Saturday, November 14, 2009

I did it for you!

I did it for you!

Well I should not really say I DID IT FOR YOU, I should rather say I did it for ME!! But I could not have done it without the support from all of you who left wonderful comments on my previous posts regarding switching up my eats.

So without further ado I must tell you...I switched up my breakfast! After a lot of debating whether or not I should not have my usual yogurt mess but to have something new, I decided on a YOGURT MESS! Haha. I kid you not! You probably would have stopped reading this post if you heard I had yet another yogurt mess for breakfast! But what I really had was nice warm banana oatmeal :)
I told myself it is just ONE breakfast and not to worry because it will not be the end of the world. It is just ONE breakfast I kept telling myself. I am sure a bunch of you probably think it is no big deal to have something new, but for me it was!
I had oatmeal twice for the first time this school year while at college. Since it was my first time having oatmeal I really did not know what I was doing so as a result the oatmeal was nothing special. It was rather blah. But after many comments on how to make my oatmeal better I was ready to try again.
I started off with one pack of Quaker Original Instant Oatmeal, 1/3 cup milk, and a smushed overly ripe banana then into the microwave it went for one minute and a half.
This time I made some changes in making my oats. I used milk instead of water and I also smashed up the banana with the oats and milk before cooking. They both made the oatmeal taste a lot better than my oatmeal I tried before.After cooking the oats in the micro they came out hot and smelling great! I then topped my oats with some peanut butter. But not my usual peanut butter, I opened a new jar I have been dying to try...CRAZY RICHARD'S!Crazy Richard's 100% Natural Creamy Peanut Butter!I am not gonna lie I was a little hesitant on trying Crazy Richard's because the consistency just really was not appealing to me. Before I even opened the lid it seemed very liquidy and runny to me :(
But after asking a fellow peanut butter expert (aka Jenny) I learned it was supposed to be like that, especially since I had the creamy peanut butter and not the chunky, which makes sense. So this morning I was brave enough to give it a try! I took her advice and stirred the peanut butter up real well which made the consistency not so runny! I was very happy with the overall taste of the peanut butter and I cannot wait to have it again soon. The second time around trying something is always better, so I can't wait. Perhaps tomorrow? Probably!
A month or so ago the lovely Nanette from Crazy Richard's peanut butter generously sent me not one but TWO jars of creamy peanut butter!

Thank you so much again Nanette!

Whew that was a long post but I felt it was very necessary to let you all know I had something new for my breakfast. I could just not wait until later on today.

The weather today is RAIN RAIN RAIN all day. So I am thinking today will be a very relaxful day. Movies and homework in the future? I think so! I hope the weather is better where you live than it is here.

Do you have any plans for this weekend?


  1. your post literally mirrors my today what with the crazy richards and switching up your eats -- great job, girl!

  2. Jenna-I had the exact same thing too!! I've been having the same thing for breakfast (yogurt, kashi, banana) for so long. Its been hard to switch it up but I'm glad I finally did. Wasn't that delicious?!

    Congratulations! It feels good, doesn't it?

  3. YEAHHH GIRL!!! thats awesome!! go you!! the more you do it, the more you will trust yourself!! and ive seen that PB but never gotten it..hmm is it really salty?

  4. I am so so proud girl! And really: repeat this a lot, so it will become normal to have different things!
    I've been there and am now able to eat everything without a problem (everything yes!). What helped me, is writing down 'difficult things' and doing them all, one at a time. As many times as needed. That will kick ED in the butt! Stay strong girl!
    xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  5. This is huge! yay!! im so proud and that actually looks so good. I want to try it. What do you think of the PB? i always want to try new brands.. should i get it?

  6. yes! the natural PB is totally supposed to be like this! it helps turning it upside down in the frdige and letting it sit like that instead of upright! that should get the oily-ness down a bit!

    love crazy richards though, Love how its not salty at all!

    happy saturday!

  7. Jenna! Thank you for that comment! I love your blog, you've got such a friendly feeling and a warm glow, just from your writing, nothing could stop me from reading, hehe :D

  8. Heya!! Your yoghurt mess looks delish I must say!! Well done! I'm loving your blog and the energy it gives out. It's got me feeling positively good and excited about facing the day ahead! Thanks!!


    P.S. I linked you up by the way. Hope you don't mind. =)

  9. Hey there! Thanks for dropping by my blog! I swear banana and PB are a match made in heaven! Like Naomi said, you can turn the PB jar upside down so the natural oil floats upwards so that the PB at the bottom doesn't become too dry. Oatmeal combinations are take your time to find your favourite!

  10. Its always fun to switch a meal up- your new combo looks delicious! I have been wanting to try that PB- thanks for the review. I had a race today and then we went to my parents house- lots of fun but I am EXHAUSTED

  11. Great new breakfast, anything with peanut butter is amazing!
    Glad you tried something new!

  12. yumm you make me want oatmeal so bad, but its way to hot for that :) very very proud of you its looks delish

  13. Glad to see you tried something new for breakfast ; ) So proud!

  14. Yayy for getting your oats on! :) Mmm. I love both oats and yogurt messes, the question is what to have when the time comes. I can never decide!
