Monday, November 9, 2009

Great start to the week

Great start to the week

Well let me just say my Monday morning started off very well! I had my weekly Monday appointment with Karen which went well :) I was so happy! I was super nervous but I am glad it is over and done with and it was a great way to start my day off. I know this week is gonna be a good good week :)

Breakfast this morning was kind of rushed since I was running late. I always think I have more time than I really do. I had a yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, and a sliced banana topped with Teddie's peanut butter with milk on the side.

Classes this morning were Philosophy and Nutrition class. After I grabbed some lunch early because I had Biochemistry Lab all afternoon.

I had a nice Fuji apple,

a serving of pretzels,

a smoked turkey whole wheat wrap,

and milk.

All together now!

After lab I went to the gym for a quick 30 minutes on the elliptical. Now I am doing homework and then going to have dinner later on tonight!

Monday night= GOSSIP GIRL. Enough said.

How is your Monday going so far?

Check out this giveaway from WHIT :)


  1. I am such a closet gossip girl fan myself. I've even started reading the books :)And I'm 26!

  2. glad your appointment went well - I was worried about you last week!

  3. Love your eats! And enjoy the week for me! ;)

  4. good to hear your appointment went well :) hopefully you have a great week!


  5. I'm so glad your apt. went well! :)

    Great breakfast :D

    <3 jess

  6. great start to the week! keep inspiring xx love

  7. yay gossip girl. i'm very behind on my episodes...

  8. Good job at the appointment!! Keep on pushing!

  9. My mornings are ALWAYS rushed, too! For some reason I think that I'm really low maintenance and can be ready in 30 minutes. Um, no.

    The turkey wraps look yummy.
