Sunday, September 20, 2009

We are the Champions

We are the Champions
Good Afternoon lovies! I hope everyone had a nice day as the weekend comes to an end. Sad to say but it is Sunday and tomorrow is the start of yet another school/work week. My day was pretty good, the weather was gorgeous and I had a lacrosse tournament all day up at my school and not to mention we won all 4 of our games ;) So you could say We are the Champions! The only bad part about today was when I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose and sore throat :( Please don't tell me I am getting sick. That is the LAST thing I need to deal with right now!
But anyways last night I grabbed some dinner from the coffee shop. I had a grilled marinated chicken breast sandwich on toasted wheat bread with a yummy fruit cup and milk.
Last night the girls and I just layed low. Carly and I went to Hannaford's and Stop & Shop so she could grab a few items. The one thing I loved she got was PB & Co. CINNAMON RAISIN SWIRL peanut butter!! It looks really good and I was so going to take a spoonful home with me to have for breakfast this morning... but I forgot :(I absolutely LOVE these fruit cups!! They are always so fresh and good.
This morning I had of course a yogurt mess. I must be boring the he!! out of you guys with my yogurt messes everyday :( But hey what can I say I can't get enough of them! Well to tell you the truth, the reason I have yogurt messes every single day is because they are easy, I feel comfortable eating them, and because I LOVE THEM! I feel as I have been recovering from my ED having this breakfast works for me and I am scared if I have something new then it won't work for me?! Does that make any sense? But I have been trying to change stuff up in my messes like using different yogurts and cereals! I also like to make BREAKFAST cookies, and as a matter of fact I might just have to make one this week!

So this morning the mess was Brown Cow Vanilla Greek yogurt, Kashi Heart to Heart, a banana, 1 tbsp. PB & Co. Smooth Operator pb and milk.

Lunch today was on the go as I was at the field alllll day long. But I did have a smoked turkey whole wheat wrap with swiss cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes, pretzels, a Red Delicious, and milk.

After a long day out in the sun I am a bit tired but there is no time to waste as I have my first Nutrition test tomorrow so I have to study! But right now I just showered and I am watching the PATRIOTS game and then going to the coffee shop with the girls for dinner later! So I will probably study a bit before and after dinner.

Have a nice Sunday night everyone :)


  1. There is nothing wrong with a yogurt mess for breakfast every day! You have to do what works for you! If what works for you happens to be delicious it's perfect!

  2. woooooo!!!!! congrats on winning! i love your yogurt messes! you've definitely got me craving one right now! Hope you have a great evening!

  3. Congrats on the wins! And I hope you feel 100% tomorrow am...maybe it was just allergies? I'll never get bored of yogurt messes! So many ways to change it up! So sad the Pats lost :(

  4. I have yogurt mixes every morning too they are so yummy, yogurt is way better than milk on any cereal

    good job of winning you are a champion

  5. congrats on winning all four games!!! yogurt messes are delicious! why not have them every day?!

  6. Yogurt messes are awesome, don't feel bad about it! :) We love your pics, whatever they are. The grilled chicken sandwich looks really yummy though!

  7. congrats on winning jenna! sorry to hear you didnt feel so well when waking up. i hate that too and i have been having the same thing sicne a couple of days now too.
    hope you feel better soon
    much love

  8. Do what works for you:) But those messes look delicious! Hope you feel better soon, xxx Julia (Taste of Living)

  9. Yay! Congrats on all 4 wins. You guys must be really good. Hope you have a great week.

  10. hey jenna! i just came across your blog and love it! very well done...i am a fellow bostonian : ) So i had to pop in and say hi and I will be following your journey! the yogurt mess looks amazing and perfect breakkie!
