Friday, November 27, 2009

Christmas Decorating

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving Day! Yesterday I had a great day with my family. It was filled with laughter, fun, and food, exactly what Thanksgiving is all about :)
Today my family and I am putting up all the Christmas deocrations in our house. It is a tradition every year we do and I absolutely love it. We have the Christmas music blarring and are dancing all around the house. It is a great time!

Today I want to spend time with my family and enjoy every moment I have with them at home! I hope you all understand and I hope to post later on tonight. But I will leave you with some awesome packages I received this week at home.
I got some Protein Pretzels and BBQ Soy Crisps from Newman's Own.

I also recieved some awesome HONEY peanut butter from the people at Justin's Organic Nut Butter which I am super excited to try. I got 10 little individual packets, perfect for on the go!

And last but certainly NOT least, a few weeks ago I won a mystery giveaway from Julie at Julie Go Lean. The package was filled with all sorts of goodies! Thank you so much Julie! I can't wait to try everything.

Well folks my family is calling me so I better get back to decorating the house. I certainly do not want to miss out on anything!

What do you usually do the day after Thanksgiving? Any Black Friday crazy shoppers out there?


  1. i don't have any post-thanksgiving traditions but i know i will not be shopping-- too hectic! & all those packages look awesome :)


  2. Hey chica! glad to hear you had a great Thanksgiving! I'm helping my mom put up Christmas decorations today too! I'm usually a black friday shopper, but not this year because there weren't any sales that I needed to get to. I hope you have a great weekend at home! xoxo!

  3. That package looks fab _ i'm so jealous of all the goodies you guys get in the US!
