Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!
Happy Friday! Happy Friday! Happy Friday! Woah! Can you tell I am happy this week is over?! This week absolutely flew by, at least I thought so. I am also very happy because I am going home in 4 DAYS! I have only been home once this semester during Columbus Day, over a month ago. That is a huge accomplishment since I am such a home body. It is going to be soo nice and such a reward going home.
So last night's BINGO was to say the least...a failure! I won nothing, nada, zilch! I didn't even come close to winning, oh well. It was a fun night with my friends :) It was perfect because it got out just in time for Grey's!
Breakfast this morning was a fab yogurt mess with Vanilla Brown Cow yogurt, Kashi Go Lean, sliced banana, and some Teddie's peanut butter with milk on the side.All mixed together :)
I am also excited to go home because I have lots of packages waiting for me as my mom keeps telling me :) I can't wait to open them all!Lunch was a turkey wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce and tomatoes on a whole wheat wrap...with a RED PEAR! Yeah that is right, I had a different fruit with my lunch. I know it is a really small change with my lunch, but it is a start right?! I must tell you I have only ever had yellow or green pear but never a red pear so I decided to give it a try and it did not disappoint! I thought it was still sweet but more tender than yellow or green pears. I also had pretzels and milk both unpictured.
I was so bored this afternoon but luckily I had a lacrosse meeting to keep me somewhat busy for awhile. If I have not already told you I always like to be doing something! I like to keep busy all the time although I love my down time to relax :)Dinner tonight was broiled chicken, mixed veggies, and a Harvest Oat roll with Lactaid milk. So the TWO topics being talked about today...NEW MOON and OPRAH!
Are you interested in either of these? Are you a Twilight or Oprah Fanatic?!


  1. Yay! I'm so proud of you for the fruit change, Jenna.

  2. i'm glad you changed your fruit but i think it is so important that you keep changing up your eats. it's definitely a start but you should try something completely differnet for lunch one day! i'm sure it'd feel a little uncomfortable but it would do so much for you :) i'm here for support!

    & i'm actually NOT a twilight fan but i lOOOVE oprah!


  3. I'm not a twilight fan or an Oprah fan really!

    Way to go for changing up your lunch! But as finding happ. and health said, keep it up! :)

    <3 jess

  4. Hey Jenna! In response to your question, most teas are virtually calorie free. Some of the bottled kinds aren't though, but don't be afraid to try 'em...they are fabulous too! ;)

    I love me some Twilight and New Moon action...I'm going to see it this weekend and am so excited!

  5. Love your blog Jenna! Have a happy day! Aloha, Amanda

  6. I'm neither Oprah nor Twilight...I actually fell asleep during the Twilight movie...oops! Sorry! >.<

    Yay for getting back home! I hope you enjoy your break, and receive some pampering!

  7. I love red pears!! Good job, chica!

    And Twilight? Nah. Oprah? SIIII.

  8. Yum your breakfast sounds delicious! I've never tried that brand of peanut butter but I hear it's delicious!

  9. is that a new bowl?? Your lunch looks divine! I like how your pictures are looking. Arent red pears cool? I'm a huge fan.

  10. Hi Jenna!! :) Thanks so much for the comment on my blog! I'm so happy to have found your's! :)

    I am definitely a fan of Oprah's!! So sad to hear she's ending her show - it's such a part of our culture, ya know?! But I guess it has to happen some time.

    I'm not a twilight fan. Not sure why...

  11. Have a safe and wonderful trip home!

    And yes, total Twi-Hard over here. I must say, Jacob ROCKED MY SOCKS. I'm a total Edward obessed little girl, but Jacob made me go WOW-ZAS.


  12. Hey! The wrap looks awesome! I can never wrap a wrap well, lol. And your broiled chicken looks tempting too!

    I'll link you up soon alrighty! :D

    xx Solange
