Sunday, November 8, 2009

A special visit

A special visit
Happy Sunday night! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was very relaxing and was just what I needed after a long stressful week. Although the weekend did go by quite fast.
Is it weird I am rather excited for this school week to start?! Yeah you could say I am a nerd I guess ;) Haha. But I am anxious to see how I did on all of my tests, quizzes, and papers!
Breaky this morning was a fab yog mess! I had Stonyfield Organic yogurt with Kashi Go Lean, a sliced banana, topped with Teddie's peanut buttah love with milk on the side.

Then later I went to Target with the girls to get a few items. You know how we love TARGET ;)

Lunch was a smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, with pretzels, and a Red Deliciuos with milk on the side.
Before dinner I had a special visit from my mom and sister! My sister had a lacrosse tournament all day nearby by school so they came to visit afterwards.
I was starving when they left so I dug right into my dinner. I had a nice white piece of broiled chicken, mixed veggies, and a roll with milk. I had NO idea what kind of roll it was to tell you the truth. It was the only type of roll left so I grabbed it and there was no sign on it. I first thought it was Olive but then once I bit into it there were raisins?! There were also little pieces of onions or something. I had no idea what type of roll it was but I would like to know. All that matters was that it was good and I ate it :)
I am SUPER nervous for my appointment with Karen tomorrow and I hope it goes well. I know I will not be able to sleep tonight because I will be thinking about it all night :(
Do you ever get nervous for something and can't sleep the night before?


  1. good luck tomorrow girlie! it will be okay :) relax with some tea :) thats what i do when I am nerrvous about something!


  2. target is like..the bomb! love that place!!

  3. ahh love target, maybe a BIT too much :)

    hope your appointment went well!!
