Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I first want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have a great day with family and food :) I am thankful for my family, my health, my blog, and school. Today I will be going over my aunt's house on my dad's side and then over to my aunt's house on my mom's side. I can't wait to spend the whole day with all of my family. I am such a family girl ;)

So let me rewind a lil back to yesterday for my eats. For lunch I had a tuna salad sandwich on Sandwich thins with lettuce and tomatoes along with a Gala apple, pretzels and a glass of milk. It was a delicious lunch and a great change instead of turkey! Last night for dinner I went to Panera on a dinner date with my best friend Claire! It was so nice to see her since she goes to school eight hours away. We had a great dinner and had a blast catching up!
This morning I woke up and had a yogurt mess, Plain Stonyfield Oikos yogurt, Puffins, and a sliced banana with milk on the side while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! To me it is not Thanksgiving without watching the parade! It just puts me into the Holiday spirit.
I already cooked my Roasted Brussel Sprouts with Butternut Squash and Chestnuts and they look deliscious! They were super quick and easy to make, just what I like.

Well I am off to get ready and will not be posting again until tomorrow with a full recap of my day!

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day :)


  1. im so glad to see you are eating a tuna salad sandwich!! way to switch it up hun :) & im glad you are looking orward to the day with your family.... girl, wheres your pb in the yogurt mess? i know it is sooo tempting to compensate b/c of the thanksgiving meal but i hope you aren't because you can totally afford some peanut butter. just lookin out for you bc i love when people tell me what i need to hear

    have a fabbb day!!! and panera is amazing


  2. TUNA! i might have tuna today. how are you girl?! happy turkey day! i've never been to panera.

    yogurt messes. i miss cereal. counting down the days til my burfday. =D

  3. Mmm, tuna salad sandwich!! Delicious! I love those sandwich thins. So soft!

    Hope you had a great thanksgiving. Enjoy the awesome food :)

    <3 jess

  4. Happy Thanksgiving hun!! Although we don't actually celebrate it here. Lol. I hope you do have a lovely day with your family and remember that there is so much to be thankful for!!


  5. ooo that salad looks good!! i was excited when i didnt see a wrap!! haha, i know that sounds lame..but its fun to switch it up..have an AWESOME thanskgiving..enjoy yourself! your bnut squash looks yummay!

  6. your eats look SO good today! Hope you are doing well & getting extra love from your family...and I hope your thanksgiving was everything you needed and more.

    <3 Molly
