Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Day of the First

I can't believe it is already the first of December! But that just means it is getting closer to Christmas :) 'Tis the season! If you can't already tell I love the Holidays! They are my favorite time of the year.
Breakfast this morning started off with a long lost yogurt mess with my beloved Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, a riped banana, and some Teddie's pb lovin' all mixed together with a glass of milk on the side! I love over riped bananas :)
Lunch included this turkey wrap with swiss cheese, romaine lettuce, and tomatoes on a whole wheat wrap with a Gala apple, and an unpictured serving of pretzels and milk.

Dinner was broiled chicken, broccolini, and a Harvest dinner roll with milk.

Now I having been getting LOTS of comments and I really appreciate each and everyone! I love the support and advice I get from all of you :) After reading all of the comments, I realized it is okay for me to be honest with you guys and express all of my feelings. If I am struggling with something then I should post it on my blog, I should not pretend everything is okay when really it is not. If I am having a bad or rough day then I should express it on my blog rather than coering it up and pretending everything is alright when in reality it is not.

I have learned life is NOT perfect and I should not be afraid to let you know I am NOT always perfect. So I think from now on I am going to be more open and honest with you all :) I guess I was just kind of hesitant before expressing how I feel because I felt as though I was complaining and that is not what you wanted to hear. I hope this all makes sense and I still would appreciate all of your awesome support and advice lovies ;) I still hope you continue to read my blog each day!

Well my first night of December will be spent doing some homework and then being studious and watching President Obama speak and then on to the fun shows like The Biggest Loser & Victoria's Secret Fashion Show!

Are you excited for the month of DECEMBER?


  1. girl.. i LOVE DECEMBER!! so pumped!!
    i just posted this-but i ended up goin to the boys game! how was GG?
    do you like the cafeteria food? i hated it after one semester!

  2. good girlfriend you are! i actually ended up watching cake boss first and i only caught the end of GG!
    i LOVE my cafeteria food!! it is sooo good :)

  3. I'm really proud of you for being honest and reaching out, Jenna. Can't wait to see you challenge yourself - I know you can do it!

  4. I LOVEEEE DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!! I love snowboarding, hot chocolate, santa, family, christmas lights, snowmen, raindeer, holidays.. EVERYTHING!! (And you can't forget winter break!) I love that you are honest on your blog!!!! I try to be honest sometimes.. but its tough, you know?! But the blogging community is so supportive and loving! Its perfect.
    Keep up the good work! :)

  5. your readers will definitely appreciate your honesty!!! I think it will help too to get our feedback! I hope you are doing well, really! I want to help you! You are soo pretty and have so many great things in life :)

  6. OMG! I totally forgot it was Tuesdady..aka Biggest Loser Day! Ahh...this is what finals do to me! haha

  7. its so great that you feel free to express yourself! I feel the same way now, too, on my blog :)
    it really is a great release! and everyone is SO kind and supportive!

    i LOVE taht it is december :D such a beautiful festive month!

  8. do you think watching the BL is really healthy for you?

  9. Love your yogurt mess! Yum! Glad you can express your feelings with us! We are all here to help and show support :)

  10. So glad that you are being so honest on here! LOVE YOU!

  11. Honesty is the best. Looking forward to reading your blog more!

  12. I think being more open is a GREAT! Honesty is the best policy :) Looking forward to it!!
    <3 jess
