Saturday, November 21, 2009

I guess I was tired

Good Evening! I hope you had a great Friday night! Mine was kinda uneventful but very fun. I just hung out with friends in their dorm and then called it an early night since I was tired for some reason?!
Breakfast this morning was eventful however ;) I mean how could a yogurt mess ever be uneventful? Let's be real! I had some Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, sliced banana, and Teddie's peanut butter with milk on the side.
Ok so for some reason I must have been REALLY tired because after breakfast I went back to bed until nearly 2pm! I know crazy, right? I guess by the end of the school week I am in need of sleep.So after waking up I was not real hungry for lunch so I read some blogs in the meantime (obvs) then ate some lunch. I had a smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes.I also had a cold Red Delicious apple with unpictured pretzels and milk.
My afternoon was quite boring. All I want to do is go home in 3 days! It seems like the next few days are going to go by oh so slow. But I tried to keep myself busy this afternoon!
Dinner tonight is broiled chicken, mixed veggies, a dinner roll and Lactaid milk.
Well tonight I don't know what my friends and I have planned for the night but I am sure we will find something fun to do ;)
Do you usually make plans ahead of time or just go where the night takes you?!


  1. honey I think the reason your so tired may be because your not fueling properly :(

    I don't see any PB in your morning yogurt mess and it worries me that there's not even pretzels with your lunch anymore.

    Please stay strong, Jenna. I know I sound like a biotch but I'm very concerned!

  2. Hey babe.

    I have so say I am worried about you too! Like Jenny said, I don't want to come off as a nag, but I just want you to stay strong! Keep on going--you can do it!
    <3 jess

  3. aww it sounds like you've been in a blahh mood :( keep working hard in your classes, thanksgiving break is almost here and you'll be able to rest once you get home. I hope youre out having a blastyyy tonight!!! dance dance!

  4. Okay, I know you've heard this a bunch, but I too am worried. :( I used to get wraps all the time from your school caf, and they were always a lot bigger than yours look! Maybe it is just the way it looks on the plate? I really hope you are doing okay! Please feel free to email me if you need to. I have been in your shoes! Stay stromg!!

  5. thank you for all of your comments! i am glad you are concerned with me!
    i am struggling a bit but i am trying really hard!

  6. I second, third, Jenny, Jess, all the girls. Maybe you can come up with a plan with your outpatient team while you are home. I am concerned also seeing the Fat Free Lactaid and no snacks...this is coming from concern and caring-from all of us. Girl you can do it! I know it's hard, but try and remember back to being at Walden-you don't want to go back there...push. Pull from within. Know you aren't alone. Lots of love and support your way. xoxoxo Kiersten
    please email/FB me anytime-ok? please!

  7. thanks kiersten for your concern! i just want to put it out there i don't post all of my eats each day but sometimes i do.
    some days i will just put my breaky up and other times i will put up all 3 meals, it all depends on whether i have time to post all pics and if i took pics of all my eats.

  8. i appreciateyour extremely supportive comments on my blog! you are great :) & i do have a facebook!! just find me (shelley leeman) & add meee.

    jen, i'm only saying this bc you deserve it- but im also concerned. I know me saying this won't do anything more than the other girls who already have but i know how hard this whole thing is. it is mental & it is soo hard to get out of habits, but you need to pull within yourself and make yourself eat more & eat normally so you can LIVE normally & stay at school :) i know you can do it. once you add me on facebook, message me. we should definitely talk bc i have a feeling we have ver similar struggles.

    stay strong, i'm here for you!!!


  9. i think it's a good thing that you're going home in a few days, because i really think you need to assess your "recovery". we all are here to support you and cheer you on during this fight, but it just doesn't seem like you recognize how severe this situation is! you aren't eating enough for a normal person to maintain on, let ALONE for someone trying to gain weight. sweetie, you need to go home, sit down with a nutritionist, make a new meal plan and PUSH yourself out of this rut... i'm sorry if this is harsh but it's only out of care and concern. denying the problem won't solve anything! there's no reason you should be dishonest on here... every single one of us is here to help and support you.

  10. me again - I just have to echo everything that "andshesoff". Please try and make the most out of your opportunity to be home. If you don't want to use the support from the fellow bloggies, perhaps your family and friends will give that extra shove you need to really invest yourself in recovery! It is so crucial to your health right now love and you need to take control. Please please please, you're breaking my heart!

  11. aww thanks jenny!
    i definitely think going home in a few days is going to help me in my recovery and i am going to take full advantage of being at home!
    i already have a nitritionist appointment set up for when i get home!

  12. Aw hon! I have to say after seeing the other bloggies concern I am a bit worried too. Stay strong!

    PS: You are not the only one that is tired! I went home at 10 last night and I am already home again tonight! It's only 9:30! I feel like I could fall asleep at any moment!

  13. and snacks girlie!?!?!?! ur body needs lots of fuel!
    katie anne
