Saturday, November 14, 2009

Love me some protein

Love me some protein
Happy Sunday everyone :) I hope you all had a nice weekend and enjoying a relaxful Sunday afternoon with football. Go Patriots tonight!!

So let me rewind back to yesterday, my dinner was broiled chicken, steamed spinach, and a dinner roll with milk. I was quite hesitant on trying the steamed spinach just because how it looked like a big blob of green mush :/ It kind of reminded me of grass. I have never had steamed spinach before but I gave it a shot and it turned out I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it. I mean I have had spinach before but just not steamed spinach!
Last night I had a really fun night with my friends! But before going out I guess I had a lil TOO MUCH taking a photo shoot as you can see...
My girl Carly and myself :)
Ok so enough with the pics of me, let me get onto my eats!
It took me awhile to fall asleep last night so I slept in a bit this morning. And let me tell you my reakfast was something DIFFERENT again! Two days in a row! Can you believe it?! I swear it is true, I am not lying to you all ;)

A month ago I received a lovely package from Kay's Naturals containing a variety of Protein chips, cereal, and pretzel sticks. Love me some protein <3

I brought some back to school with me and this morning I finally decided to give them a try. I received French Vanilla, Honey Almond, and Apple Cinnamon cereal. This morning I choose the French Vanilla flavor. I mean let's be honest Protein FRENCH VANILLA cereal, you can count me in!

I really enjoyed this cereal, especially the unique flavor! Overall I thought the cereal was very light but I could definitely taste the french vanilla flavor.

I had my French Vanilla cereal with milk and a sliced banana with a drizzle of Crazy Richard's peanut butter. This was my second time around having Crazy Richard's and let me tell you it will not let you down, it is very creamy and peanut- buttery! Now I really want to try the Chunky peanut butter. The combo of the cereal, banana, and peanut butter was superb and went well together.

This morning after breakfast I was feeling very anxious and I just had to do something about it. So...the gym was were I went! I did 60 minutes on the elliptical while reading my Philosophy homework. It was a great workout! After I went to visit my chicas and hung out with them for a bit before showering and grabbing some lunch.

Well let me just tell you about my cafeteria here at school. This morning the college was hosting some brunch meal for some scholars or what not. So they had to close the dining hall until 3pm this afternoon. Now what college closes down their dining hall besides mine? I think no other!

I mean where do they expect kids to eat breakfast and lunch if they don't have food in their room like me? Good thing I am always prepared. We only have one dining hall on campus but we also have a coffee shop but with a limited menu. The dining hall was only supposed to be closed until 3pm this afternoon. But when I went over it was still closed and I waited a half hour before it finally opened. By that time I was starving since it was nearly 3:45. I had a turkey wrap with pretzels and a Fuji apple.

I am now going to do some homework and get ready for the big PATRIOTS game tonight! Dinner will probably be way later since I had a late lunch.

Does it bother you when you eat a meal or snack later than expected?


  1. I always hate it when I'm up at like 9:00 am on a Saturday to study and I have to wait 2 hours for the dining hall to open :(

    Its really good for you to switch up your food choices, or at least expand your "safe" food repetoire. As someone who has made full recovery from an ED, I know if I didn't make the effort to try new things, I would get bored with my day to day meals, which would result in just not eating at all. I don't know if you have had this issue in recovery yet, but it was certainly one of my biggest obstacles. You're doing great, keep it up!

  2. oh man that roll looks so fantastic :) I am a total carb lover so of course it appeals to me.

    love your hair!

  3. thank you for reading my blog!! i'm so glad you like it :) i love yours as well... yay for switching up your eats! & cute pics


  4. Oh gosh! I used to HATE it whenever I had my meals/snacks later than planned. Now though, I don't get too bothered unless I happen to be in a foul mood which isn't very often anymore. Thank goodness! Sometimes, I end up having my snack a mere hour before lunch/dinner because my timings get screwed up a little when I'm out. But I make sure not to lapse and skip them no matter how tempting. It takes getting used to but now that I have, it feels so much... freer.

    Well done on expanding your menu! That takes a lot of strength and you my dear, are awesome!!


  5. Way to be flexible with your lunch! It would have really aggravated me. When I'm hungry, I need to eat. STAT. Hehe :)

    <3 jess

  6. oh believe me girl jess! i was not a happy camper since i was starving. i always have breakfast foods, snacks, bars, and drinks etc. in my room but i needed a sandwich for lunch!

  7. Ah yes. I get really anxious if I eat too late, I don't mind a late snack that'll replace dinner, but if dinner's eaten too late, it drives me nuts. I'm an early riser anyhow, so I think that contributes.

    But loove the protein post! I love me some protein as well.


  8. Go you, mixin' up the breakfast! What is it about breakfast in particular that makes people such creatures of habit? I think part of it is that in the morning I'm too tired and cranky to be creative :D

  9. girl- you are gorgeous!! how is the food at your school? i loved the cafeteria freshman year but i cant STAND it now!! and it used to REALLY bother me when my meal times got pushed back or pushed up..but now i realize that either way-im going to eat and its going to be fine..its so relieving that way!

  10. awe love those pics girlie!!! switching up routine is always necessary to not get bored, ya know? sometimes, i eat cereal too much i cant stand looking at it for a month afterwards loL!

  11. Hi Jenna,
    Just wanna lt you know it's great you're switching things up! But I'm a bit worried...
    You said you felt anxious and decided to go to the gym after breakfast. I don't think that's a 'healthy' reason for someone recovering from an ED to be honest...
    I also worry about the amount of your eats. Please tell me you're also having snacks and supplements? This is truly a weight-loosing diet.
    And next time your caf is closed, you could maybe go to another place (like a sandwich bar), instead of waiting and not giving your body proper fuel. Especially after the work out!

    Please think about it:)

  12. I try not to follow any kind of eating schedule...more just try to listen to hunger cues. I can stress myself out if I try to adhere to a schedule!

  13. Gah it totally stresses me out when I don't eat on schedule! I feel confused for the rest of the day...

  14. Hey girl, good job switching things up. Thought-eggs can be 'nuked'. I know it sounds odd, but I was the queen of it at walden place, and I will tell you nothing beats an egg w/ a slice of cheese between some bread (dip in some ketchup!)-honest to god. Anyway, just my obsession, but wanted to say kudos! Spinach looks weird because it well it just does but is SO good. I have to follow up w/ saying I also see concern in you going to the gym -not going to the gym but 60 mins on the eliptical? Thats not ok, not normal AND not ok for you. OK? ok. I know it is hard, you are doing so well but time to REALLY push. It's hard, I know. Keep writing, I hope the feedback is helpful. No more 60 mins on an eliptical! geesh I am tired just thinking about it!
    Sending love,
    (I do have a blog I just havent updated you saw some comments probably w/ it as "growing lotus"-I'll get back to it). Have a good Monday night.
