Monday, November 30, 2009

Back at it

Yupp! I am back at that is. This morning Mama drove me back up and then I was off to go to classes for the day and she was off shopping for the day ;) Christmas shopping perhaps? I hope so!

Breakfast was eaten during the ride up since I wanted to spend every last minute I could in my comfy bed at home ;) But to look on the positive side, I will be home again for Christmas break in two and a half weeks!
Breakfast was a yogurt mess in a container, it contained the remaining TJ's plain yogurt with a sliced banana and Puffins on top with a glass of milk on the side. I love when I get to eat yogurt messes or oats out of a jar or container! I was bummed I did not have my camera to get a pic but oh well.
The weather today was cold, rainy, and dreary. Yuck. After my morning classes I hate some lunch (which went unpictured) before my lab. I had turkey on sandwich thins, a Red Delicious, and a serving of pretzels with milk. Dinner tonight was broiled chicken, asparagus cuts, and a Harvest dinner roll with milk. Ok so this mught seem a little weird but my friends claim asparagus makes your pee smell weird! I am not quite sure if I believe them but that is what they say.
Has anyone else ever heard of that or do I just have extremely WEIRD friends?
Christmas is my favorite time of year and I absolutely LOVE decorating! I decorated my dorm room and here are some pics...My Christmas tree ;) Of course it is blue and green because it has to match everything else in my room!

and the roomie's Christmas tree with a Bob Marley poster in the background.

I forgot to take a picture of my stocking but I will show you all tomorrow. So tonight is a really BIG game for the New England Patriots because they are playing the undefeated Saint's. So you know what I will be watching tonight...Monday Night Football! Oh yes and of course the new episode of Cake Boss and possibly Gossip Girl.



  1. Asparagus DOES make your pee smell! I've heard that a million times. I've also heard it only occurs if you have a certain gene, or else it won't effect you. I guess I have the gene haha ;)

    Funny stuff!

  2. im watching gossip girl too ;) it's my guilty pleasure

  3. JESS! i saw your message and i pressed publish but it is not showing up :( i have noticed blogger has been doing that lately!

  4. You have a nice blog. Very relatable to a lot of young women I am sure.

  5. yess i have heard about the asparagus thing-- it is true!

  6. i hope people are still reading my blog even though i may be struggling at some points!

  7. aww your dorm room pics make me miss college! too cute!

  8. Hey Jenna! I know you said you were going to see your nutritionist at home. Did you get to? How did it go?

  9. I think people will continue reading, as long as you will be honest and not trying to convince yourself that things are 'just OK' when they're not...

    I recognize so much of myself and that's why I keep saying this. There IS help, you don't have to do this alone...

  10. dear anonymous! i really wish i knew who i was talking to but i understand if you don't want to say who you are.
    i agree with you though. i think i should definitely be honest with my posts! for the most part i am but i hate to complain on my blog and just stress over all my problems, i just feel like my readers don't want to hear me complain?! does that make sense?

  11. Jenna, I think you have a few anonymous commenters and perhaps it is because you seem more receptive to replying to what we are saying. I agree with what this anonymous person said. You won't be complaining, your blog is your blog to do what you want with but your readers are reading because they connect to you somehow and I think it is is clear care about helping you with recovery. Admitting you are struggling is a great start but then you write as if you aren't-that's where the frustration lies. You won't lose readers by being honest and taking our help. You might lose readers by writing posts that are very clearly (not to sound harsh) not genuine. It sounds like you have a great following, of bloggies who really care to help you. Embrace that. Hope you can get a the support you need with your team also. But, we are here.

  12. Jenna,
    It hurts be to see you say you feel that you hate to "complain" in your posts. It won't be complaining. As far as losing readers, I can see you fear because (I think most of us can agree) having an eating disorder is the best relationship enhancer. I think we've all damaged, stretch the bounds of, and even lost friends and close relationships because of our eating disorders. That is going to happen in this environment if you are true to yourself, don't hide behind the mask. Don't let your eating disorder tell you that you can't be "Jenna" here-this is your place, not Ed's. You don't seem to have a personality where your blog is going to suddenly become some dark place, and if it did because you were feeling that way-thats ok. I understand you may want to come here and escape from thoughts of ed and food, but this is afterall a blog about your eats and your journey with ed-so keep it your own. It's MORE then ok to be yourself-your problems aren't going to go away on their own and it might feel safer sharing them here then with people in your life (though I STRONGLY encourage you do that too, at least w/ Karen). People don't read certain blogs because they are the snazziest, or the funniest, or because the person commenting always says what wants to be heard. At least for me, and I think many can agree, we read blogs that we connect with and want to help. I've just been commenting more to people and I will get my own up and running-I commend you for putting yourself out there to feedback. I just hope you will see that the feedback you are getting is of great concern and desire to know more about YOU in order to support you. Hope I didn't say too much.

  13. I was exactly the same as you are now for such a long time. Telling I was 'in recovery', 'everything was fine' and nobody could convince me that I was not. I knew it deep, deep inside though...

    It is possible to get out of this. For me, it was essential to get to a healthy BMI, face all my (food) fears and just do it! Not switching a fruit, but having pasta or ice cream! Things I think you should consider doing too...

    Also new was being honest and open to others about my struggles and that helped. You can do this. You have many supporting readers, it's so worth it! You are worth it!

    xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  14. OOPS please note my typeo's-----I meant to say "it hurts me" (not be) and having an eating disorder "ISNT" the best relationship enhancer (not is! oh gosh!)...hope you understood what I meant. Kiersten

  15. Jenna -I'm reposting my comment because there were so many typeo's in the beginning I don't it to change the meaning of what I was trying to say. (feel free to delete the original) and hang in there.

    It hurts me to see you say you feel that you hate to "complain" in your posts. It won't be complaining. As far as losing readers, I can see your fear because (I think most of us can agree) having an eating disorder isn't the best relationship enhancer. I think we've all damaged, stretch the bounds of, and even lost friends and close relationships because of our eating disorders. That isn't going to happen in this environment if you are true to yourself, don't hide behind the mask. Don't let your eating disorder tell you that you can't be "Jenna" here-this is your place, not Ed's. You don't seem to have a personality where your blog is going to suddenly become some dark place, and if it did because you were feeling that way-thats ok. I understand you may want to come here and escape from thoughts of ed and food, but this is after all a blog about your eats and your journey with ed-so keep it your own. It's MORE then ok to be yourself-your problems aren't going to go away on their own and it might feel safer sharing them here then with people in your life (though I STRONGLY encourage you do that too, at least w/ Karen). People don't read certain blogs because they are the snazziest, or the funniest, or because the person commenting always says what wants to be heard. At least for me, and I think many can agree, we read blogs that we connect with and want to help. I've just been commenting more to people and I will get my own up and running-I commend you for putting yourself out there to feedback. I just hope you will see that the feedback you are getting is of great concern and desire to know more about YOU in order to support you. Hope I didn't say too much.

  16. Lol. I heard about asparagus making your pee smell weird but have no idea how true that is. Can you imagine? I'm so not going to try and smell my pee the next time I eat asparagus. Or should I.... Hmm. Haha. Funny stuff that made my day start with a smile! x)
