yummy! I'm jealous!

    Also, I love popchips. They are super good,crunchy, and I love that they are baked so they are healthy. I really like the BBQ ones!

    Also question, How do you get all this free stuff? Cause it's pretty awesome!

  33. SO jealous of all your products! We love Pop Chips at my house, but I'd really love to get a package from Artisana!!! Hope you enjoy all of it....

  34. Lucky, lucky girl! Pop chips are pretty addicting. I like the salt and vinegar ones! ;)
