Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What a day

What a day
Good evening lovies! I hope you all had a much better day than I did, that's for sure :( Today was not the best of days for me.It started off with a nice breaky including Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi H2H, and a sliced banana followed by two morning classes.
My day was still going well! I had lunch, a smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, with pretzels and a GALA apple...then my day headed downhill from there.
I had an appointment with Karen who I see every two weeks to talk about how things are going (and in my case how things aren't going well!) So I went to see her but I also met with the other Karen briefly before, and that did not really go well. I am kind of upset and frustrated right now and I just don't know what to do :(
I later met with my tutor to study for my test tomorrow but I couldn't really focus because I was so upset with myself.

Dinner later tonight will be a piece of broiled chicken, MIXED VEGGIES, and a wheat dinner roll with milk. How I love my veggies <3

The rest of my night will be spent studying till I fall asleep in my books :/

Oh yeah I forgot to mention this yesterday! I checked my campus mailbox yesterday and I had a little surprise waiting for me...a bag of candy and goodies from the Multicultural Club (which I don't belong to!) wishing me a Happy Halloween. It was so random but very thoughtful!
Have you ever experienced a random act of kindness?


  1. sending positive thoughts your way! xoxo

  2. Jenna-
    I wanted to post for awhile but wasn't sure if it was appropriate, then anonymous brought it up and now you mention your appt w/ Karen didn't go so hot-so, I just want to ask, how are you doing? I miss your PB at breakfast. =( And it saddens me to hear you doing 50 mins on the eliptical, honey...I hope you are ok. I sent you my home email address, I'm here-always. Hope this isn't anything, but if it is-don't feel you can't talk about it. I think you are doing great, you will continue to do great. Hope I didn't say too much. xo

  3. lots of hugs. hang in there. dont let things get to you. try to pick ursepf back up! i believe in you! btw, things arent so well in terms of ed right?
    im here for ya

    katie anne

  4. DUH didn't know your comments were moderated! Sorry for the multiple posts, I thought I was messing up.
    Night love.

  5. Hey babe!

    I'm so sorry your apt. with Karen didn't go well! Are you doing okay? I have noticed some things that Growing Lotus commented about. If you EVER wanna talk, feel free to email me. Really, do if you need to! I'm here for you. We all are :)

    <3 jess

  6. awww love the halloween treats surprise! so fun :)

    hope you have a better thursday girl

  7. Hang in there, girl...we're all here for you :) xo

  8. Hey Jenna...

    Sorry if you don't want to hear this, but it seems like your portions are getting smaller and smaller. :( I hope you have a better appointment with Karen next time. Don't let yourself slip!

  9. thank you for all of your kind words! i really appreciate it and i hope to get back on the right track :)

  10. hey darlin, remember me? anyway, new blog over here, check me out. . . . . i'm sorry to hear youre frustrated right now. try your best to keep your eyes on the prize. you can do it! recovery is so worth it i promise. sending love and hugs your way :)

  11. Jenna,
    I know it can be easy to "slip back to old ways" when you are told how "well you are doing/recovering." Be strong though. You can overcome this and this IS NOT your life! <3

  12. hey love, its just one day and everyone slips up. Get back on the horse stay positive xx love
