Tuesday, November 3, 2009

2 Tests and 1 Quiz

2 Tests and 1 Quiz
Yes that's right your girl Jenna had 2 tests back to back (mind you one of them was a mid-term!) and then 1 quiz all this morning. So you could say I am very happy today is finally over and done with!To get me through the morning I knew I needed a nice breakfast to fuel me up. So of course I choose a yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi H2H, and sliced banana. What a perfect way to start my day!

After all of my tests and quizzes were done for the day it was a big sigh of relief. But the week is not going to get any easier. I still have a Biochmistry Test on Thursday and a paper due Friday.

Lunch was a smoked turkey wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes along with pretzels and a juicy pear.

The rest of my afternoon was spent relaxing for a little while but the I got started on writing my paper. Ugh. Not exactly what I would like to be doing but it has to get done.

Dinner tonight was broiled chicken, BRUSSEL SPROUTS, and a country roll. Can you tell I love brussel sprouts? Well I do! I don't think I will ever get tired of eating veggies, which is a good thing! I love trying new veggies :)

Biggest Loser tonight? I think so!

Do you watch The Biggest Loser? Because I am pretty much upsest with it ;) Great show! I love Bob and Jillian.


  1. Getting ready to watch The Biggest Loser Now!! Haven't really gotten into it this season though ...

    The Brussel Sprouts looked delish tonight!

  2. How come you havn't been having PB with your breakfasts?

  3. Good luck with all the remaining schoolwork you have left!! :)

    Great pre-test fuel :D

    <3 jess

  4. Oh man! I hope you get a lot of relaxation/celebration time in this weekend after this crazy week. I heart brussels too- SO delicious

  5. Ah, man I love brussel sprouts! I havent had them in a while. Roasted..they are sooo good.

  6. i second that pb question?

  7. are those any good? ive never had them!! to be honest i am kind of scared to try them. and ya girl whered ya pb go

  8. i will defs be having more pb in the future!! i have missed it for the past few days :(

  9. i third the pb question-- & where is the milk
